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Anonymous said…
Hi Jules,
what do you think about this talk?:

Computer viruses and antiviruses are created by the same people.
Coronaviruses are many, created in laboratory and then patented.
Coronaviruses are cause, Covid is effect (illness).
Some countries created the anti-covid vaccine and then were sanctioned.
Despite the vaccine regime, higher spiritual forces are constantly working to enable the masses to receive information: vaccines against “covid” are EXPERIMENTAL, so are NOT obligatory and require SIGNED consent: in case of the death, the fault lies only to person who signed.
Humans have brains, pineal gland and information. On the internet you can find information on how covid-sufferers are treated. Oddly, with the same methods as the flu.
A vaccine is a virus, introduced to the organism to force it to fight. If the organism win against that virus, it survives, if it won’t win, it will dies.
I is written that some side effects appear later.
Vaccines are not given to children up to 12 years of age, to pregnant, in lactating, in waiting to pregnancy.
Don't they get sick?
- In order not to destroy future generations of human beings.
But who receives the vaccine is contagious and children, living at home with newly vaccinated parents, do not come infected?
- Parents defend the biological health of their next generation, many people is fighting for the Bio-health for ALL...

So, at today there are:
1) These who is fighting for Bio-health for ALL humans
2) Elite who want: bio-health for themselves, robots (not having to be paid) as a workforce and the human audience for vaccine scientific experiments and trade
3) These who undergo vaccine scientific experiments and do propaganda

Thanks in advance

T. W. said…
Good morning!

I hope everyone is well. 😘

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