The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Today we saw people falling from planes.
Airlifting people fleeing the Taliban. In Kabul.
Sadly this is just the beginning.
Leaders of the World better get their sticky fingers out of their ears!
Feels to me that we are on the brink of WWIII...
Jesus saves.
Climate crisis in the American west
Biggest US reservoir declares historic shortage, forcing water cuts across west
Officials issue first-ever declaration of tier 1 shortage at Lake Mead as it falls to lowest level since its creation
Please pray for my country Afghanistan. We are all scared of the taliban and they are monsters. Our Afghan president and government ran away and left my people.
Very upsetting! Literally glued to the TV 📺
20 year Anniversary coming up! 9/11/2001
I feel something bad is going to happen,
Feel you are right CD 😔
God help us
Grumpy Trumpy most certainly didn’t cause this much devastation.
May God help the innocent in Afghanistan and may God remove the evil. ☮️
CD, can we believe that women will not be returned to imprisonment, terror and trafficking under Taliban rule in Afghanistan?
NATO and the Americans had no chance of success, Gorbachev told Russia's RIA news agency. "They should have admitted failure earlier," he said.
"Like many other similar projects at its heart lay the exaggeration of a threat and poorly defined geopolitical ideas. To that were added unrealistic attempts to democratize a society made up of many tribes."
Please know that so many people are praying for you.
USA was humiliated.
Also in that image of the inside of the plane .. all I can see is men inside. Yes there are some women and children, but it’s predominantly men. Not the image Christian used in this post, but there is another one circulating social media.
I really do pray for everyone in Afghanistan. Especially the women and young girls who are having their lives stripped of education. And people in Western cultures still don’t value education and then there are others are untouched by what is happening overseas.
I pray for everyone.
Stef x
[IWantOut] 73M Afghanistan -> England
[Guide] A Guide to Finding Different Kinds of Freedom: Political, Social, and Economic
This has got the alphabet agencies' interference stamped all over it, no doubt trying to bring about biblical prophecy.
I've also watched A call for an uprisings 'report' on the CNN reports with the female reporter ... saw the Taliban man with eyeliner on ...
Thank you!
I used to watch Call for an Uprising.
I stopped because he was 100% negative & his delivery was argumentative & promoted fear.
That’s sad because the information he shared needed to be heard.
For my own mental health I just could not continue.
But I would love to see that eyeliner video!
I find it odd that these men are leaving their women & children behind with the Taliban.
We know what the Taliban do to women, children, & LGBTQIA+ people.
They are as good as dead.
So why did all these men leave them behind to fend fir themselves?
Are these men terrorists posing as refugees?
Are they just cowards?
What else is going on?
- - - read - - -
I found the eyeliner video:
This video & the CNN report confirms part of a dream interpretation Christian gave me several months ago.
This IS part of the movie.
Even CNN is saying this.
It is orchestrated .. of course its orchestrated.
Moe Othman tweeted, the following images of the plane .. just look at the difference between the two planes .. and also note the number on the plane ..
Did you see the man running past the plane waving his arms and smiling!!!
There are also conflicting videos circulating around now showing no one running next to the plane .. this video clearly demonstrates they have used CGI.
The video about a live news broadcast being interrupted to show a Satanic ritual gave me a chuckle. This was done accidentally on purpose…
Yes, that CNN video was funny! So was the guy-liner.
Ain’t no Taliban man gonna wear no eyeliner.
As a matter of fact, Muslim men do not wear makeup or jewelry. Not even a wedding band!
I will not go into the details of my dream here, especially since the proper authorities have been notified.
But I will say this:
1) The Movie is now a comedy
2) A set up is taking place & cannot be stopped. All we can do is help people evacuate. Remember that when the press reports on a terror event in the future. The people being blamed are not the ones behind it…
As for the people running after the plane, yes, the mainstream press in USA have broadcasted the video of the MEN laughing, waving, making the peace ✌️ sign, etc. during an evacuation. Their behavior is not normal.
I have traveled on a C-130 aircraft. You can’t run after or beside a military aircraft like that.
A few days ago I said I found it odd that there were no women on the planes. Why would Muslim men leave their women & children behind for the Taliban to abuse?
The answer is they would not.
Remember how I have been saying for years that Christian’s blog is monitored?
Last night on the evening news I saw reports of families fleeing. The news made sure to show women & children being evacuated.
They also made sure to show someone handing their baby to a US Marine. The Marine had to stand on the fence to receive the child.
The news broadcast made it a point to say the baby was reunited with its family. Seeing how many people were trying to flee, I have no idea how they were able to pick the child’s entire family out of the massive crowd.
THEY have to monitor this site as THEY create & act out their movie scripts…