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Reservation Dogs | Official Trailer - Season 1 | FX on Hulu

I was looking for something to watch on TV
This trailer popped up.

It Premieres next week Monday 9th

It was so great to see Indiginous people represented with  comedy.

Qudos to the
Sterlin Harjo & Taika Waititi.

We all know about Taika.
But the name Sterlin Harjo popped out to me
I see him directing big projects
I see
Him becoming very big, successful very fast.
Wait for it..
It won’t be long…
Also it feels like he's a really good guy…

Moving on to Reservation Dogs

This is going to be a Massive hit for FX & Hulu.

There’s a tall young man with lots of hair.
He is going to be a big Star…

Also the White Guy dancing in front of the garage doors.
Is going to be a Massive Star.
On Screen & Stage…
Really Funny guy….

Sorry I don’t know their names they weren’t listed in the trailer credits.
If you know who they are let me know.
I sense many break out Stars from this show…
But these two stood out they are going to be huge…

Good job FX & Hulu & all involved

This show is one to watch….


T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!

I’m so happy people will have success because of their work on the show.

The food truck theft reminded me of an episode of the cartoon Johnny Test. The Extreme Teen Team was stealing a shipment of drinks if I remember correctly. If I find the clip I will post the link.

This show looks funny! I get FX but I do not have Hulu.

I hope FX airs this on their cable network!
T. W. said…
Johnny Test: Extreme Crime Stopper
LB said…
Thanks CD for the heads up on this show!
Must Watch’ 😊👍🏻

Hope all is well, stay safe everyone!!!

Anonymous said…
News about Johnny Depp, his love life, job life, the Virginia Lawsuits and everything going on in this regard are more than ripe. Give us some ripe fruit, Christian ;-) !
Anonymous said…

Is THIS Johnny Depp's future love?!?

You didn't specify the hair, CD.

If she is not, then: Has Johnny already met his future forever love or will he meet her in the next few weeks, months...? And in which month?
Anonymous said…
Will Johnny Depp get a retrial in the UK?

What is happening in the Virginia Lawsuits?

And after THESE are over, will they be the last lawsuits EVER for him? Or are there still some coming in the following decades?
Anonymous said…
Totally watching this. Thanks for sharing.
Starlight said…

Dear Anon

you are right,
we are all important

the humans who
are not so loud

they have all
my attentions

thank you for
your wonderful
values ❣️

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