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 God Bless


Lovely Libra said…
I lived in CT when this happened - in an area where many community members commuted to NYC. I worked for a leading newspaper - it was a sad, scary time. That December, my daughter and I went to NY - the fires from the Towers were still burning - the city streets were littered with dying flowers left in remembrance - and the city was loaded with posters of photos of those who were still missing. We actually saw Rudy Giuliani leading a group of people down into the bowels of the remains of the towers. It’s hard to believe now, but he did an outstanding job of leading the city during that time - he was looked upon as a hero — and he really was. When this happened, I was at a business conference in Colorado with 50 newspaper executives from all over the country — none of us knew how we would get home. I was on the very first flight allowed — it was a 747 with just 8 people onboard.

We were all scared - and we were all eyeing each other. We held a little meeting - not knowing if each of us could be trusted - and we immediately all agreed — if something were to happen, we would fight.

Scary time. And look how much the world has changed in 20 years … newspapers are almost all gone - Giuliani is no longer a hero - and we have never — and will never - be the same. Compared to today, those days look innocent.

Please … be kind to yourselves - be kind to each other - help everyone you can.
Erika said…
We will not forget. X
teacher wendy said…
I was teaching a class of inner city second graders. I had to figure out how to explain what was happening in our country that morning because I wouldn't let my kids watch it live on the television and I knew the other teachers were letting their students watch 9/11 events live. I thought 7 year olds should watch it with their families first and I knew they would be seeing it in pictures and videos the rest of their lives. I didn't know what would happen but I also knew the other
students would be talking to them at lunch. So I explained it to my classroom by starting with the stories of Pearl Harbor. My sister was born 7 days before they bombed Pearl Harbor and that is where I started with her stories. And now they would have stories and memories of what happened today like my sister had of Pearl Harbor and tye war in the 1940's and they would carry those stories in their hearts and memories forever. But most of all I told them they were safe. Not really knowing if any of us would ever be safe again. And when I went home to let the dogs out for lunch, the world has ceased moving and the quiet little airport I live next door to on one side and teach next door to on the other side was surrounded by squad cars and shut down completely.

And if I meet on of those 33 former students today to my surprise they can quote everything I told them that day word for word. And that they never were scared because that all the ways I told them they and their families were safe.
LB said…
Thank CD ❤️✝️ 🇺🇸
My mom is watching Friday night recaps on TV live 9/11/2001
events. I can’t 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😢😔 I remember hearing my friend on my
answering machine “Lisa, if your home, and still sleeping “get up” a plane
just hit one of the Twin Towers in NY, call me....”
That will be a phone call 20 years ago tomorrow, I will not forget..
#9/11/01 #wewillnotforget #remembering9/11
RIP victims and families of victims today 9/11/2001
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Lucky said…
Yes. Never. Unfortunately.
LB said…
@Lovely Libra
Thank you for your story...❤️🇺🇸
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra,

I thank you for sharing your story.

First hand accounts are important.

God bless the survivors.

God bless the loved ones of the dearly departed.
Cordelia said…
A day when the whole world stood still numb in pain.
Lovely Libra said…
Bless you Teacher Wendy — you gave your students the most important gift any of us could have imparted: the feeling of safety. You will never know how your words and actions that day shaped their hearts, minds and souls for life, but you will know it was positive and loving on your part. Bless you - and thank-you for being here now.
Sana said…
Will Never Forget 9/11
And thank you Lovely Libra, teacher Wendy and LB for sharing your stories. Currently watching Netflix's Turning Point:9/11 and the war on Terror, couldn't finish the first episode
Tony said…
From the UK..our hearts are with you with our prayers to all our friends in the USA. God bless you all 🙏🙏🙏❤❤
Quinhas said…
On September 11, 2001, I was dropping my two boys (5 and 1 at that time) at school and babysitter when I heard a car radio channel stop what they were doing and start talking about a plane crashing into one of the twin towers. I was in disbelief. I live 10 minutes outside of NYC. I am an attorney and I was suppose to go to a court hearing but I refused because I was afraid that any public federal and state building could be targeted. Wow. We did lose our innocence. God bless America.
T. W. said…

I’m glad you and your family were not harmed.
Starlight said…

I was there
years later

tried to

then I read
all these names

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