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Sunday Charrabang trip... ...



T. W. said…
Hollywood is on strike but the Golden Globes will still hand out awards.

They might as well because no one watches them anyway.
Anonymous said…
what happened to Tom Cruise? he has a big face.
Anonymous said…
Will chesney hawkes get in the Christmas charts with my fab Christmas song in 2021 and will I move house in 2021? Oct Nov DEC
Anonymous said…
Chesney hawkes said MY fab Christmas song is not right for so I will have to hire a band when I win fated lottery in fact
Anonymous said…
it is clear:

only Christian Europeans are capable of TRUE LOVE due to their Christian heritage,
Jews, Mixed and non-white have been practising polygamy, LGBT, pedo throughout history, they are incapable of TURE LOVE.

in many cultures including Japan, rape and pedo are normal culture that are accepted.
do not believe the media, they are are Jewish.

Anonymous said…

look at how Ben Affleck treated J Lo who is not even a white, and how Woody Allen (a Jew, mixed) treated his own step daughters (raped one and married another), then we can see that, White Europeans (Christians) are superior to Jews, Mixed and non-white.

Now you may understand why White Nationalists are right: just look at how men treat women, Christian Europeans are a civilized people, of course you may say Ben Affleck is not talented and Woody Allen is talented, that is wrong, Jews are good at copying (like the Chinese who do not wear their traditional costume Hanfu but adopt West costume like the Jews), Jews never invented anything but kept granting themselves with Nobel Prizes.

Jews' only success is their marriages with White women to have white-skinned children, but nothing else.
that is truth, Hollywood makes it very obvious to all.

Anonymous said…
What happened to your prediction readings? All I see are memes and good morning posts.
MBMOM said…
Anonymous-there is NO ROOM FOR HATE HERE! How narrow minded and WRONG you are! My husband is of Jewish descent and NO ONE would consider me white! We are successful, happy and live quite comfortably in LA Country!
Please keep your out dated and stupid comments to yourself. You’re embarrassing!
T. W. said…
Why are people making bigoted posts?
T. W. said…
To anonymous

You should leave this blog.

Christian has said he has Arab ancestry.

You clearly do not like people of color.
Anonymous said…
truth has nothing to do with hate, you are delusional.
if you google, in Japan, rape is not criminally punishable.
I planned to visit Turkey, but when I figured out 98% Turks in Turkey are Muslims, I changed my idea.
Turks lied to me pretending they were not Muslims, what a joke.

truth matters.
Anonymous said…
never mix TRUTH with emotion (hatred or love) or politics.
Jews, Natives, Asians and Blacks all want to marry with White, to gain social status and to have white kids; they treat their own women bad, so their culture never change.
I know Jewesses are still treated by Jews badly, but Jewesses are very manly, they treat other men like trash, when their own men prefer white women particularly German women to them.
how heartbreaking?
you never see a singly happy Jew, all Jews are SAD, just like the Natives and the Chinese, why? because they are ambitious, they think they deserve white women as if women are animals
(when you see someone said about whether a man DESERVES a good women, you would know they treat women like crap, stay away from these garbage, as they deserve Jews' domination, hahaha).
Jews are insecure, and forever angry and sad.
I guess Jews believe if they marry enough German women, their feminists women will fight for them, as German women are blondes, beautiful, brave and loyal.
I guess Jews will fail, because their children will never be German; 100% Jews, men or women, have typical Mongol features, if you see their noses, eyes, skin texture, and most importantly their men are small-bodied while their women are manly and aggressive.
David Beckham is a Jew who has a English appearance, but he is not loyal to this wife treating his wife as a breeder, and his kids have Jewish feature.
Interracial marriages, political correctness and lawsuits, can NOT change anything in a long term, just like wars, Jews are constantly creating their own Karma, they believe communism would benefit the poor, but it is wrong: if human could vote, they would vote to have God removed as God is minority.
Jews don't hate me, they know my intention is good, they know I am right.
Jews are now facing their own Karma: the Chinese who do NOT understand anything have put Jews' twins Uyghurs at Concentration Camps, Jews can not achieve anything more without their Uygurs twins who attacked Syria for them; also Trump stopped Muslims' takeover in Europe so Europe is safe for the time being.
so, please don't play mental games with me, you will feel sorry if you do.
if Jews want to change, they should start treating their own women equality, cease to rape and oppress Jewish women, only then, I would say Jews have a good future.
Jews treat their own women like trash while teaching the world how to respect women, that is a joke.
I know too many Jewesses, 100% Jewesses are unhappy, angry and feminists.

Anonymous said…
and forgot to say,

Jewesses are not only manly, aggressive and feminists, they rape, stalk and control their men like female wolf control sheeple, and their sons are weak and thin, daughters are manly and fat.

Jews should restore their Confucius and practise foot-binding to control their own women.

Hollywood are two kinds of animals: Jews/Wolf and Gentiles/Sheeples,
it is very entertaining, I have written hundreds of articles on Hollywood since 2015, I have spoken to numerous Hollywood male celebrities who "love" Jews so much.

History repeats itself, Jews originally came from the East, now they promote communism and democracy to the Easterners posing as White Europeans (that is why China built Great Wall and now fire wall), Japan was once inspired to attack the US (see Ben Affleck's movie) and failed, now Jews supported Red China to conquer the US, wait and see, I would ask China to conquer Japan first.

Real life is more entertaining than movies, as movies mainly attempt to distort reality, brainwash and corrupt women and children.

I have had fun in this community, and thanks to all.
MBMOM said…
Well Anonymous, everyone is entitled to their opinions. It’s a shame yours shows your ignorance. Remember, karma is a vengeful bitch.
Anonymous said…
my friend was a human rights activist working for the government, she is black.

She would get angry if you mention her hair is curled,

she does not want to hear the word "black" as if it were criminal to see her as a black person, her photos online show her a mixed race,

she would condemn anyone who dates a White, but she was proud to show us photos of her son's girlfriend because she is a White.

She is retired now, and I guess she has white grand children.

when you meet feminists, human rights activists of jews, Chinese, Native, Black, Muslim backgrounds, understand that, they want their children to be White, they believe they are entitled to get white women (women are not humans, really). they are the real racists and sexists.

T. W. said…
The anonymous bigot writes the same way The Lion King & others do.

They said they had fun.

What was fun for them, making hateful comments or starting an argument?

Let’s be real.

They are leaving for now because we are not taking the bait.
Anonymous said…
And so on
From somewhere
to the Parke…d

October 19 2021
at 3 :48 pm

Strange how you as a person in so called human body,
(not in human form)
can describe about so many race or nationalities with so your understanding truth speaking

about how they
are living and
what they are doing wrong and what they wanting…

Because you are doing everything right and knowing ,
like we see…

on your own legitimate grounds?

Based on the something?!.

In the earth has /
7.9( minus someone ) billion people ,
4 major races,
( thanks to universe stupidity doesn’t have race,nationality Or color )
About 6,500 languages (+1)

And you chose that +1 yourowntruthfulMFtongueinmouthhaspurehatenorespect
language …

I am sure your parents
are still so proud of you and clapping hands because you have your own language.
I’m not sure
I have question?..
Do they teach you something more ?
Or disrespect was your family language?!.

(majority coming
from home abc123?)

Unfortunately you living at the moment in the same earth with all of them who you disrespect
and breathing the same air..
Of course you already showing with your writings that this is Uncomfortable to you.
Don’t worry
” I help you”

Anonymous October 19 2021
at 3 :48 pm
One thing is one hundred percent sure ,
that you don’t respect time…
Enjoy now your time what you have .

(Because we all have only time..)

Nothing to do with
love ,
Or emotions

Only truth
Take it as a Christmas gift.
Imagine now how
All future words what’s comes out from your mouth or finger@tips going straight to the soil .
“So be it”
⛏Step by step 🕳

Anonymous October 19 2021
at 3 :48 pm
Seems like you know own capacity everything,
then you also have glues what this means….?!
Work and whistle together lalalalaa…
Step by step …

If you didn’t understand something use the instructionbook.
Anonymous said…
when I do read your comments, that means I study your culture,
otherwise I ignore your existence.
so don't even try to waste your time arguing with me,

I merely say what I see,
I would never put the Jews in an oven
I would never put the Japanese and Uyghrus at Camps;
I would never make laws excluding the Chinese
I would never put Natives in the reserves
and I would never slave the Blacks

Karma does all the work,
it has nothing to do with me.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 🥀
October 21, 2021 at 12:03 AM

(Karma does all the work,
it has nothing to do with me.
Hahaha )👈
You must be kidding me?
Whats that,Adult person ?

I m sorry you miss or mister brain ..
Do you know what Is KARMA?
No ? !

Karma is energy
and you creating it with your speech ,
with your doings,
With your emotions,
With your actions..
Yes you have much
to do with KARMA..
And you are seeing
that sooner than you believe..

Anonymous 12:03 am
Arguing with you?

You absolutely wrong,
No ..
I’m not arguing.

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