I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing) This is what I saw in the dream. I SAW... Alexandra Grant is married. Not to Keanu Reeves. T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the East coast of America. (Not New York City) I Saw She was in a very close relationship with this "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character... This person has been "Away" for quite a while... (If you know what I mean) This person is threatening to return.. She will... To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors they both had a part in. As I write this. Keanu Reeves & his team. Do not know of this. Alexandra, knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away... STAY TUNED... MORE TO ...
law enforcement is overwhelemed, so they are declining to answer calls for "lesser crimes." They will not respond to theft calls unless a certain dollar amount is stolen. This was happening before people wanted to defund the police.
New Edition And New Kids On The Block Faced Off In A Battle Of The Boy Bands At Last Night’s American Music Awards
Illuminati Card Game
(All the cards are explained. A lot of the videos that thoroughly discuss this game have disappeared from Ewe T00b.)
Bay Area hit by 3rd day of looting by crowbar-wielding mobs
Residents blame Democratic lawmakers who downgraded the theft of property less than $950 in value from a felony to a misdemeanor charge.
The same lawmakers also enacted bail reform laws making it easier for criminals to hit the streets following arrests.
San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin faces a recall election amid soaring crime rates.