The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Many more have died from covid than from side effects of the vaccines.
We all have to die. The choices we make in life just alter the timing and the probabilities of one cause over another. In this case, they also alter the probabilities for people we come into contact with.
I choose the greater chance of protecting myself and my contacts from mild covid, long covid, severe covid and death over the minuscule risk that they might do me harm.
I think the same
the vaccination
is right
I work with humans
who cannot vote
that is really tragic
I was at a store today. Woman brought her sick child in.
The child’s face was red & she kept coughing.
The mother said, “I don’t know why you look sick.”
Every time I turned around, there they were.
They even kept switching checkout lanes (queues) as the child coughed.
Meanwhile another woman shoplifted & drove off.
I’m sorry and wish I had better words.
The people who died from Plague cannot tell us about it because they are DEAD.
Those who had it & survived aren’t bragging about it. They are begging people to take precautions.
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency Documents
Stating people have died and are suffering from major life-changing health complications after receiving the vaccines are not lies, nor are they conspiracy theories. Every single country is collecting official data on the reactions to the vaccines, and they are available to the general public, now whether they are playing around with the numbers etc is up for debate. It is also true to state that some countries have suspended and will not use certain vaccines due to the diverse negative reactions the said vaccine is having on people.
Of course, there are and have been 'hotspots', but for every report that hospitals are overrun with covid patients, there are whistleblowers saying the opposite, and they have released reports/videos from inside empty covid wards.
We simply can't be sure of the numbers who have died as a result of COVID, lets not forget for everyone saying that drs would not forge death certificates and write covid down if covid was not the course of death ... there are drs stepping forwarding saying they have done it themselves and revealing they were paid for doing so.
For every psychic who says get the vaccine, there are others who say don't.
For every health professional to say get the vaccine, there are just as many, including Nobel prize winners and well-respected Drs consultants, virologists scientists etc stating don't get it.
In fact, there are many lawsuits going on in the world right now concerning
virtually every aspect of how COVID has been handled.
She had 3 autoimmune disorders and should not have taken the Vaxine.
Do y’all see what’s really going on now?!
Africa as a continent has one of the lowest Vax rates in the world but has less outbreaks per capita.
Israel & Gilbraltar have a 100% Vax rate but they are in crisis.
My doctor told me not to take the Vax.
Now what?