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So many of you have sent 
“Prayers & Thoughts”
For my Mum , Christine.

Just wanted to say 

Saw her yesterday for the first time in 3 years. 
(Due to Covid)

The first thing she wanted was a 


Won’t be the last…

Lots a Luv

Mum after two healings..

Eating again


Trigunluver said…
Archangel Michael please send your healing angels and healing to Christine and please give a thank you to all the staff, doctors, and nurses that work at that hospital. Thank you.
Erika said…
Sending your gorgeous Mumma, Christina, continued healing so that she might be restored to perfect health. Thank you Spirit for watching over her and walking beside her during this time. Please continue to offer love, courage and comfort to CD and his family now and always. Amen 🙏
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian I pray and wish for a healing for you mum, my God bless and heal all those who are in need. Many Blessings to all 🙏✨🌟⭐️🌟✨💖💖💖💖
Anonymous said…
Everyone, focus on Christine’s beautiful face and send healing, love, & light. The more we unite, the more powerful the healing becomes.

The Original S
Starlight said…


with all my love

Mariefass said…
Continuing to hold you and your mum in love and God's care.
Mother of an Angel said…
Sending love, light, prayers, & angels to you both.
teacher wendy said…
Sending your mom healing! She looks good in the photo! No tubes or machines. I am glad you are there with her, because a comforting touch means so much. It was 27 years ago on the 29th we lost my mom. My sister was all she wanted. My sister comforted her. I could only watch. I am glad they had each other. Now when she cries out for Mama, mama isnt hear only me amd I am not enough. I hope you give your mom all the comfort time she needs. What is the prognosis?
A Person said…
It came to me to put healing energy into her food and anything else that enters her body like Vitimine etc. I looked at her and saw her eating but the food needed a boost.
Sally said…
Hi Christian,

Praying for you both 🙏🙏

Sally X
T. W. said…
I am happy you are with your mum now! You two are blessed to have each other.

I looked at the photo and thought Mrs. Christine was receiving love and healing.

She shall live to declare the works of the LORD.
Roxanne said…
Sending your Beautiful Mom healing and love. Sending you love CD
Cordelia said…
May the healing power of God's love for his children make everything perfect whole and complete. Amen
Kitt Med said…
Prayers sent🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Anonymous said…
I pray for your mom and your family.
MBMOM said…
Sending you & your mum love, warmth & strength.
Just looking at the picture, I feel the healing & peace flowing into her.
Letty said…
Sending so much love and healing to your mom!
She is in my thoughts and prayers! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
God bless her!
Apple Monkey said…
CD - her spirits must have lifted so much seeing you. There’s nothing better than a great hug and the healing looks magical. I do hope you are able spend lots of time together. And you are able to look after yourself as well. You are both constantly in my thoughts. Lots of love xo
Anonymous said…
Healing and prayers for your mom 🙏
Apple Monkey said…
Ps Just noticed your mum is Christine and you are Christian. How cute! Lots of love xo
Anonymous said…
Sending healing light to Christine and you all. Creator blessings. Girl from Oz x
Jendevivre said…
Prayers sent to you and your mum for healing 💖
Anonymous said…
Imagining your mum in healing white light...
Anonymous said…
Sending light and healing to your lovely Mum, to you and to all your family. May every hand placed on her be a healing hand. I am so glad you can have this time with your Mum. Kate
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi CD sending lots of love and prayers to your mum and you too. May God's healing light come down upon you both. Please take care
Anonymous said…
With love & prayers . Grateful for your update. Blessings & healings God speed to Christine , you Christian and all your kith & kin🙏🏼❤️💐xxxx LH,London
Tasha said…
sending support, love and healing to you both
Girl from Oz said…
So glad you’re with your mum, send you both prayers and love!.
Sally said…
Your Mum must have been so delighted to see you after all this time. It lifted her spirit.

God Bless you both 🙏🙏

Starlight said…

so great to see
her well ❤️

T. W. said…
Thank you Christian! Yes, eating is a good sign. God will continue to strengthen your mum. I'm sending love to all of you!
Apple Monkey said…
Oh CD - that was so wonderful seeing your mama eat. How is she today? Sending you both lots of love xo
teacher wendy said…
She is EATING! and drinking...what a step in a positive direction! One small step at a time!....
Good for you. I will say more prayers. She looks so tiny and frail...fatten her up a bit. You can do it....I cant tell you what food can do! Try cheesecake.
Jules said…
Thinking of you. Sending you both much love.
Stef x said…
Dear known and unknown archangels, may Christian’s mother receive healing and be in good health 🙏🏼 xx
T. W. said…
Love from me to you:
n said…
what a beautiful Mum. Sending all thoughts and healings for a good recovery health and wellbeing for CD's Mum. Already recovering just from having you near her. Mums everywhere , the times have not been easy for older ones, and they are all tough ones.
Tony said…
Hi Christian. Eating and drinking a little is a very positive sign for your mum. Plus with you being there with her, has definitely given her a terrific boost.
Plus with all the love and healing from this blog, you are both not alone.
Spend as much time as you can with her. You being there is the best medicine she can have, with your family there too.
My Dad is 92, and 3 months ago he had a stroke and fell from the last 4 steps of the staircase, and cracked his head on the cabinet which left an awful long deep gash on his head which needed 23 stitches, plus he broke two bones at the top of his spine. He's home now and whilst he was in hospital, the doctors said he will go home to pass away. Three months later, he seems to have rallied which has surprised both myself and mum. He's also got dementia and bladder cancer, but it's incredible to see an improvement, thanks to mum who used to be a nurse, and also the care staff who come to see to him. So let's all keep the faith and love and healing..and treat everyday as a bonus.
Love to you and your mum and family.
Tony X 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤
Truth said…
She is near the ocean; I wish you both well. Your love is palpable, you've both been through much especially your mum. That woman is deep. Christian your right about bumblers concerning the Russia/Ukraine/ issue. The sad part of this is a small rather insignificant person will/may start a major conflict purely by a misjudgment possible fueled by national duty. Fingers crossed Christian.
Kristy said…
Prayers and healing to you and your mum 💕
Starlight said…

All who see this
Lovely Lady

want to protect
her ❤️✨
T. W. said…
Tony, I’m glad your dad is still alive!

Truth, you always speak the truth in your special way and I appreciate you.

Starlight 💫 You are right!

All Friends, I love you! ❤️
Tessa said…
I'm so happy you reached her and are giving her healing. Will continue to pray for you both
Psychic Gossip said…
Mum update once again thank you all so much for all your kindnesses, thoughts & prayers. Saw the consultant today .. he said “No real change. Just wants her to eat more. But no feeding tube. So just wait and see. Mind you Mum wasn’t for speaking to me so I gave her a manicure. New Profession ha ha cdx
Tony said…
Thankyou T.W.
It's an absolute bonus and it's fabulous!! God bless you XX❤🙏🙏

Dear Christian.
A new profession aye?!!
Fingers crossed your mum will start to eat a bit more 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Quiet said…
Aaaww CD I can see in her eyes how happy she is that you are there. Its tough as they get older. Chin up. Prayers being sent for you both. xx

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