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Mum update..

Mum, had a seizure last Saturday.
Which was very bad on her.
Since then she hasn’t been taking fluids, or food.
Just seizure meds as well as pain meds.
She is just sleeping all the time. 
At times she appears to be awake.
But, the Dr says that’s normal.
So it is just a waiting game.
One of us is her all the time.
Just so she knows she’s not alone.
That’s all for now.
Once again Thank You all so much for your prayers & thoughts.
It really does make a difference..
Lots A Luv
CDX & Family


Anonymous said…
Oh CD, we love you! XXOO The Original S.
Cordelia said…
God bless you all CD. 🙏 You are truly blessed to have this wonderful Mother and family.
Starlight said…

with all my Love
my friend

with you, Christine
and your family ❤️

Kitt Med said…
Prayers sent, love sent to you and mom!
We love you CD and mom.❤❤❤
Laura D. said…
Christian, I understand what you’re going through and I know how difficult this part of life is. I'm glad that you are able to be with your family and with your mother and that she isn't alone. How are you holding up? It's important for you to take some time for a little self-care. I hope you are able to do so. Sending love and hugs to all of you.
Lovely Libra said…
Ah CD … she is such a beautiful soul; you’re a very good son. I’m with you, my friend.
Sally said…
Praying for you both 🙏🙏

Take care X
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian, God bless you and your mom.
Anonymous said…
Sending you lots of love, Christian. Glad that you're there for her.
Tasha said…
sending you support and love
Lucy said…
Sending love. What a difficult time for you all. I'm so glad you can be there with her.
Mariefass said…
Holding you, your mum and family in love.
MBMOM said…
CD - my heart is breaking. 💔I know how you’re feeling and what you all are going through. I’m glad she has those that love her and mean the most to her around her at this time. Keep sending her your love & strength. I know she feels your warmth. I’ll keep you all in my prayers. If there’s anything you need, email me. XOXOXO
Anonymous said…
3 TV doctors did laugh when I talked about red And purple grape juice destroying cancer etc , doctors think they know it all but they don't know it all in fact and I never listen to doctors like the cases when they wanted to Turn off machines but families said no and they woke from coma and got better
Anonymous said…
Sending all of you blessings and healing light. Your Mum is a beautiful soul, as are you.
Anonymous said…
Well psychic I had that dream and in the dream you are talking to my brother so is that after I win fated lottery in 2022 and give you some lottery money when LOTTERY comes in ?
asm9950 said…
Christian, my mum used to say, "You struggle to be born and you struggle to die, love". May God ease your mum's passage to eternity.
T. W. said…
I want to cry. Ms. Christine is a lovely woman and I am praying for her to make it. I have prayed for her and her family. Christian, I hope you feel our love and our presence. You are not alone either.

Sometimes loved ones hang on because they know their family does not want them to leave. When my dad was in hospital I told him it was okay to go home to God. On one wand you want the people you love to stay. On the other hand you want their suffering to end. We hope we can have it both ways.

I pray that whatever happens is what God wants. I’m sad right now.

I love you.

Anonymous said…
Prayers for your mom 🙏🏼
Danielle and Enzo said…
Sending you all continued prayers and love! 💗🙏🏼
Motger of an Angel said…
Sending love, angels & prayers to you all.
Letty said…
Thank you for the update CD.
Continue to pray and sending her healing, light,
and love! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
Sending love and prayers to you and your family.
Blackbird said…
Much love to you and your precious Mum, CD.

How special that you are there with her.

You are both in my thoughts.

Tricklem said…
I hope your mom will be ok.
Anonymous said…
I said a prayer for her. She will I healthy.
nico123 said…
Sending love. God bless
Jules said…
Sending you both much love to comfort and support you, you are both in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
Prayers and love sent to both of you
Love Camilla
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian wishing you mum and family and all those in need healing and God blessings 🙏
Anonymous said…
Prayers and support to your mom, to you CD and all your loved ones. 🙏✨
Unknown said…
Sending love and prayers to the family. May the angels hold your mother in a loving peaceful embrace for her comfort at this time.
Louis said…
Thinking and praying for you both.
Anonymous said…
Be strong for your mother, CDX - just be strong. xxx Take care. God Bless You & Your Family ~~~
Tony said…
Dear Christian.
Sending you love and my thoughts are with you and your dear Mum and family.
God bless you all.
Tony 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Beth said…
So many lovely thoughts and comments and all deserved. It may not feel like it to you but what you are doing is amazing. I'm very proud of you. Lots of love xx
Girl from Oz said…
Sending love
Anonymous said…
Glad you're with her, hope you all feel the love.
Anonymous said…
Your mother is precious! Sending prayers and blessings.
Roxanne said…
Sending your Mum prayers and love. Sending you and your family love and hugs. Thank you for the update.
Anonymous said…
I believe in miracle and hope your mom will do better soon, it is nice to be with your family. I love my parents and miss them a lot, I left them when I just turned 18. family love is the most beautiful thing in my life. I have mentioned many times, I love your people, a very honourable people.
Tessa said…
Love you both ❤️ Thank you for the update. Please stay safe ❤️ God bless you both
teacher wendy said…
I am so glad you are not alone and others are helping take turns. Its so hard when you are by yourself. She knows you are there. Sometimes you have to give them permission to leave and cross over. You have to tell them you will be ok. When the time comes be brave and tell her its ok. Let your heart lead the way my friend. My prayers and thoughts are with you on this hard path you walk.
MH said…
Thank you for the update Christian. Thinking of you and sending your mom, you and your family strength, love and healing lights. You’re an amazing son and person! ♥️♥️♥️

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