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Thank you ALL… From My family & I….



Hi Everyone, just to let you know Mum.

Passed away last night 22nd February 2022.

My sister Dawn was holding her hand.

So she wasn’t alone.

Thank you all for your kind thoughts & Prayers.

Lots A Luv


Many, many THANKS to the Consultants,Drs. Nurse’s, Support staff, Housekeeping,Trinity Hospice. At Victoria Hospital Blackpool. 



Anonymous said…
My dearest condolences, Christian, to you and your family! May your mum rest in peace. 🖤🤍
Anonymous said…
God bless you and your family. Your mother will always watch over you with love.
zj said…
Please take a in piece
Anonymous said…
I’m really sorry for your lost Christian! ❤️
Girl from Oz said…
I’m so sorry for your loss CD xxx
MBMOM said…
My heartfelt condolences to you & your family on the Loss of your dearest mum. I can’t help but believe she chose the 2-22-2222 to be her day.
I’m happy she was surrounded by love!

teacher wendy said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you as you walk the new path without your mum in it. With luv teacher wendy and her zoo
Anonymous said…
I’m so sorry Christian. Our Deepest condolences to you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Tracy said…
Sorry to hear - hope you are ok xx
Tessa said…
Oh my. God bless your sister, Dawn. I'm sure that was hard for her to be there but also a blessing. God bless you and your entire family and mother's loved ones. We all know your dear mother is living peacefully with Angels now. I'm sure all of you giving her love and care, and being near her as comfort in her final weeks was uplifting to her soul. She will never again suffer. She will only feel love. Much love and peace to you, Christian.
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry for your loss Christian. Sending lots of love. Take care. Mal x
Anonymous said…
Sending you the comfort that you have given so many. 2/22/22 is such an appropriate date to go from thus world to the next. Much love is being sent to you and yours.
Johanna said…
Sending you and yours much love as your Mom makes her return to her heavenly home. Her picture surely reveals such a geniune loving energy and what a gift she was as your parent. May your memories of her comfort and enrich you always Christian.
Cordelia said…
My condolences to you CD and all the family. Your Mum put up a brave fight to stay with you all, and I pray that she is now reunited with her loved ones in spirit.
Erika said…
My deepest and most heartfelt condolences CD. May your beautiful Mum be cradled in love by Spirit who will restore her fully. May you and your family feel the outpouring of love, hope, compassion and healing that surrounds your hearts. I will you forward. God speed Mumma. Bless CD xxx ❤❤❤
Anonymous said…
So sorry for your loss Christian. Thoughts and prayers with you and your family at this sad time.
Anonymous said…
God bless you one and all. Sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
Reunited with you dad CD. Condolences to you and your family 💜💜💜 Girl from Oz xx
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear….rest in peace
Starlight said…

it makes so sad
and speechless -

the only thing
that helps is

that she wanted
to go and that

everything was ready
for her coming

with all my Love
my friend ❤️

Anonymous said…
give rest to the soul of Thy departed servant Christine in a place of brightness, a place of refreshment, a place of repose, where all sickness, sighing, and sorrow have fled away.
Anonymous said…
My dearest condolences 💐 to you CD and your family, may god protect and guide you and your family at this time in your lives may her soul Rest In Peace👼👼👼💔🪦
Lovely Libra said…
Love to you & your family🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️
T. W. said…
Dear Christian and Dawn,

I am sad for you and I pray you receive God’s love and comfort during this sad time. Your mum is now home and is reunited with your dad. I am glad your mum was not alone when she departed the Earth. You have Friends here and we all send love to you. I pray you receive our love and support and I pray you and your sister receive much needed rest.

The LORD bless you and keep you.

The LORD make His face to shine upon you.

The LORD give you His grace, mercy and perfect shalom peace.

Tony said…
Dearest Christian and your family.
My sincere condolences and I am deeply sorry for your loss of your dear Mum.
May God bless you all. You're in my prayers and I will light a candle for her tonight.
Take care and love to you and your family.
Tony X🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
L said…
My condolences to you and your family, CD. God Bless You and all the work that you do.
Sally said…

May your Mum rest in peace. 🙏

Take care of yourself 🙏

Sally X
Mother of an Angel said…
Sending condolences,love,light,hugs, & angels to you & yours CD. Take care of yourself. Your mum is in good hands now. XOXO
Tasha said…
Sending you a gentle hug
CU said…
Dear Christian, your mother will be your personal angel now, always helping you with your intuition 💕 22-2-22 sure is a magical date…
God Bless You All said…
sorry to hear that. I will continue to pray for your family and your people. God bless you all.
Anonymous said…
May your mum rest in peace. She’ll be watching over you and your family xxx
N.H said…
Bonjour, Mr Dion
Toutes mes condoléances à vous ainsi que les membres de votre famille, mes prières et mes pensées sont avec vous en ce moment douloureux, prenez soin de vous, avec toute mon affection. N.🙏
Anonymous said…
I'm so sorry Chris,sending luv to you and your family
N.H said…
Bonjour, Mr Dion
Toutes mes condoléances à vous ainsi que les membres de votre famille, mes prières et mes pensées sont avec vous en ce moment douloureux, prenez soin de vous, avec toute mon affection. N.🙏
MH said…
Dear Christian,
My sincere condolences and I’m truly sorry for your loss of your dear mom. She’s home now with your dad and looking over and guiding you and your family. Please take good care of yourself! It’s a great responsibility and not an easy task to do what Dawn embarked on. God bless you both! Sending you warm of hugs and lots of love. ♥️♥️♥️
Anonymous said…
Christian, accept my sincere condolences.
You know I'm not good with prayers but my heart is with you.

Anonymous said…
I’m so sorry CD❤️
Sending love and comfort to you and your family
Jules said…
My deepest condolences to you and your family, Christian. Sending you much love to comfort and support you. You are in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Anonymous said…
Much love to you, Christian. I'm very sorry for your loss. I hope that your mum has an amazing journey in the beyond!
Blackbird said…
Sending SO much love to, CD. Your mum will experience no more suffering and will be able to watch over you and her other loved ones while feeling the best she ever has. I believe we will see our loved ones again - I hope I'm right - and I don't think they ever really 'go away' - we pick up little clues that they're around. (But I'm sure gifted people such as yourself probably 'see' them as well). It's not 'goodbye' in a way; it's more 'see you soon'.

You give us so much with your blog and advice; please let us know if we can do anything for you? (I hope you can feel all the collective love in this post).

Anonymous said…
May she rest in peace and in eternal light. 🙏✨ Thoughts and support to you CD and your family.
Londongal said…
My sincere condolences to you and your family. Give yourself time and space
Flowers said…
My condolences, Christian
Cat Lady said…
So sorry for your loss.
JG1962 said…
I am so sorry to hear your sad news. Wishing you and your family peace, love, and happy memories of your mum. Kudos to her, she picked an amazing date to pass over. xx
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi CD so sorry for your loss of your beautiful mum. Lots of love and prayers are being send to you and yours at time.
Kitt Med said…
My condolences to you and your family. My prayers are with you and your family.
May God watch over you at this time.
Much love ❤❤❤🙏 and prayers your way and your family.
Letty said…
So sorry for your loss CD
My condolences to you and all your family
Sending prayers and ❤️ love
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear, Condolences and my sympathies go out to the family.
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian:

your mother is a nice lady, very kind.

thanks for sharing your family life with us; I secretly thought you may have faked up everything, but there are so many comments supporting you and I start to trust you.

Hope you will make some videos in the near future, and we will make comments.
Mariefass said…
CD, may God hold you and your family at this time and going forward. Holding you in love. Your mom is home now and that is everything.
Anonymous said…
Sorry for your loss prayers for you and your family.
Kristy said…
So sorry for your loss. Hope your mother bring at peace is a consolation for you and your family. ❤️
Nina said…
My sincerest condolences to you and yours, Christian. Saying goodbye to our mothers is one of the hardest pains we all must endure at some point.

May she rest in peace.

Apple Monkey said…
Darling CD,
I am so so sorry to hear about your Mum. You and your family have been in my thoughts. Sending you and your sister so much love. Rest in peace Christine. Lots of love Apple Monkey xoxo
kat said…
Truly sorry for your loss, CD. May she Rest In Peace and cherish you all from above.
Lucy said…
What a beautiful lady, she is with angels now. Sending love and prayers to your family during this sad time. I am glad you were able to be in England. I will be thinking of you xxx
Shelly said…
Oh no. So sorry to hear CD! My condolences to you and your family. You are in my prayers.
Anonymous said…
My deepest condolences to you and your family, sending you lots of love to you and your loved ones
Chocmint33 said…
Condolences to you and your family CD. Love and healing to you and your gang. May your lovely Mum have peace, happiness and fun at the other side. Lot of love. XXX
Stef x said…
I've gone to write this comment three times, and I just feel that words are not enough to express how sorry I am for your loss and my deepest condolences to you and your family. I hope your mother is in a better place and is happy and you and your family find peace.

Lots of love, Stef xxx

Louis said…
Hi Cd, I have struggled with what to say as saying I'm sending my condolences don't seem enough. I am truly sorry for your loss deepest sympathies...All I can say is look after yourself and wishing you better days ahead.

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