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The Worshipful the Mayor of Blackpool & your Council ….

 Dear Mayor.

My family & I moved to Blackpool in 1980.

I consider it my “Adopted” hometown.

Currently I am visiting from America where I now live.

So why I am posting this on my blog?

Well, I am very sad at how terribly rundown Blackpool has become.


Rows and rows of empty shops.

Rows & rows of sad tired Hotels.


Swarms of children running loose in the town centre.


Smoking cigarettes & POT.

Terrifying locals & visitors.

People on the buses & trams.

With their feet on the seats..



The homeless.

Many, of them frightening those that they approach.


Even tough the great work of redoing the tram system is great.

That won’t be any good if visitors no longer visit this great Town.


You really are in great danger of seeing Blackpool.

Becoming the “S**THOLE.

That it almost is…




Anonymous said…
Well psychic Dion> you predict that prince Charles will never be king so that means that all news channels are telling us fake news saying prince Charles will be king so should we all get £100 bonus each cos TV news,radio news + newspapes are telling us fake news?
Cordelia said…
Sadly CD many seaside resorts are suffering the same and this Covid pandemic has only made the problem worse.
Lovely Libra said…
CD - so sorry to see this; unfortunately, lots and lots of towns are looking like this - and worse - all over the world.

Want you to know I’m thinking of you & your Mum every day - every day a prayer for the well-being of you both.

ANONYMOUS - believe in CD - life unfolds in its own pace — often a mystery to us. Charles is NOT King yet — you
have no reason to disbelieve in any prediction. Nobody owes you a damn thing - so quit whining and get busy helping the homeless, feeding the hungry, and cleaning up our neighborhoods!
Anonymous said…
I think UK and the West built a lot of new buildings and shops in order to attract immigrants with money from China, the Chinese did come with cash then followed by refugees from Manchuria and Northern China who said they are victims of Communism; problem is, these refugees are FAKE and they are dirty poor although they pretend to be super rich, there are about 100 millions of Falun Gong in China and the around the world, they do not drink, do not smoke and do not use drug, they can become rich by living off social assistance.

I used to live in downtown in my city, when the Chinese came, housing prices were high and the government did not do anything, they took bribes from the Chinese (all of them); now I am back in downtown, it is becoming poor and backward, White people and people from Hong Kong (they are the only group that had money and did not collect social assistance, Chinese collect free money and food even though they are rich) all left the City; no more children around.

The City is strange.

It is like Detroit, when Black came to live in the City, all White and rich people escaped; now across the West, Chinese refugees (unfortunately they are FAKE refugees) namely Falun Gong have been promoting anti-communism material on street, they also invade people's homes searching for valuable to sell for money, nobody wants to be called as a racist, so they will escape eventually.

Jews' investment is a major factor, as banks are controlled by Jews, they seem to invest more on the Muslims and Black Lives Matter, it is my feeling.

your mayor can do nothing or he will have to leave his post, that is called "democracy". either way, I need to learn to quit drinking, I guess, hahaha.
T. W. said…
Anonymous Poster

Your question is valid. However, my intuition or whatever you want to call it has repeatedly told me for over a decade that Charles will never be king.

The American tabloids claim Charles will not become king because Her Majesty the Queen discovered Prince Charles ordered the hit, uh, I meant accident that took Princess Diana’s life. I repeat, the American tabloids said this. I do not know what happened.
T. W. said…

Can anyone tell me why Kristen Stewart was nominated for her role as Princess Diana but Lady Gaga did not get nominated for House of Gucci?!

I’ve been saying this for years: it’s all fake! The Golden Globes weren’t even televised this year. Everyone knows the GGs are fake. Don’t believe me? Ask Pia Zadora…

T. W. said…
Lovely Libra,

You are truly lovely and I truly apologize for the other day. I put myself in time out and I hope we can stay Friends.
T. W. said…
Blackpool sounds like my home town except we aren’t near the sea & it has been in the decline since the 1980s.
Sally said…
Can we have an update on your dear Mum 🙏
Take care X
Anonymous said…
I visited Detroit in my late 20s, the city with glorious buildings was deserted, Black males came to force me to buy their FAKE gold necklaces and offered to kiss my toes; I think everybody who supports Black Lives Matter should visit Downtown Detroit, it is not safe as most people were Black.

My Dean was a Black woman and I visited her house sometimes, she hated White for slavery, I guess she would kill all White should she have a gun.

anyway, now the city I live is different too, Chinese Falun Gong stop everybody forcing them to take their material about their organs were harvested by Communists.

But one thing is for sure, Nazi was evil however Germany did NOT have a single refugee, real or fake, even today, I never heard a single ethnic German talked about how "evil Nazi destroyed their culture, forced them to kill girls and adopt one child policy, or harvest their organs".

Western civilization should be given credits and respected, it is too dangerous to destroy White race because of what their ancestors had done, real or fake.

One thing about Communist is for sure, most Communists in China are ethnic Chinese (99% people in China are ethnic Han), not Jews nor Uyghurs, so 100 millions of Chinese Falun Gong came to the West collecting social assistance supporting Donald Trump, we will need to move to Detroit, at least Blacks do speak English and many accept Jesus Christ.

Do NOT blame bankers, they only want to make money, they are not politicians nor media.


Lovely Libra said…
TW — no need to apologize now or ever — got nothing but love for you all the time! One of the blessings of being a Libra is the gift to see everything from every point of view - and personally, I have no need to be right about anything — I enjoy different opinions and points of view. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years, TW — so please — keep being YOU and keep shining your light.
Anonymous said…
but good thing is, we have Indians who accept western values and do well,
they work as security guards across the city so I know it is safe to live at a Black Lives Matter era.
life goes on everybody,
enjoy today and have some beers,
I feel like to have a cold beer.
Bladerunner said…
Since Brexit this whole country is going down the drain. But US isn‘t better, lot’s of poverty and overweight folks. So Christian you see we all need your lovely comments to keep us in a good mood, please come back on YOuTube soon, 2022 predictions please!
Anonymous said…
Charles won’t be King. God has a sense of humor. He’s been the Prince of Wales for 50 years. He will not see the throne.

The Original S
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

I thank you with all of my heart! I have been upset with myself. Sometimes my comments come out wrong. Sometimes they are just plain wrong. I thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow. We grow together! 😘
T. W. said…
This is bizarre to me:

Gus Kenworthy Says Sleeping With Women While He Was in the Closet Made Him Cry
Londongal said…
Sadly many places are now looking like that. Recently there was an article about the rubbish on the Parisian streets and it looked like brighton
Wishing your mum and your self well
Anonymous said…
I pray that things will get better. Christian I was wondering if you could keep my mom and I in your prayers. We’re going through an extremely rough time and it’s been so hard and exhausting. Thank you!
Blackbird said…
Dearest CD, I hope your mum is doing better? She popped into my dreams last night (the picture you posted) ... I wished her all the very best <3

That's very sad about Blackpool, and it's not just Blackpool where it's happening ... there are so many places around the world that are like this. Meanwhile, there are people living on the streets, unable to afford a basic roof over their head ... while houses sit there, boarded up. It's wrong on so many levels.
Anonymous said…
CD, please remove the vile racist comments.
Anonymous said…
Blackpool has been rough since the millennium. People seem nice but Always better off in Yorkshire than the red rose county!
Anonymous said…
Woke America will not drag the rest if the country down for long.
When will Papa Smurf do the honourable thing and go. He has achieved nothing - just like trump.The future of America is civil war. Look where people are moving away from the woke states if California and New York to Florida and Texas.
Anonymous said…
what does FAKE refugees mean?

it means these people are criminals who lied under oath becoming citizens in the West through deception and fraud, they should be jailed or deported back to their countries.

Blacks are REAL refugees mainly, Chinese are FAKE refugees mainly.

but Indians who created Chinese civilization Buddhism (Tibetans also learned from India indirectly) know the Chinese better than White and Black.

so we need not to worry about anything as long as the Indians (in India) are still around; I think the Indians are the most humble, intelligent and friendly people on earth.

Read this:

The varied attributes of Canyon
Beth said…
wrt Charles, perhaps his vascular/heart disease will catch up with him before Time, though I see today he has tested positive for covid.

Lovely Libra, truly lovely of you to offer daily prayers for C and his Mum ❤️
T. W. said…
We will continue to pray for each other.

I believe in free speech but these comments have to go. Once was okay free speech wise but this is bad.
Tessa said…
I'm sorry to hear that your former hometown has gone that way. :( I feel terrible seeing homeless people because there's really nothing that an individual can do to help them long-term.

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