I hate to say this.
But I think Putin is Hitler reincarnated.
I know people won't like to hear that.
But if he's allowed to carry on,
with his path of madness.
We will see history repeat itself.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzuhlcxgDfceKHjCZW7V5aA
Perhaps the AntiChrist Spirit entity is inside of rasPutin and you are picking up on that?
5 years ago he was a waiter, now ESPN’s newest anchor inspires thousands
Shuler King - How Bad Do You Want It?
Max McGee, KLN ’15, Heads To ESPN To Be An Anchor On SportsCenter
Ukraine ... what now?
Tarot Time with Andie
Ask Jesus Christ for help.
Good luck humanity.
With love,
Ukraine’s National Guard boasts of Nazis killing Russian Muslim ‘orcs’ with lard bullets
click "AfricansinUkraine" on twitter you will know how Blacks and Indians are being treated as inferiors in Ukraine
Ukraine: Concerns mount as black people report racism while fleeing war zone
‘It is obvious that we Africans are regarded as lower beings,’ says Nze, forced to walk several hours to Polish border
Fact Check: Outrage at ‘Racist’ Treatment of Africans Fleeing Ukraine
Thank you both.
The Bridgestone tire factory near my hometown in NC suffered a cyberattack. The company shut down other factories elsewhere to prevent the computer virus from spreading.
Elie Wiesel, The Night Trilogy: Night, Dawn, The Accident
FIFA and UEFA have moved to ban Russian clubs and its national teams from footballing competition following Russia's attacks on Ukraine ordered by president Vladimir Putin
‘The damage is done’: Russians face economic point of no return
In the comments section the psychic says Putin will fall. He & others say rasPutin is doing this because he knows he is dying due to illness & wants to leave a legacy. He might have a heart attack but something else may be wrong with him.
Світовий прогноз: майбутнє Путіна
Putin Puts Nuclear Weapons Forces on High Alert
From Seer Eric Leigh Pink, shared per request:
Мировой прогноз: будущее Путина
В 2018 году Spirit предупреждал нас о плане Путина. А теперь поделитесь с нашими прибалтийскими друзьями теми предсказаниями, которые еще НЕ сбылись. Как видите, приливы меняются. Расскажите всем. Знаете ли вы, что справа от этого сайта есть кнопка под названием «Переводчик Google». Переведите ее и отправьте снимок экрана тем, кто заинтересован.
Предсказания 7-19-18 «Бомбардировать… мирных жителей вокруг… за один раз» Цель Путина… отделить запад от единого фронта… слишком много раз запад мешал планам России по экспансии. Они полны решимости разрушить единство между западными странами, чтобы вернуться к тому, чего они хотят... и теперь это работает.
World Predictions 12-26-18 «Теперь Путин планирует принять меры против Украины». У меня было изображение либо большой ракеты, либо ракеты, летящей в космосе, за ней было черное облако, означающее «проблемы».
Предсказания мира 12-8-20 У меня было визуальное видение, что я иду вверх по склону холма по грунтовой дороге. На пути дороги были две змеи, которые боролись за дорогу, постоянно огрызаясь друг на друга. Затем один укусил другого таким образом, что это было так враждебно.
Я продолжил путь и увидел, как собираются армии. Два народа готовятся к войне. Каждая сторона бушует. Затем самым ужасным образом зажглись огни, приводящие в действие ядерное оружие. На этом сообщение заканчивается впечатлением, что преобладают более холодные головы.
Предсказания, которые еще не сбылись.
Прогнозы 6-3-17 Попытка убийства.. Путин.. лояльность теперь под вопросом. Гражданская война говоришь? Насилие грядет. Скоро будет насилие. Скандал.. еще один.. Россия. Бомбардировщик.. бомбардировщик.. скоро будет.. У меня было изображение изготовления бомбы, затем оно сместилось, чтобы показать мегаполис.
У меня было визуальное представление, что Беларусь начинает расползаться. Протест привел к ярости, а затем к беспорядкам. Тяжелые жестокие руки от властей.
Лукас… соглашение.. быстрое.. выходи!
У меня было визуальное представление о множестве людей, протестующих в ярости. Затем он стал черным... затем я увидел тех же людей, празднующих, взволнованных и счастливых.
На месте протеста власть, как вор в ночи, рыщет против народа. Внезапно люди, выступающие против власти, исчезают, и о них больше никогда не слышно.
Задержан... в тюрьме... все кончено».
У меня было визуальное кудахтанье цыплят, преследуемое человеком. Потом кто-то поймал курицу. Курица была поднята за горло, затем другой человек быстро перерезал ей горло. Брызнула кровь.
World Predictions 2-16-22 У меня было видение, что на шахматной доске падают еще два "Короля". Это произойдет очень скоро. Один лидер был вынужден уйти в отставку, а другой ушел.
Изменения приходят благодаря силе осознания. Время перемен пришло.
I have a question
Do anyone
Please don’t call out hate or anything..
They are only questions..
And you can say your opinion
Thank You
Do you really believe that behind everything is Putin😊?
Or maybe Ukraine President?
But PLEAS think before you answer.
Who is really making all this what happening Ukraine?
Is this Putin
Ukrainian’s themselves?
Is this really because of land
This is begging destroy Germany and Germans because what happened past with Ukraine president grandparents and Jew people..
Is it really so that Putin was taking all he’s army’s to destroy Ukraine or
He is at the moment in Ukraine ,because protecting the word from attack..?
Who really behind everything?
How long Ukraine president making plans to destroy and take money from EUROPE Union and weapons..?
How easy is now destroy everything when Russia has of from swift and aircraft 🤔..
Why Russia wanted sit to the table and make a peace ..
But Ukraine said no many times before yesterday..
My opinion
Ukraine president playing all Europe and NATO ..
Correct me if I’m wrong..
Did anyone has seen list what he asking from EU and NATO?
We speaking maybe one day about this all…
Are you sure that Putin is only evil in this case?
What I send little earlier..
I send something to CD direct one day after I read some opinions,
but I don’t know how anyone else can see that ☺️😊
No propaganda or anything else only opinions..
Reason is that ,
how some videos can do tricks..
Video is 110 % real ..
And made years ago🤔☺️…
Yes video is about Ukraine sitting president
Both rasPutin & Papa Smurf have dementia but the USA has a system of checks and balances. Papa Smurf can't do what rasPutin is doing without permission.
Is that not in a way instigating war with NATO ? Running US military exercises with Ukrainians?
There’s the argument that he wants to do this to recapture USSR but then there’s the POV that he’s trying to retaliate what appears to be militaristic encroachment?
no war is any good. But is US trying to get war out of him? There’s a lot to be said about the US Arms industry and how it survives off the instabilities of other nations; war is essential for Business survival, otherwise obsolete. Peace can’t compete with business in this field.
What are thermobaric vacuum bombs? Russia accused of using weapon against Ukraine
“They used the vacuum bomb today, which is actually prohibited by the Geneva convention,” Markarova said after a meeting with legislators. “The devastation that Russia is trying to inflict on Ukraine is large.”
Thermobaric explosives, also known as aerosol or fuel air bombs, use oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature blast that typically produces a wave of a significantly longer duration than that of a conventional device.
yesterday morning
(I need mentioned
I’m trying only see 2 side in this
and understand my visions ..
People In Ukraine who’s building was in fire this morning /1/3/22
my friend from Europe
(she is Ukrainian )
her friend was one of them
Living in building …
and she send 3 video,
saying exactly this word’s ..
In 1 one video
( Russian military they wearing Ukraine police robes the same group who was behind the bombing
and I heard in this video ,
one men said
we asked everyone to leave.
I have videos from this morning what this girl send..
I don’t know ,I don’t have trust to anyone
you know better if it’s safe to post or not ,
I writing ,You decided .
I think Russian army doesn’t have
Clothes if they take from Ukraine police and they was exactly made for them
I’m sure they have also
closet in tanks…
And asking go out before bombing..
So I think Ukraines doesn’t need help with clothes they need only guns and
70 fighting aircraft but he mentioned that 10 is ok also..
Lavrov trying to tell about something but nobody listens and I think this was big mistake..
I m not brainwashed in real life,
but you be so nice and think so ,
you have this right…
(I dont live this kind reality..
Second you clean your mouth from things ,
if you don’t understand concept of conversation)
You don’t fucking arguing with me without knowing all story ..
did you see that Russia was first who open the fire?
Yes , I don’t think so..
thank you!
Just in case that you understand better..
I asking questions about thinks I see..
Does Putin have dementia??
ITS easy to use own thinking and seeing abilities ,
Ask and answer
But it’s difficult to live if you going
this kind of basics in life where you saying thing only
based what brings TV picture..
And I don’t need you believe anything..
I don’t live because in your believing system..
Here ( I cat but links,because like you see I writing anonymously
Prior to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, U.S. intelligence predicted that in the real world, Russia would quickly gain air dominance in the Ukrainian skies with the help of its air force. Six days of Russian offensive warfare have now taken place, and there is no record of Russian air dominance. Russia has used its air force so sparingly that the U.S. authorities are embarrassed and unable to explain Russia's actions.
Did Ukraine president (or someone behind the screen made some confession for president Putin ( or to someone who’s sitting in big table in Russia
And this confusion is the reason Why
Putin bringing tanks to Ukraine?
I did not know about Angela Merkle!
As for rasPutin, he is clearly physically sick. I do not know if the sickness, the medication, or a combination of both is causing him to experience cognitive decline. British press and others have said rasPutin has Parkinson’s Disease. If this is true, psychosis & dementia are not uncommon.
rasPutin is a psychopath sadist murderer, he takes sick pleasure in making people fear him to death. I saw videos his subordinates were so scared not to say a wrong word to him clearly fearing for their lives! And this monster was very amused. He doesn't care for anyone,but his sick imperialism vision. He doesn't care a bit about russian people as well, don't be fooled. Other countries authorities know very well he cannot be trusted or believed.
Also, bewere of putin's propaganda machine, it's everywhere, very sneaky and aggressive. It's here as well.