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“ ONE IS NOT AMUSED” Tom Cruise Wannabe Kim Jon “ TOP G”UN”.

This “NUTTER” is feeling very left out.
Since the his “NUTTER” pal Putin.
Attacked Ukraine.
So he’s having a tantrum.


This is just the beginning of a very dangerous plan.
He’s going to carry on.
Firing more & more missiles.
Each one bigger than the last.
Till, someone stops him…



T. W. said…
The Bible does say “the kings of the East” band together & cross the Tigris & Euphrates river for war.

These people are desperate to usher in the AntiChrist spirit so it can inhabit a human. Then The End will begin.

Every time they try to rush this God steps in.

Remember what happened when Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump ran against each other for President?

Now you know why Madame Clinton was not permitted to take her place in The White House.
T. W. said…
I take it Kim Jong Un did not die a couple of years ago?
Anonymous said…
You have such thought-provoking posts T.W.
Anonymous said…
CD your posts concerning war are much too heavy, it‘s not very responsible of you spreading all this horror an you blog, all your naive and wicked followers will commit suicide possibly. Fated lottery win is a much bigger theme for me. Shall I rent a butler or do the housework all by myself? Blackpool rules
T. W. said…

Thank you! You all help me too. We are stronger together.
T. W. said…
Blogger Content Policy
Michelle said…
Wow, I'm amazed at all the hysteria. What the West needs is to stay calm and collected while dealing with Russia. Putin has clearly lost his mind otherwise he wouldn't have tried what he has done to Ukraine.Tptb know they are dealing with a different class of lunatic compared to Saddam et co. A lunatic who has a large nuclear arsenal at his disposal. Mutually assured destruction only works when you have same leaders. It only takes one madman to push the button. The Ukrainian situation is far more complex than most people realise, in fact, very similar to northern Ireland. Best we can do is donate for aid relief and pray hard that this conflict will be resolved. Russia is where n the worst situation possible right now and if the government falls, depending on who succeeds, it's economy will be at the mercy of American and Chinese vultures. At least be very grateful that Trump is no longer president. The world has bigger problems to deal with right now besides being plunged into an unnecessary war that most countries including the US cannot afford. Having the most sophisticated military counts for nothing if the government currently too broke to go on another military misadventure
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi CD I was wondering if Anonymous of 26.3.22 is one of many who are trying to shut down free speech on the web. As it looks to me as many are trying to do so. Please take care everyone and like T.W. said on 26.3.22 we are stronger together. Talk soon
Michelle said…
TW, there is a very good reason why Mrs Clinton didn't win in 2016. It simply wasn't her destiny. I remember reading a blog from an Australian astrologist. The site is gone now since he passed away a few years ago. His name was Ed Tamplin. But he mainly dealt with politics. But he did analyse the charts of all the main contenders during the primaries and he called it right regarding Trump. Namely that his chart had the edge over Hilary.

And the the third world war, let's just say Saudi Arabia could be the main catalyst or star player since they have Algol in alignments associated with all major nuclear explosions. They are the only country in the world with this aspect. They have an increasingly repressive leadership and the West will have to be very careful when dealing with them.

Plus the NWO is destined to fail. Look to Russia. Communism doesn't work and oligarchy doesn't either. The elite can only work together for so long until someone ends backstabbing and betraying each other to claim the most power. It's simply base human nature and the way humans have always operated. That is why so many ideologies when put into practice have failed. Anyone who has the most basic grasp of psychology will know this. 😘

Oh and I forgot, I came across an article by accident a couple weeks ago and I got the same vibes as when I saw the photo of Jack Schlossberg in the Enquirer magazine. This was before Christian made his prediction of him being a future president, I got exactly the same feeling.
Put simply, I believe that George Bush numero three could be on the way to Washington within the next ten years. I just wanted you to know and check him out. But yeah, it was the same feeling when I saw the photo of the guy.

And if you really want a President guaranteed to turn the country into a communist hellhole, then I've got the person for you, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez. She makes Hilary look right wing in comparison.
Anonymous said…
TW via — Love & Joy

The wrath of the lamb is agmonst men.

The soul of light and Keanu will be happy

He’s the victor. Will he be rewarded?

Thank you, Christian Dion.

Anonymous said…
TW via — Love & Joy

The wrath of the lamb is agmonst men.

The soul of light and Keanu will be happy

He’s the victor. Will he be rewarded?

I give you the morning star.

Thank you, Christian Dion.

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