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Putin is planning to send missiles to the following cities.


Now, granted they won’t be carrying NUKES.
God, knows what they will have on board.

So while you all “DITHER”…..
Whether or not to put up a “NO FLY ZONE”

When these missiles start arriving.

Please don’t go on TV saying..

“We didn’t now”



Sally said…
Let’s hope the powers that be LISTEN! 🙏🙏🙏
CU said…
Dear Christian, your post makes me sad and worried. But I want to say THX for sharing this heavy message with your followers and not being afraid to say what you see even though it is bad news. Under these circumstances I wonder if your personal reading for me concerning the meeting with Mr. X in 2022 will still take place or have energies changed? Blessings and greetings from Germany 💜💜💜
Thanks CD. Could you plz tell us about the time frame? Is it this year or 2023?
Anonymous said…
Putrid Putin needs a rocket up his a@&. When will the rest of the world grow a set and stand up to this little pewny lizard lipped specimen. And then they need to take aim at that little fat Chinese covid creater Xi. Eff them all of!!!! BTW love and peace to all except those effects!!! 💖🙏
Letty said…
I pray this goes not happen and he is taken off power
Before more nations get attacked!
Cordelia said…

I agree. God willing this message will be heard loud and clear by the right people. 🇺🇦
Starlight said…

Thank you Christian

You have so much
to say !!!

Let’s hope that
they listen !!!

Japan will rise said…
Putin is too nice to do it,
but Japan will do it.

Japan will have nukes in 2023,
it will attack the west again.

WWIII starts with virus
it will continue.

T. W. said…
I have been coming to this site for a long time.

Please believe me when I tell you this site is monitored.

The Powers That Be will read Christian’s message if they haven’t already.

Let us pray they take the appropriate action to protect people from rasPutin.

May God prevail in all matters.

In the meantime, do not be afraid.

I had a dream last night.

Delight yourself in the LORD and you will receive protection.


With love,

Anonymous said…
Sanctions don't work? Because the UE countries like Germany still want to make bussiness with putin buying his gas by Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline and they still have been continued building Nord Stream 2 after war with Ukraine in 2014 and after Crimea annexation. this is how putin got to power and made the EU dependend of his gas. They have been warned by many of the East Europe countries and the Baltic states already in year 2005, nobody was listening. Now it's too late. Joining NATO to this conflict means WW3. Putin doesn't have to press ''the red button'' he can hit with his missles a nuclear plant in Chernobil to kill all of us. Sorry for my English.
Anonymous said…
What about the atomic bomb in Hiroshima? who dropped that?

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