The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
thank you.
today, Johnny Depp's expert Dr Shannon Curry told the court and jury that Amber Heard has
(1) histrionic personality disorder
(2)Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)
Dr. Curry did a great job and I copies some comments online:
Dr. Shannon Curry, a psychiatrist, is on the stand explaining how she came to this diagnosis. Amber Heard is openly rolling her eyes. #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard
“People with this personality type, are typically cruel to their partner, exhibit attention-seeking behaviors, and will typically exhibit violence to their partner out of fear of abandonment”
“They often will take on the identities of those people, so they might mimic them in a lot of ways, they might mimic the way they dress, their interest, the way they talk” Dr.Curry on Amber Heard #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard AHHHHH
Amber's lawyer: "It's a common trauma symptom, and common for women right?"
Shannon Curry: "Women AND men, yes it is."
I’m literally shitting bricks, Dr. Curry described amber as “someone who externalizes blame, has a lot of inner hostility, tendency to be self righteous, & full of rage”. This woman is textbook unhinged.
Y’all why is ambers musty lawyer calling Dr. Curry’s diagnosis of amber having BPD a “coincidence”. I’m literally so enraged rn. there a whole evaluation process, you don’t just pull the BPD diagnosis out of your ass? What is she on
Dr. Shannon Curry is a professional. Very impressed. “On the objective scale of trauma, there is a malingering scale and Amber Heard was in the 98th percentile, meaning she had engaged in heavy dishonesty and gross exaggeration.”
I’m dead, Dr. Shannon Curry listed some traits of amber being “passive agressive, self centered, manipulative to get what they want, and VERY NEEDY OF ATTENTION”

#JusticeForJohhnyDepp #JohnnyDeppVsAmberHeard
Hey, CD, will Johnny now want to have a psychological evaluation of every single woman he's interested in??????!!!????
Do you see him being able to trust the woman he will fall in love with, the one you predicted for him? Will he be vary of her, or will he trust her? Or has Amber hurt him too much?
I think Johnny Depp's luck is changing today, the media starts to change their tone after the police officers said in court there was no domestic violence as claimed by AH, and psychiatrist Dr Curry hired by JD said AH has mental illness.
I think JD's legal team should do something to force AH's lawyers to resign, AH will have to hire new lawyers but Elon Musk may not pay her legal bills, AH is cheap, so AH will fight against her own lawyers in court, then there will be fun and the media will start to distance AH.
People like AH will blame their lawyers and eventually the media for her failures, there will be more drama.
Also call Elon Musk as a witness and ask him whether he paid legal bills for AH, Elon Musk's reputation will suffer for his supporting a fraud.
Continue your fights, JD, do not make mistakes, control your fans and you will WIN.
Depp witness suggests Heard showed symptoms of personality disorders
I guess the Washington Post may blame AH for the problems. haha.
People from AH's background don't like to pay legal fees, and they like to fight their own lawyers, keep the fight until AH gets into troubles with her own lawyers.
Also AH may be upset about the media coverage and will star a war against the media as well.
I support good people like JD who was telling TRUTH.
You made a prediction about Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox but I can’t find it. I do recall saying in the comments that something wasn’t tight about the Megan Fox entity. Here’s some gossip:
Machine Gun Kelly & Megan Fox Drink Each Other’s Blood!!
“So, I guess to drink each other’s blood might mislead people or people are imagining us with goblets and we’re like Game of Thrones, drinking each other’s blood. It’s just a few drops, but yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only,” she told Glamour.
“I read tarot cards and I’m into astrology, and I’m doing all these metaphysical practices and meditations,” she continued. “And I do rituals on new moons and full moons, and all these things. And so, when I do it, it’s a passage or it is used for a reason. And it is controlled where it’s like, ‘Let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.'”
Primary Source —> Glamour Magazine
CD said they had sex in the past, so kissing is normal for a couple. we already know they spent two weeks in Costa Rica for a private vacation.
I think fans of KR may wake up and learn from JD to sue both KR and AG, KR is rich and as the life partner of AG, he is responsible for fans' psychological damages.
Fans need to go to court and sue both KR and AG, do not wait for the media or the government to get justice for you.
if you go to court to sue KR and AG, we will be supporting you in the same way we support JD.
Good luck.
JD was fighting all the time and he is becoming a HERO as a freedom fighter for himself, for his kids, for all men and women who suffer from domestic violence.
The old GENTLEMEN TIME has gone, as women like AH could be more evil than men, and now men are becoming trans women at at a young age, that is something JD has been teaching the world about.
I shall write more about this to the world: #MeToo to #MePoo
In KR and AG's case, the 13 fans are the victims who need to wake up, KR will lose reputation and money when fans wake up and take legal actions in court for themselves and for their families, KR and AG will not change until fans start to wake up and understand that, you need to learn from JD and become freedom fighters, and we are here to help you.
KR will continue to support AG while doing his JW4, until next summer.
Fans may sue KR, AG and AG’s mother, KR’s sister altogether:
(1) if KR admits he is the girlfriend of AG, then KR is responsible for everything AG has done being his partner and girlfriend; fans will win money from KR and AG’s mother (AG’s mother has the money, she conspired with all of them);
(2) if KR denies he is the girlfriend of AG, then AG lied to court and AG will lose his case, still KR will be responsible for failing to attend court as a witness or take actions to advise court the truth through his lawyer (KR was aware of this case being a witness, he can not deny it.)
If KR denies he is on social media, his sister is on social media who supported AG, so KR is liable.
Either way, fans of KR will win the case against KR, AG, KR’s sister and AG’s mother.
Good luck, everybody.