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Seems we agree Mr Wootton...

Son of David & Victoria Beckham Brooklyn Beckham CONFIRMS his engagement to actress Nicola Peltz.

David & Victoria are said to be delighted.

I bet they are...

Her family are very rich...


Let's hope Brooklyn is a better partner.

Than his 
serial cheater father...
I doubt it...

Apple and tree...

Will the marriage work?



Dear Mr Wootton People who live in glass houses.

Shouldn't really throw any stones...





Beth said…
Totally agree. They'll both be embarrassed about it before long, especially her......

And what a dreadful dress - I could knock something better up myself haha
Anonymous said…
Well psychic dion> ITV weather man Alex Beresford plans to marry Imogen McKay after he broke up with his last wife in 2019 after many years together so will Alex and Imogen mckay break up before the wedding or after?
Anonymous said…
When will they divorce?, I’m guessing 6 months to a year 😂 for rich people they all look musty even the guests 😂 sorry Serena lmao..can’t wait to see another hilarious told ya ps clearly these people have never heard the saying money 💰 can’t buy class or maybe happiness but not class. When you google Nicola it’s says American actress 😂 like what? Kim k is more of a actress than her
Michelle said…
Given the current climate, best to sit back and enjoy the spectacle. Brooklyn isn't the brightest bulb by a long shot and in spite of his parent's best efforts to make him happen, well it's not really working out. He hasn't got'it' so it is probably best to embrace his true calling as a trust fund rich kid and becoming a trophy husband to a super rich rich Jewish Princess is pretty much the smartest move he's ever going to make. Sire a couple kids and enjoy the alimony later if there's a divorce.
Kama Has a Say said…
Both are Jewish, they marry each other to have Jewish children.
if you look at how AG treated KR in order to get KR's wealth,
then you would know,
wealth will NOT stay with their children as they plan.
T. W. said…
I wonder how Brooklyn is gonna finesse money from his wife’s family. He has 💩 for brains.

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