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2021/2022 Annual Predictions Depp,Keanu, Ellen, Markle, Bezos, Grant, Jlo, Af...


Rose petals said…
Thank you Christian. I always tell those that criticise your predictions, about the timing.
You do get it right in the end X
LB said…
Hi Christian 😊
Finally, happy to hear about Keanu Reeves & Alexandra break up! 🙆🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
Seriously that partnership was doomed from the beginning! Happy Keanu can free himself
from the toxicity of a bad business relationship!
Hopefully both parties can move on from the mess! Innocent people vindicated and hopefully
Rewarded on AG’s account for pain and suffering’
Especially to one victim on the RO that was battling cancer and dealing with the stress AG has brought
On legally!
Anonymous said…
Ahhhh finally Keanu will be free! Please sir do an update about his future love, thx
Beth said…
Putin dead? And what about these bombs in Europe, CD? When will it happen?
Judy said…
Thanks for this Christian. On a separate note, do you have any thoughts on politicians like Angela Rayner, etc like you did in one of your previous yearly forecasts?
Erika said…
Thanks CD. do happy to see you back. Happy Mothers Day to your heavenly Mum. Hugs x
Anonymous said…
Hi CD and thanks for the prediction updates. Do you have any comment on the current Australian election due to go to the polls 21 May? You said some time ago that it would be bad for the nation if the current government were not voted out.

Thank you!
Mother of an Angel said…
CD-hope you are doing ok on this first Mother's day withot your mom. The first is always the hardest.

It is interesting that you note that 2021 seems to have hit pause & is stretching into 2022. I have several things I felt were coming that just did not happen. One of which was I had been shown ages ago someone who would come into my life, but hasn't. This past week another individual who had reentered my sphere made me wonder if there had been a change in plans, and I clearly heard "wait for me" from the individual I had previously been shown. Likewise a goal I had seen getting close for me has not transpired. It's like I was just spinning my wheels, staying in the same place. I guess I'm just waiting to gain traction & momentum to reach that finish line. Just a long pause in progess, not a defeat. Good to understand!

Have a great day!
Letty said…
Thank you CD! Great video.❤️❤️❤️
PARASITES will never die out,
AH, AG are typical parasites;

"educated" people are becoming PARASITES,
they are overly educated
they are ambitious
they believe they are better than all others

but these "educated" people do drugs, parties, sex and alcohols at school
through cheating to get their Master degrees and Ph D
they know nothing about TRUTH
they do not even write proper English
some foreign born "educated" people do NOT write any English!

everybody wants to become a millionaire
to have their "American dream"
like Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves
that is the problem

more and more people are becoming PARASITES

CD you were right that AH did not love JD, AH used JD as a step stone to get to people like Elon Musk (she is Angelina Jolie Version 2), she brought Elon Musk to JD's place soon after she married to JD, then used Musk to destroy JD to get her own fame and movie role when she realized Musk will not marry her.

AH is a typical parasite with a criminal mind and look, I don't know anything other than things revealed in the trial, so can not comment why JD chose her.

AG is the same, however AG is so ugly that KR is too ashamed to admit their relationship publicly, so AG could only defraud his fans using their relationship with support from KR, KR has been extremely proud of AG for a long period of time by promoting AG in the media who supports AH and AG, this means KR is going to fall very hard, he has created his bad Karma in the past 2 years: once AG becomes a known criminal for her charity fraud KR will be known as the boyfriend of a Criminal, his dead fans hate him from above so his bad luck will continue.

You don't need to be a psychic to see KR is going to become a shame for Hollywood and people who are associated with him, his future wikipedia will forever be relating him to two CRIMINALS, his late father and his partner of 12 years.

Harvey Weinstein failed starting with his illegal charity, if you know Hollywood, the #metoo was simply a movement to get Trump out of power, now Trump is gone, Hollywood does not care about #metoo, they are busy with Putin and China/Taiwan, so AG and AH will lose and may end up in jail.

Johnny Depp will come out as a WINNER, a bigger star with strength and experiences.

I don't know about KR, who has been disappointing us since day one showing his loyalty to his MASTER AG, better not to pay attention to him to avoid getting sued or harmed by him again, not worth my time and energy.

and I don't know anything about AG and KR before the RO case, so I can not comment why KR chose AG to be his lover and partner.

Anonymous said…
I don't think your prediction about Reeves and Grant is accurate again. They were just at a music festival together and seemed happy. I don't think your July/August prediction is correct but I guess we can wait and see!
I think Putin could get his way out if he stops his actions now
or it will be too late

but people with cone-shaped heads are stubborn
they don't understand that,
German's legal system and culture are DIFFERENT from that of UK's Common Wealth Nations (UK + US + Canada + Australia + New Zealand + India + Africa + Hong Kong + .... )

they do NOT understand why Genghis Khan won his wars
otherwise they would not do what they have been doing.

Christian Dion understands what I am talking about,
White Nationalists will NEVER understand what I am talking about
so White Nationalists and Putin are simply repeating Hitler's mistakes
they think they are honest and fighting for justice

I guess Putin has been angry about comments on his look over the years
(I think AG sued fans of KR mainly because fans said she was ugly, that was more than hurtful)
people think Putin is as ugly (AG is ugly, but in KR's eyes, AG is beautiful and elegant and smart)
they were not that ugly when they were young
Putin and AG have cone shaped heads
AH will have cone shaped head when she gets older

Lauren Bacall was good looking when she was young
Bacall used Humphrey Bogart as step stone to upgrade herself becoming a Hollywood star (she was a bit taller than Bogart),
(Leonard's young girlfriend is trying to be Lauren Bacall Version 2 if you read her interview, Leonard is ambitious politically, he is getting fat and can no longer play sexy role, and he will disappear in the #metoo movement if he is not careful, hahaha)

Putin the KHAN was good looking
but his people were not good looking when they got older
their hidden genes (main genes) revealed
and can not be corrected by plastic surgeries

so as long as Putin keeps his army active
the West will continue to fight Putin the Mongol and the Chechens the Turks (many Chechens are White people with blue eyes and yellow hair, but they are Muslim-Turks)
the West is rising Japan to have nukes
and Japan is eager to have some lands from either Russia or China

you don't need to be a psychic to know what will happen
history repeats itself
once you know the REAL history,
then you have a good understanding of people and events:
they simply repeat what their ancestors had been doing
and that is called "culture".

I am not going to pay more attention to Putin, and Hollywood
the lockdown is over
I am back in my old life dealing with the very same people everyday,
keep drinking until I die.

I am a good person
those who harms me will get their own karma

Anonymous said…
People are saying Johnny Depp and his laywer Camille Vasquez are secretly in love and/or dating, or will be dating after the Virginia Trial?

Is that true, CD? Is Camille Vasquez Johnny Depp's future forever love, or is there another person out there still waiting for Johnny Depp until he comes to her after the trial?
Londongal said…
Great to see you back CD and have an update on the predictions
Would you be so kind to do one re Henry Cavill at some point?
Take care all
Anonymous said…

Any update on the Queen/RF?
Anonymous said…
I wish a raeding about Keanu and his life the next 2-3 years, may be you can do that on Youtube. He seems like suffering from cancer or parkinson, not looking healthy, poor man.
JD's future love said…
I like Dr Shannan Curry,
she is beautiful, smart and successful,
she is so smart that she talked about her husband first
so there would no rumour from AH's side about her.

so JD's future love is not Dr Curry
hopefully JD will make movies promoting Dr Curry and women like her.

I attended schools and work with people from Dr Curry's backgrounds
they are great people,
men and women.

it is evil to cancel their culture

JG1962 said…
Hi CD, glad to see you are back "on form". Hoping your mum had a Happy Heavenly Mother's Day too. Wishing you all the best. Bless you ... and right back at you... Mwah x
in 2 months,
we will know Johnny Depp's case
after that,
there will be big changes in Hollywood,
we need to wait and see.

I believe both Elon Musk and Keanu Reeves were trying to harm Johnny Depp,
I noticed Keanu Reeves' fans hate Johnny Depp
but PARASITES will change overnight

if Johnny Depp wins his case,
Elon Musk and Keanu Reeves will change overnight,
they are PARASITES.

no need to spend time on Keanu Reeves
if you know ADC who helped Amber Heard is girlfriend of KR and friend of AG
they are the SAME.

I do not think Leonardo is harming Johnny Depp
Elon Musk is an white-African
he paid legal fees for AH to sue JD
in the same way KR paid legal fees for AG to sue his fans.

PARASITES will never die out
they change to deceive,
they copy you all the time
pretending to love and admire you,
then "conquer" you in the same way AH tried to destroy JD.

Keanu Reeves "conquered" many good and successful women who are single or in unhappy relationships,
he did things not much different from Amber Heard.

Keanu's fans are mainly Turks, Muslims, Chinese, Vietnamese, Asians, Japanese, Jews and non-Christians, he has multi-wives with AG being the chief-wife.

JD did not have women other than AH, Leonardo is the same.

do NOT spend more time on KR or you will regret.
teacher wendy said…
Dont be so hard on people with a person who is in their life and isnt always nice to them. Sometimes you just can't walk away in a moment's time, it is not that easy. Because of circumstances sometimes you need to have patience and endurance until the time is right for whatever personal reason they have. Kindness and compassion is needed no matter what your opinion.
Anonymous said…
Thank you, Christian! Enlightening to say the least. Quick question: Has Johnny Depp's future forever love been telling him on the 5d plane "wait for me", and has he heard it? Or has he already someone else? Can you maybe tell us a little bit more of what his love life with his third wife will be? Some things you are allowed to tell us?
Anonymous said…
Is Johnny Depp psychic, empathic or clairvoiant something like that? Has Johnny Depp seen his future forever love in dreams (a decade around ago and/or now these last few years) and knows a little of what she looks like and how she is character wise? Is that why he told Amber Heard once, he'll be with another woman?

An update on him and his future forever love, please!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Hey, CD, is it possible to communicate with a person via thoughts, even if they are hundreds of thousands of miles apart from you, but you are so tuned into their aura, their energy that you can feel them, and are they able to "hear" your thoughts?
Anonymous said…
Does Johnny Depp know who his future forever love is???????
sue KR and AG both said…
Keanu is an actor,
he always pretends to be miserable when he was with AG
but has been promoting AG for 4 years proudly
they have been together for 12 years
they are the SAME
both are cruel, deceptive polygamous

fans of KR should sue both Keanu and AG
only then the media gets interested
if you sue AG alone
the media will not be interested

if you sue KR,
he will settle with you offering you money and walking away
KR is not a fighter
sue him and you will have money
then use the money to sue AG and AG's mother.
Anonymous said…
ha, for those who are not happy about my comments on KR
tell you the truth,
I wished KR to meet with his dead baby on his brithday,
I had cursed him for three months last year
and he cursed me back.

I no longer talk to KR,
I no longer wish him to die
I wish him to get what he deserves
jail terms or a huge downfall,
he will get it.

I hated KR and wished he were the one that were beaten up by Amber Heard
and I hope KR will marry Amber Heard once JD wins his case, still.

I reported KR to the FBI in 2020,
he fears me like crazy;
I will not sue him,
not worth my time.

once the 13 fans win their RO case
I will walk away.

Anonymous said…
I reported Keanu Reeves to the FBI in October 2020 for fraud
KR can not sue me
he will lose money and reputation if he sues me

I have nothing to do with AG
AG can not sue me

KR can not hire people to harm me
the FBI would know he is the suspect if something happens to me

but I do know KR has been stalking me
he knows that my hair was long or such

KR is controlling
he said it was a shame for me to talk to many men

KR should be locked up in a mental hospital
he is crazy

KR has a low IQ
otherwise he would not try me.

KR is not a good man
that is the truth.
Keanu Reeves did not attend MARFA and other events with AG simply because I was talking to him at the times, but I did not talk to him all the time and he had mental breakdowns each time I "abandoned" him, then he got AG to be with him.

Keanu had fear and anxiety because of abandonment issue, and AG took advantage of that; I do not talk to Keanu now but I want him to know I will talk to him once he gets rid of that "thing".

Keanu could not do his Matrix 4 in late 2020, he could not do his John Wick 4 in 2021 simply because I abandoned him.

Keanu fears me, just like most fear me in real life, I said before, I deal with criminals at work, and perhaps that was the reason Keanu asked me to get rid of AG for him. No, I can not get rid of AG for Keanu, you have to do it yourself, or I will get rid of you.

I was more patient in 2020 and early 2021 with Keanu Reeves when I was NOT working due to the lockdowns and my health and family issues, now I am back to my life gradulay, I need to focus on myself now: drink less wine and have more sunlights.

I hope 12 fans of Keanu Reeves will bring a motion in court to reverse the RO case as soon as possible, you will win: there is a proof that AG has been engaging in an illegal charity, and Keanu will not help AG.

I truly miss those lockdown days when we did not work and worried about nothing.

cheers everybody.

Anonymous said…
my family asked me not to talk to Keanu Reeves again (they don't know his name)
my family believes he is a fraud.
I will continue to help Keanu and his fans as a friend,
but I will not get myself harmed again.
I don't trust Keanu any more.
Anonymous said…
To :
Crazy, mentally Ill with hugely idiotic actions overloaded ,multiple personalities disorders who need serious help …
Take a break get help and drink less .

It’s not surprising KR affairs people like some of you are..

All this shit you writing here 🧐..
I understand that this is gossip blog but ,
Where is your humanity

Find help for yourself and get life.
Anonymous said…
All you crazy human beings.
You my wishing to be important in KR s life but, I have news for you all , he is committed to me and he is my fiancé in all dimensions 🤭🦶🏻( In each and every)

Now you have permission make flops back and forth.😉
Anonymous said…
Grandma and multiple personalities disorder something -

One more thing,little little thing..🙂
Nobody didn’t ask you be obsessed with KR ,NO?!

Or sneak someone’s”private” …life

Be ready ask medication from specialist because you going to need it soon..

Mental rehabilitation FBI…

Red wine is not going to help you after that.

Just saying
Anonymous said…
To :So called Grandma
I have messaged : And you know from who this coming.

Do not blame KR about things
you can blame only yourself.

Do not put your own faults someone else shoulders.

He may be not perfect, but can you say that out loud to your self when you look at mirror
Anonymous said…
To Grandma..
Time to take responsibility your own mistakes what you made beginning life journey (somewhere )and leave KR alone cursing him every fucking day..

I don’t know about all this AG and company
I simply don’t care about this shit ..
If they made something wrong then they need take responsibility about that
but leave the F alone souls who not here at the moment and cannot defend themselves,
give them peace already.

I think I don’t need Repeat myself anymore.
Anonymous said…
To grandma ”karma”

Before you call yourself grandma,
make clear your self role of Mother
I personally feel that
I was a bit too harsh on Keanu Reeves;

KR is not happy being called a Chinese nor a Native
and he went to have an eye job

I will not give Keanu my happy energy
until he gets rid of that PARASITE.

he was cheating on me
my tender heart is broken.

I write here for KR to read
KR brought me to CD's site.

I have to suffer for 2 more days to have a good drink

life is short
have a good time!
what I need to say,
Christian Dion was accurate about me so far

he even mentioned "Karma will catch up" in one prediction
I used to believe KR paid CD and all other tarot readers to read about me
but CD was super accurate on Johnny Depp's trial

and CD's mother appears to have an extremely nice soul who
reminds me of my own family who are nice people just like CD's family

Covid 19 was like a dream,
life is short
just enjoy it
I hope KR and AG go to jail, I know they are both criminals.
Anonymous said…
to : Grandma Karma.. CD never talked about you.. you're NOT spiritually developed person
I still believe Keanu Reeves is a criminal just like AG.

I used to believe Johnny Depp was a drug addict and wife beater,
and I supported Amber Heard in the past,
I knew nothing about JD and AH other than what the mainstream media told us.

But I now believe Johnny Depp is the VICTIM of Amber Heard
after watching trial for a few days.
if Johnny Depp did not tell us his side of story,
all of us would still believe JD is a wife beater
except JD's fans

I will believe Keanu Reeves if one day
he comes out telling us a different story
but before that
I think he is no different from AG
they have been together for 11 years
they look the same
like an old style couple
in ancient times.

when Keanu Reeves gets arrested
after AG goes to jail
then he may be brave enough to say things that may shock us
such as he was raped and drugged by AG
still a loser.

life is short,
KARMA said…
Keanu Reeves does not eat food
as if his father died yesterday

he has low energy
and appears to be a loser.

he is more like Amber Heard
AH drank and use drug to control her weight
she has no nutrition
she is a "corpse" with no brain

when you have no nutrition
your brain does not work well
your energy level is low
and you are a puppet
I will not talk to Keanu Reeves again as long as he is with his whatever
so, Keanu mayl fail his JW 4 as well.
you get what you deserve,
God is fair.

I am 300 pounds
with 5 children
15 grandchildren,
life is not easy for me.
Anonymous said…
to Grandma Karma.. don't imagine yourself you have ever talked to KR, he is NOT on social media and he is NOT reading this forum, he lives his life and is busy working, there is NO CHANCE you could talk to him, you must have spoken to scammer all the time.. calm down, relax, stop being so upset and furious, leave the poor guy alone, enjoy your life and remember - he is too busy working to read forums, you should do the same, don't waste you precious life writing here or getting upset about something that has never happened ..
hi Keanu

I came to you when I needed you,
I still need you.
I am busy losing weight, 300 pound is a bit too much, I will try and make it 250,

plus, it is not easy to deal with 15 kids.
kids meed brain food, so they will be smart and intelligent ...
kids also need food for bones, so they will be tall and strong...
kids need mood food to stay happy ...

I need a good drink, it is Friday to be myself
I am a lion.
If Keanu Reeves does not read CD's site,
why people wrote here?

if Keanu Reeves is not on social media
why people bother to respond to my writing?

Keanu Reeves is the Internet's Boyfriend
that means
he is on the internet
with his Whatever as his coverup after I reported him to the FBI in Oct 2020

I will not talk to Keanu Reeves
but I wanted him to know
he has to get rid of his thing or I will never talk to him again

I will not report to Keanu to the FBI again
I will not sue him for my money
he needs not to fear me

Keanu needs to stand up
and tell the TRUTH to the world
or he will have be a slave of AG forever

don't worry about your appearance or weight
eat some nutritional food and become strong and energetic
being a vegan is stupid

I have 15 grandchildren to take care
I am very busy

it is finally Friday
I will enjoy my beers for the weekend.

Dear Keanu, I want you to know that, I will NOT go to Paris to see my friend, ok. I have moved on and I will release him; I created my bad karma when I kept making promises to see him but failed to make it for years, it is not fair for him.

I guess I did not want to see him when he did not support my ideas, it is better to end it than misleading him. In my heart I wanted to have some fun, I have been prepared to get into a different profession where I could have fun while making some money.

you take care and I want you to be happy.
I think Keanu's acting skills could be improved once he gains self confidence and overcomes his anxiety and trauma.

He apparently suffers from anxiety and trauma, AG has been taking advantage of this for a decade, AG has been abusive and threatening to Keanu causing serious depression and anger to Keanu,

AG plays victims all the time, and Keanu for some reasons could not get rid of AG, instead, he went on promoting AG knowing AG is a criminal.

Keanu Reeves needs to study Christian Dion's predictions for him, CD was very right that, Keanu must get rid of AG to have a normal life.

Anything AG touches becomes shitty including Keanu Reeves, that is why I don't want to talk to Keanu anymore.

I write here to support Keanu.
hi Keanu,

my friend in Paris is related to Jews and Turks, I had been with them since 2008 to learn their culture, it was a pleasure indeed.

I met you when I was involved with their culture (not mine, I have no culture of own hahaha), life is a journey, I have learned so much from all of you.

I hope you are happy.
Anonymous said…
hi keanu,

you get rid of that thing,
I will talk to you again,
then you will be very happy,
and you will succeed with your JW4.

don't fear me,
I want you to be happy,
Anonymous said…
Hi Keanu,

you take care of yourself, eat beef, vegetable, lamb, fruits and fibre, do not drink on an empty stomach, do not use drug. I need to focus on my work and I can not talk to you before you cut ties with your whatever. I am a woman and it is hard for me to do things in the mean time. I want to be happy, so I stay outside your trouble - you will figure out what to do and make it. you hurt me so much last year and I am still healing.

Anonymous said…

hi Keanu:

read this, ok, do it, I will support you!

Tips to improve brain health said…

Tips to improve brain health
Anonymous said…
attention, communication and support are ENERGY
when you receive ENERGY
you should NEVER betray them
if you do
if you will lose them forever
and yo may cause resentment and hatred

if you receive energy from toxic people or people who want to control and harm you
you will get depressed and angry
you will treat innocent people bad
you will be isolated when people leave you alone

people cut tie with you
to avoid get harmed by you

we all get what we deserve
karma always works
Anonymous said…
hi KR
you have been keeping harmed me so much
of course I will not talk to you.

give my money back to me
that is what I ever wanted you to do.

maritza said…
people should stop being so credulous, keanu reeves doesn't talk to them on facebook, twitter, instagram, or any other social network, the guy doesn't use social networks and I doubt he uses any of them, knowing his way of being, I'm sure he won't likes to use social networks, although he should have an official page, whether he likes it or not, there are already too many ladies scammed by fake keanu revees, now, all of you are being too obsessive with someone you don't know, he is not your friend, he he is not his relative, nothing, he is a celebrity and deserves the same respect for his privacy as most anonymous comments on this or other internet pages, leave him alone, let him live his life as only he should know, it seems that they talk about the life of all of you when saying with whom or not he has to be, he is already old enough to know what he wants in this miserable life :|
I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I don't use much English
Anonymous said…
people should stop being so credulous, keanu reeves doesn't talk to them on facebook, twitter, instagram, or any other social network, the guy doesn't use social networks and I doubt he uses any of them, knowing his way of being, I'm sure he won't likes to use social networks, although he should have an official page, whether he likes it or not, there are already too many ladies scammed by fake keanu revees, now, all of you are being too obsessive with someone you don't know, he is not your friend, he he is not his relative, nothing, he is a celebrity and deserves the same respect for his privacy as most anonymous comments on this or other internet pages, leave him alone, let him live his life as only he should know, it seems that they talk about the life of all of you when saying with whom or not he has to be, he is already old enough to know what he wants in this miserable life :|
I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I don't use much English
Anonymous said…

hello Christian:

I believe you are right about Keanu's break up with Alexandra Grant.

but people get confused when this card reader said Keanu will have a PR marriage and adopted children in late 2023, would you please comment?

I know Keanu is doing his John Wick 4 and may not want to deal with AG, but his fans are boycotting and I don't understand why he chose AG over his fans?

I think Alex Winter and Keanu's other friends like AG, and Keanu does not want to step out of comfort zone, at the costs of his fans and his own career.

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