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Healing Circle for All Teacher Wendy request


Erika said…
Thank you Wendy and CD. I ask for divine guidance and healing for Erika, Alexiah, Aston, Ed, Madi, Deirdre, Dennis and Aiden. I pray that Spirit guides us all to makevpositive and loving choices. May we enjoy loving restoration and perfect health. Spirit never fails us. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Prayers, boons & benedictions for all those in need
Anonymous said…
Keanu Reeves, his family and his fans.
Letty said…
Sending prayers, light, and healing 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Starlight said…

N, K, Kathrin

and the sister and
friends from Wendy

Please God help them
that they can feel

that they are surrounded
by so much helpers

on both sides ✨

that they have the light
of God inside themselves

that protects them ✨

and that they are deeply
loved from the humans

who are around them ❤️

LB said…
Thank you CD & Teacher Wendy for this healing circle

Thanks giving to God and blessings received
For a negative Covid-19 test for my mom and me!

Thank you

For everyone’s personal intentions
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD, Teacher Wendy 🙏🏽💖.
I ask in prayers for healing for me, my family especially, my health & best wellbeing in my endeavours to be made known clearer to me with Grace. My childhood friend Fred who has just undergone triple heart bypass, his Mum (Aunty K), especially Shelly & her family including F (epilepsy condition). I wish for my Dad a lot of peace, fulfilment. Please God, help him with his property issues - all of them. He’s getting frail I can see, strong but frail. Please Mum, your love from above is needed more than ever for us, and the beloved Angels & Guides, help me be better with all the challenges. CD, praying for you, for pure love & healing to be bestowed on you too. For my family travelling in Aug to Sammie’s wedding celebrations. For Samir with his health problem.
I receive great healing thru these healing circles , it’s gratefully received . Blessings to Teacher Wendy and her wishes. Thank you. LH,London💐☀️🔮
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian & Teacher Wendy. May you receive what you need from the LORD.

Prayers being made. 🙏 🤲
teacher wendy said…
I pray all of you have your prayers answered, you so derserve light, love, health and happiness. Luvs.

I also pray for my 5 friends with terminal cancers, 2 on hospice and 2 just diagnosed their cancer has spread. Lord take care of them on their cancer journeys and not let them sufer and let me be able to do whatever I can do to help them. Guide me please.
LB said…
Beautiful post….my prayers are with you🙏💗🦋

@Teacher Wendy
My prayers 🙏 are with those you have mentioned
Boa tarde, gostaria de orações para mim mesma. Bianca Barcelos Peçanha Almeida.
Beijos aqui do Brasil e um abraço apertado!! ������

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