The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
You can still murder your unborn child in America.
Funny how plants, animals, & micro-organisms have more rights than an unborn child.
To all of you who say an embryo is a collection of cells, those cells grow, metabolize & multiply. Therefore they meet the biological definition of LIFE. While we’re at it, why don’t you donate one of your kidneys, one of your lungs, a portion of your liver, some of your blood, and some of your bone marrow to someone who will die without them. They are just a collection of cells. You won’t miss them.
To all you Christians who believe abortion is okay because the woman is not prepared to be a parent, she was raped, she is poor, guess what. The Bible says Jesus’s cousin John was filled with Holy Spirit while he was still in the womb. In the book of Jeremiah, God says He knew us before we were born. Good luck explaining to God why you think MURDER is okay.
Let me be clear, if a woman’s life is in immediate danger then I can understand the abortion. I believe we have free will so if you want to abort your baby because you have no money, you have that right.
To all the people saying women will lose access to safe abortions, guess what.
Planned Parenthood takes in millions of dollars a month. Call them and ask them to use their resources to help you murder your baby.
I thank all of you who read this far.
I understand some of you disagree with me.
All I ask is that we respect each other.
Thank you.
Thank you! For being “a voice” for the unborn!
There is no justification for “murder” the alternative
Is called “adoption” even in the case of rape, “ it is not that child’s
Fault he/she came into “being” through that violent act!
Adoption into a loving “childless” couple is the answer!
When a women decides to abort, and waits to have children
“Is that child worth less?” because it’s not the right time!
You can have more children, yes, but you can’t bring the
Child you aborted back! No two human beings are alike!
I believe in the quality of life, I believe adoption is the answer to
an unwanted pregnancy!
Also, why is it “just a bunch of cells “ when you don’t want a baby
Yet, when you do want a pregnancy it’s “a baby”?
When a woman conceive’s what is it? A dog? A cat?
It’s a human life in form, the moment of conception
Thank you TW
It’s a miracle! 🌹
Christian Dion's Predictions Re Keanu Reeves
If life begins at the moment of conception, so should the tax credit. Ectopic pregnancy is life-threatening to the woman experiencing it — so let her die to save the child?
Nobody has a right to impose their religious beliefs on anyone.
Planned Parenthood is about a lot more than abortion; they provide education, necessary gyno exams and birth control to those who are trying to practice safe, responsible sex, maintain their health with preventive exams, etc.
What about the protection of HIPPA law? Why - as a woman - should my medical choices/needs be anybody’s business but my own?
So before anyone comes for me, know this: I am a woman, I have an excellent relationship with God — and I believe in human rights.
Shame on our country - every sitting member of SCOTUS stated they would NOT try to overturn this.
They’ll come for anyone and everyone who is different than them - sound like Nazi Germany????
This isn’t about abortion - it’s about control, dictatorship, and chipping away at human rights.
Thank you for this Christian
Hugs to everyone
Common… Still some missing… Let’s help to serve the justice!
P.S. the charity thing is just a small part of what she’s been part of - she will be exposed for EVERYTHING!
Thank you CD for everything you’re doing, checking everyday now lol xx
Children are being killed at school - surely that should be the first priority?
Changes for the better I hope! 😊💗
Wishing you the best
Praying 🙏 you feel better soon!
…Parlando di Anima di Luce che si incarna: dopo la morte della forma (della precedente incarnazione), la Anima si purifica, pianifica una nuova incarnazione, fa accordi con altre anime (!), aspetta il suo turno e poi si incarna.
SI LEGGE che dopo la morte del 7° corpo (fisico), quasi tutti corpi sottili vengono assimilati (dalla materia di universo) in ordine decrescente di densità (6°; 5°; 4°; 3°).
Si LEGGE che prima di incarnarsi, vengono creati i corpi sottili in ordine crescente di densità (3°; 4°; 5°; 6°).
Quando Anima pianifica e fa accordi, ha già creato i primi corpi.
Un NATURALE concepimento (in seguito al atto sessuale) avviene per gli accordi e legami karmici, legami animici, debiti karmici (caso di stupro).
Lo spirito, che attende incarnazione, partecipa al concepimento della sua forma fisica (7° corpo).
Appena nascono le cellule del embrione (dentro un grembo materno), la Anima è collegata alla forma fisica che cresce insieme ai corpi sottili.
Embrione HA la SUA AURA, la sua energia, sente la voce della madre, dorme e vede tutto in astrale.
Quando esce dal grembo, perde la memoria.
…Un essere umano con 7 corpi, con il aborto viene privato del diritto alla vita.
Siccome gli ospedali vendono… tante cose…
Gli embrioni umani abortiti vengono venduti.
Se vengono estratti vivi…
Se vengono estratti morti – elenco di “utilizzo” è più corto.
Il essere umani disincarnato “vede” cosa la “mamma” gli ha fatto e cosa poi gli altri fanno con la sua forma fisica.
Diritto alla vita, dono della vita, questioni karmiche.
Ci sono donne che fanno spesso gli aborti.
Ci sono moglie che fanno aborti anche se mariti sono contro, quindi, violando il diritto alla vita e il diritto alla paternità.
Dopo aborto si dovrebbe poter RITIRARE il corpo del embrione, guardare, pregare, salutare come si deve.
La legge contro aborti ‘senza giusta causa’ non sta violando i diritti delle donne, sono ALTRI i diritti violati delle donne.
Ci sono i modi per evitare il concepimento, anche dopo l’atto sessuale.
La questione NON sta nel costringere le donne a partorire, ma nel non-uccidere la vita umana senza ‘giusta causa’.