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Anonymous said…
HI CD I think you were right on JD and AH, but you have been wrong since 2019 about KR and AG. I want to have fun here, it is ok if you make mistakes. we all make mistakes, and we will love you if you admit your mistakes.

perhaps it is time for CD to change your way of making predictions. I saw Harvey Epstein was elected to be president of the US last night in my dream, hahaha.
T. W. said…
Good morning!
Anonymous said…
I said CD has been helping AG, hahaha.
Anonymous said…
Let’s 🤞🏼hope that cloning doesn’t happening in the near future …
Psychic Gossip said…
Re KR & AG... TIMING TIMING TIMING.. I have read many times on this.. CDx
LB said…
Hi CD 💗😊

I love all your topics & posts!
Most of the comments from people are so
amazing & nice! 💗


How do these “Trolls” get into your blog?
Their comments are defaming and we already
went through a big trial in that!!!

Who are these people?
They are mean and vicious!
Wish they would form their own
“Hate” blog and knock themselves out!

In the meantime, I’m truly praying 🙏 that these
Nasty comments “STOP”

Thank you other “commenters “ for your wonderful
Kind words and awesome “filtered” questions!
Such a breathe of fresh air!

Love you CD
Everyone be Blessed and stay safe in God’s Blessings!

LB ✝️🙏😊💗💗💗
Jihan A said…
I just want to give my thanks to Mr. Dion for the excellent reading he did for me recently. I have had tons of readings throughout the years however, none of them come even close to the accuracy of CD. I was literally blown away!!! For anyone out there thinking of doing a reading, I say go for it!!! You will not be disappointed! CD thanks again for being you, you are such a powerful being of light!!!

T. W. said…

I love you too!

Anonymous said…
of course, lb. he will marry you! when ag gets divorced. sd predicted? he is in touch with God himself. he washes everyone's underpants for money
MMJ said…

The question is not who these people are but what their purpose is to write on a blog like this? There is an answer, isn't there?

And not only they are trying to literally demonize certain people, but if necessary, they are imitating the style of writing of people from this blog.

Now they do it to TW, and a long, long time ago they did it to me from the position of anonymous. I still keep all the correspondence from the blog and my lawyer on speed dial if needed. What has been said against me here and the accusations against me have all been preserved.

And why? Because I said that I was led to KR and that maybe he is my TF. And it was all MAYBE. Because I thought that only a TF soul could cause a spiritual awakening like mine. The signs I saw and felt towards him. "Someone" was really scared then. And I can tell to that someone that they can only suck what I don't have between my legs. In fact, now nothing touches me anymore, those who know this path understand why.

I did come and go to this blog and believe me, because of the wonderful people here, I will stay until further notice!

ps. LB, you are a nice person and I apologize for my vocabulary. When I get annoyed, I know to swear juicy. Don't blame me.

T. W. said…

You tickle me!

Long time Friends know when my writing style is being imitated.

As irritating as they are, we must ignore the bots & trolls because they feed off any attention given to them.
LB said…
Hi 💗
@ T.W. Thank you for loving me! lol 🫶💗


Thank you for your commentary, thank you for your
lovely comment and….

No worries,I come from a huge ethnic family of
“drunkin Sailor’s “
Thank you for aplology , I find you nice also!


@anonomous wow! I’m shocked & in Awe to know who ever that person is
Wants to marry me! lol cool 😎

@ CD Hi 💗
T. W. said…

You are precious & loved. Never forget.

God bless you!
T. W. said…

I’m happy you got a reading from Christian! He is the best!
LB said…

Maybe 🤔 I shouldn’t use the word “no worries”
how about with me , it’s ok 👌 I’m use to that language

LB said…
Hi CD & everyone!

Just a note…I want to Congratulate KR & AG relationship!!
Just seems like KR has found “The One” in AG!
The video of the Galla Sunday night is confirmation
Of their impending engagement! Comments are being stated
She has a huge engagement ring on!
Even if KR says it’s not true! Saying “Enough is Enough”
We are just business partners, I still would not believe him!

Best wishes!

Ps CD I know you predicted other wise, which I have trust in you…
But 🤷🏻‍♀️
I think they should just make the announcement and get over with it!

It’s getting boring and frustrating with the back and forth
No he’s not, Yes, they are!

Just make a statement, please officially

So we can all move forward with our lives …
Aka JD vs AH trauma!

Love to everyone
LB 😊💗
LB said…
Forgot Link
KR & AG at Gala 6/4/22
LB said…
Those were the sweetest words!
Thank you 😊 🫶
MMJ said…
you see, I see the whole performance differently. And I feel it differently. When I first came to the blog, I asked why I feel darkness around and in KR.
These are much more complicated things than the "future love" of KR.The CD is right.

You see, I'm not going to give up on his soul now. And I ask people not to connect this claim of mine with love or something similar. It is not about that at all, but about the soul.

His soul belongs to the light and I will stop writing about him completely only when I see his soul there. Free. In the light. What people need to understand is that he is not a saint. Neither did we.

The thing with AG was everything but happiness. Yes, he acted great.

Freedom of the soul is priceless. It is what we are and what we will be in the next incarnation.

The only answer is fight. For our souls and for the light. Until the last breath.

LB said…

I feel uneasiness and I’m just tired of reading about them!
Not to be mean about it, no..
I read a lot of comments and it’s disturbing to
read from people who seem to have been at that
event and witnessed something different!

I just don’t get a good feeling , just like you..
As a fan it’s distressing and shocking

I will pray with you concerning his soul 🙏😊✝️
As other fans also will…
But, I will not be surprised if they get married by August
of this year!

My interest as a fan of many celebrities is elsewhere! 🤷🏻‍♀️

Thank you for your comment MMJ

I will pray 🙏 for his soul with you to be free!

God’s Blessings


LB said…
Hi Jihan 😊

Congratulations on your reading with CD!
Amazing isn’t he? 😀🫶
I had a reading from him also! He was amazing!
Did you see his credentials? 😃👌

I fell in love instantly with his personality & British
He is just meant for stardom! Which he
Is already! 😶 💫

I hope you like our community here!
It’s fun & exciting cover all forums and topics
around the world!

Welcome to the community!!

MMJ said…
LB, I would not care about certain people nor do I want to pay attention to them. They should be ignored and not fed a big ego by us.

I might say a few more things here but fuck, I learned a lesson from previous writings of mine.

MMJ said…
I forgot something. The fact that someone feels good and happy does not have to be related to the partner (in this case, certainly not). It's a sign of rising vibrations (or what the CD says, the light gets stronger). And after that, everything that is not in line with the high vibrations of the individual, begins to slowly disappear from that person's life ...

LB said…

I see, that’s sad though in a way…
For example, if I’m attracted to someone and the energy levels were
through the roof…then things start “flickering “ then keep coming back a little stronger then flickering

Maybe it’s not meant to be? 🫤

When you met someone you want to feel that fire 🔥
On both ends! Like all the time your with that person. That would be amazing “love connection”

Hmmm 🤔

Will seee…😊

Thank you MMJ for that enlightenment 💗🦋


LB said…

Thank you 😊✝️💗💗💗🦋
MMJ said…
it's a fairy tale. Such an attraction can last only in the beginning. What remains later is the compatibility of souls and true love. Not passion. At least not like in the beginning. But "it" will be much nicer later if the two people are compatible.

Unfortunately, I have never had something like that in my life. I probably wasn't destined to, nor will I ... But I found a healing soulmate and it started through friendship. We found each other to heal some things. It shouldn't have lasted, but it did. It wasn’t real love but we got used to each other and got along well. And now...

That's life. Some are not destined to have it and some do not believe that they are destined to have it. Then you move along the line of least resistance and you agree to what you are not destined for .. Although, if the basis is not true love, everything will collapse at one moment or at least one person in the relationship will suffer ..

You see, LB, for example, my life is not in the best phase at the moment, and I seem happy and fulfilled on the outside. In fact, the soul is happy even though 3d circumstances are objectively not good. This is a consequence of cleaning old wounds and healing. Accepting life and rejoicing in it. Raising vibrations..

Hmm, see you guys in September, this white ass needs some sun, water and air for a longer time! All the best to all! Until next writing!

No need to answer.

Jules said…
MMJ - You could very well be 'starseed'.
MMJ said…
I don't know Jules, I haven't thought about it. Even if it's true, it's just a label.

We are all frogs in the same pot. And the soup heats up and gets warmer ..

I wish everyone a nice and pleasant holiday and summer!

LB said…

Bye Bye 👋

Have a safe Blessed summer!
Jules said…
MMJ - I certainly wouldn't call 'Starseed' just a label .. although to be fair, the vast majority of us fall under the identifier or the umbrella of a 'star seed'.

I did intend to clarify what I meant by my statement, apologies for not doing so sooner. I went solely on the above posts you wrote to LB. I just want you to know I am thinking of you, sending you much love.

Have a glorious summer.

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