NEWS FLASH: Ezra Miller scandal approaching...
Actor Ezra Miller
has his mind in a spin...
Not his he or isn't he...
Not will he come out or not...
Not just the recent drama
Of him choking a fan...
Not just the drugs or the drink...
Not just whether he used
the casting couch...
But as to how young,
some of his "Friends" are...
As well as his bizarre behaviour. Which is just going to keep getting worse...
Could this be the end of his career???
More: She is a soul sucker. She clings to more than one souls - each lifetime there is always Johnny Depp included - and then sucks out their life force, their energy, their light, by destroying them, either by literally killing them or killing their Reputation etc., because Amber Heard herself has a hole where her own soul would be. It's just a hide, but with nothing in it.
Amber Heard will never learn from her mistakes, because she herself doesn't want to.
But in this lifetime Johnny Depp DID learn his lessons! He won't ever be threatened or overpowered by her in all his new lifetimes still to come, because he stood up for himself in this lifetime and the truth was finally told! Unlike all his previous lives!
Johnny Depp is a Soul of Light.
When do you see Johnny Depp meeting up with his new love, CD?
Letter to Attorney General of California Re GrantLove LLC, a joint Venture of Keanu Reeves and Girlfriend Alexandra Grant
List of International Media and Human Rights Organizations
K.Reeves dovrebbe disintossicarsi se ci tiene al aspetto di suo viso, corpo e come sopra.
La tossico-dipendenza, ovvero, fumo delle sostanze, alcol, ecc. fanno invecchiare molto prima i vasi, i tessuti, le ossa, la epidermide, i muscoli, ecc.
Fare gli interventi sulla materia compromessa prima di disintossicarsi è un grosso errore;
Il fumo “taglia” le guance, brucia le labbra, gli occhi, la pelle (gli interventi, prima di aver smesso di fumare, sono poco utili);
La barba in generale crea aspetto più vecchio;
La barba scura visivamente deforma il viso;
Taglio sbagliato di capelli visivamente deforma il viso;
Poligamia fa invecchiare prima;
Ricerca di ammirazione attira anche il disprezzo (per legge di equilibrio).
La posizione migliore è in mezzo.
La paura, ansia, preoccupazione abbassano la vibrazione.
Più alta è la vibrazione, più forte è la salute.
P.S. Facile dire, meno facile fare, ma si deve fare.