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Hi Everyone lovely to see you all again.

As promised here’s the Futures Reading.
Johnny Depp & Amber Heard.




Johnny Depp’s future is solid & bright.
Watch for him to take a directing role.
Great success…
The acting will go great as well…


He’s back on track.
He will be seeing a therapist.
He has put the out of control illegal drug abuse behind him…
He will not let his fans down.


Re Johnny Depp’s “Future Love”
I have already done a reading on this.

I do get a lot of the same question.
Is Kate Moss Johnny Depp’s.
Future Love?


I can’t say definitively she is, or she isn’t.
At this time.

But what I can say is.
Kate Moss’s current relationship isn’t stable…

I do see that his Future Love is European/English…
It is an energy he’s never experienced before.

So if it is Kate Moss.
This energy feels brand new…

Sometimes peoples energy feels very different.
After they have learned the lessons.
Their past relationships
Was meant to teach them.

So, his next relationship.
Could be Kate Moss…
If so, this relationship.
Will have a completely different energy.
To  their first one.
I will update you as I see more.

I can say his Future Love.
Is Not.. Vanessa Paradis…


In 2023 Johnny Depp will buy a new home.
In Britain…


The English countryside, overlooking a river …
Looks a lot like Oxford…
This will be a great sanctuary for him…
Exactly what he needs.

This feels like home to him…



Amber Heard wants to appeal.


No Appeal happening…


She is broke…
With more money troubles ahead…


A wealthy man, not Elon Musk.
Was helping Amber Heard money wise.
He has now stopped…
He realized he was helping with the same bills.
That insurance company was covering.
He stopped.
He found out he was conned…
I do not see him suing her…


Two insurance companies.
Suing Amber Heard…

First, The insurance company that has already paid Ambers legal fees.
Is planning on suing her to get the money back.

I do not know exactly why.
But it feels like fraud.

They will succeed…

The other insurance company.
Is suing her, so that they don’t have to pay her any money.

They will succeed…

I do not see them paying her anything…


The British Authorities.
Will go after her for perjury…
Regarding, the UK trial.
This may take a while.
She will be charged with perjury
As a result of this the verdict will be over turned…

I don’t see Johnny Depp going to court over this.
I see him accepting a settlement…


The Australian courts
will also go after her
for perjury…
I don’t see jail time…
But I do see a conviction/fine…


Elon Musk cut her off way before the trial started.
Both financially and emotionally


He isn’t funding her anymore.
Nor, will he ever again…


Elon Musk is not the father.
Of her daughter…

The donor is a man of means.
Similar in looks to Elon Musk…

The donor isn’t involved in the child’s life.
Financially or physically..


Amber Heard hasn’t  bonded with her daughter.
Sadly she never will…


Amber Heard’s career is finished for good.
(Not that you need a Psychic to tell you that)

She will attempt to do a “Reality Television”
Even that will flop…


Amber Heard wants to move.
Wants to leave the country.
She has her eyes on Europe.
France in fact.
That’s not to be…


An Older Eastern European man.
Very Wealthy.
Will approach Amber Heard with a romantic offer…
(He does like her)

She is not attracted to this man.
I see her at first turning him down…

Then in desperation.

Amber Heard will take his “Offer”…

I keep seeing her moving to Prague and/or Dubai

I don’t see her daughter going with her…
I don’t know what that’s about?



Anonymous said…
She is European, alright, but not English, reaching 40, an Earth sign, and going to rock Johnny Depp's world ;-) ! YEAAAHHHH!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
Will Johnny Depp visit Austria in the coming months? Will he visit this country still in 2022?
Anonymous said…
Russian Rouble recently at 7 year high versus dollar.
Euro now at 20 year low versus dollar.
Eurozone will implode!
Sanctions against Russia have failed!
Anonymous said…
The British courts will go after her for perjury? Even though 3 judges (1 on the initial case and 2 on the appeal) agreed with verdict?

Anonymous said…
When will Amber Heard find out that Johnny has a new girlfriend? How will she react? In what part of the timeline are we, regarding Johnny meeting his future wife? Is he still healing or has he healed and is ready to meet his divine soulmate future forever love?
Anonymous said…
Kate Moss loved the Young Johnny Depp. Her current boyfriend has nearly the same energy as the Johnny with whom she was together for four years. The Johnny Depp she knows now and met at the concert is a much more defined human being with a much higher soul level. Kate doesn't want to know all the things that are included in being on such a high soul level. She wants to play and party and enjoy life, but nothing of the seriousness. And that's okay for her, but Johnny is already way past that! Which is why destiny and fate have found him a woman, who is already on his high soul level, who already has learned her lessons in this life, even though she had to do that much faster than he, since she is much younger than him, so she would be ready and on his high soul level as he is now, so that they will be able to have a future together. She sees his darkest depths along with his highest light and loving capacity - and still loves everything about him. She accepts him as he is, but still manages to get him to change himself into the best version of himself, because he knows, they will be together forever and love each other till the end of their days and beyond. Neither Kate Moss, nor any other of his previous girlfriends or wives, nor Sophie Hermann (who is way to self-centered!) or any other of these golddigging, attention and fame seeking women could hold a candle to Johnny Depp's high level soulmate; they would never be able to do that. Because for that you have to understand the true meaning of life, death, and everything in between to the fullest! No wonder she (her energy, as CD described it) is so different than anything he's ever seen or felt before! To find your true equal and spend your life with this person is the greatest blessing of all! Very fascinating all things considered...
LB said…
Lovely beautiful comment!
We love JD & us fans are waiting for him to be snd have
everlasting happiness and unconditional love!

Anonymous said…
" Neither Kate Moss, nor any other of his previous girlfriends or wives, nor Sophie Hermann (who is way to self-centered!) or any other of these golddigging, attention and fame seeking women could hold a candle to Johnny Depp's high level soulmate"

This is so offensive. So gross. Kate and Johnny are still friends and love each other dearly. You do not know her to speak about her like that. And "high level soulmate"? We are all beings of the universe, just learning and growing. Johnny has flaws, so does Kate, so does everyone else. I'm scared that Johnny has fans that are this delusional and mean.
LB said…
@anonymous 12:33am

That above comment from Anonymous 7/17 2:40pm

Sounds like someone close to him 😳

Anonymous said…
To the anonymous from July 18, 2022 at 12:33 AM :

You yourself don't know her ;-). Kate is surely a lovely woman, but in the relationship department her and Johnny aren't meant to have another "run". I think it's wonderful that they are still friends. But the truth is, he himself told her, that there won't be anything more than friendship on his side. So, like she, everybody else has to accept that. I don't think I have to explain the high level soulmate. It speaks for itself. And about all these other women, who want fame and money and attention of the whole wide world... unfortunately it's true that a lot of women are like this. Presented with the opportunity to being with Johnny Depp and all that it entails... they would only seek to get everything they want out of it, but not care for him, his feelings and what he wants in a relationship. Do I feel like any of these women are willing to grow old with him, care for him, nurse him? The sad truth is: no. Only a person, who really loves you for yourself can and will do that. And you should be grateful that there is such a person for Johnny Depp. And maybe, if we all are lucky ourselves, there will be such a wonderful person for each one of us!
Anonymous said…
Evviva, Johnny D. [sta volta è corretto ] - hai mostrato di nuovo di essere un gentiluomo !!!

@Kate: se ami – come fai a non sentire la energia? La sentono perfino gli estranei!

@ la ragazza che sa scrivere bene per i bambini!
Non mi avevi chiesto consigli…
Eri in ansia, Io ebbe una percezione di una ‘essenza di tutti ruoli di J.D.’ e ti avevo consigliato (in attesa dei procedimenti giudiziari) di scrivere un copione (ok, lo script) per J.D. e presentar gli lo 
Avevi risposto che il tuo insegnante (mi pare di ricordare, di lingua tedesca) diceva che sei brava a scrivere per bambini.
Poi avevi problemi tecnici a causa del fiume…
E stai chiedendo quando J.D. passa in Aus..a…
Ma vuoi che egli ti risponda qui?

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:56
Sorry that’s not me you talking about..

I didn’t ask about AUS../
And I don’t have nothing to do with German teacher

Yes with children, court and I don’t call it teaching …
More like giving directions

And seeing it differently..
If has something what someone wanting say ..then saying it ..

I don’t read every comment about everything..( scrip)

scrip or teaching or hearing anything..

My believing is, if it’s me you talking to then you also knowing from where script was coming in.. without 🔀

Anonymous said…

@ Anon – July 19, 2022 at 7:56 a.m. = LB = amica di A.Grant

Molto furba ;)
No, non parlavo di te.

Chissà se le 3 donne di “piuma” hanno lo stesso “datore di lavoro” – Attenzione: NON sarà a tempo indeterminato (!)

Le scelte fatte male hanno le conseguenze tristi, ma se le 3 donne chiedessero AIUTO ALLA LUCE DIVINA, potrebbero salvare il loro futuro? - 2 di loro hanno figli (!)

Anonymous said…
@ T.W. forse ho ‘il pane per i tuoi denti’.

Qui sotto, è da leggere con traduttore automatico del browser.

Chissà se dopo potrai volere di scriverci qui un breve riassunto.

Felice studio
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:35

@ Anon – July 19, 2022 at 7:56 a.m.

= LB = amica di A.Grant

Are you trying to say that I am LB ,friend AG?

And you are F papa Carlo
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:35

Are you feeling good?

Find time yourself ask help from daylight this my help you find some help..
Wrong what?
Please someone help this person mental pain ..

I read this blog and understand more and more that how CD needs nerves navigate all this BS
LB said…
Hello everyone

I just want to say that I’m a fan of CD’s blog. I don’t know anyone here!
I’m NOTa friend of AG! I’m a fan of Keanu Reeves that is it! So please don’t discuss my name and I will stop
Commenting here and I feel it’s best to leave this blog , which I dont want to stay. Or I can
Just read and not comment at all! I don’t mean harm to anyone
Thank you

Anonymous said…
Back to victimization hoods , how many times you have done same thing ,
same thing different name ..
change name again and don’t try find sympathy, it’s not working.

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