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TOLD YA Putin starts to cut the power...

He's planning something BAD.....

We best not take our eyes off Putin.
While all this terrible bomb drama is going on.
As Putin is up to mischief........
Granted it may not be towards the USA…
But Europe is another matter....
He's planning to cut the power supply to Europe & more... 
Putin needs to watch 2023/24/25.
When he tries to start WW111.
 Bad years for him...


Anonymous said…
what will happen to China and Taiwan? do you see wars?

I don't like what has been going on with Russia and Ukraine, hope it will end soon
Lovely Libra said…
CD - so many psychics have predicted that Putin is seriously ill and will be leaving this planet soon - could you please comment on this? He is just pure evil - I’ve never wished death on anyone — and I’m not gonna start now - but his reign of terror has to stop; sickening what he’s done - and is continuing to do - to our world. Thanks, CD.
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra,

The American tabloids report he has terminal cancer.

One psychic (I forget who, maybe the WHITE woman who likes DOVEs) said he waited too long to seek medical care.
T. W. said…
The Bear & the Demon Serpent, uh, I meant the Dragon are best friends.

Do not underestimate them.

They are not our friends.
T. W. said…
Christian, tabloids & gossip sites say the following relationships are happening:

John Travolta & Lisa Marie Presley

Bradley Cooper And Huma Abedin

I don’t believe this!
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Racism Ain’t Going Nowhere”

An entire North Carolina police department resigned after a Black woman town manager was hired

I want to point out that Highway 301 & Interstate 95 run through/near the town of Kenly.

Interstate 95 is a major drug corridor.

Kenly not having a police department is great news for drug, weapons, & human traffickers.
Anonymous said…
Lovely Libra, you are so lovely. I agree with what you wrote; however, Putin has murdered too many innocent human beings, destroyed too many Mother's hearts. He deserves to die. I wish him death sooner than later. I don't feel bad for saying that, Putin is evil personified, and he's got to go in order for beautiful changes to happen.

Anonymous said…
On bbc news website :- Prince Charles accepted £1m from Osama Bin Laden's family - report
Anonymous said…
Christian, pay pls attention:

Jules said…
It needs to be mentioned there are also many psychics and many, many others that have a completely different view of Putin, and it's far from a negative one.

Just like they are many news reports and analysts etc that have carefully studied what is taking place in Ukraine and it totally contradicts the information the western media has been pumping out and feeding the masses.
T. W. said…

Welcome back Jules!
T. W. said…

I agree, neither party has clean hands.
Anonymous said…
I supported Putin for a long time you all know
but I no longer care about what is going on between Russia and Ukraine
that is reality
Putin will lose unless he stops now
people like me can no longer give him any attention,
I need to take care of my own business

I supported Trump in the begging
Trump showed the world what kind of person he was
then I stopped paying attention to him
White Nationalists are a joke
just like Hitler
Jules said…
What is bothersome to me is when people's perceptions of events have been purposefully coloured, tainted and completely changed by disinformation, downright lies and emotional propaganda designed to tug at your heartstrings.

It's bothersome to me that people have been so very heavily manipulated and are now fearful, and/or living in fear.

Jules said…
HRH TW - Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

Did you manage to catch the blatant alleged satanic ritual shown live on TV during the Jubilee? I didn't watch any of the Jubilee, but the ritual caused an uproar, so watched that.

LIVE report discussing The QUEENS RITUAL!!! (with Jessie Czebotar)

The Queen's SATANIC Jubilee RITUAL (2022)

I highly recommend watching the reveal report with Jessie as she drops a whopper of a truth bomb regarding the 'Queen' well she drops a lot of truth bombs .. but this one is a whopper... start watching around the 20 min mark, you will not be disappointed.
Anonymous said…
C.D. e persone vere ॐ

TW è un manipolatore.

Inoltre, mi chiedo di che segno solare è la signora Parker, perché vedo molte somiglianze.

Infine, chi è interessato, allego questo link, è MOLTO importante (da leggere con traduzione automatica da impostare sul browser in sezione lingue):

P.S. Chi vede come nemici i popoli interi, è nemico di se stesso.

Jules, poi vedo i video, grazie.

NAMAS ॐ ॐ ॐ

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