The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Lots of gossip & Told Ya’s. Prepare yourselves.
1) Report: Anne Heche’s electric car was remotely hacked
According to a report, actress Anne Heche's car was remotely hacked and controlled by an unknown person before it crashed.
Rumors swirled online that Heche's car was remotely hacked because she was about to release a film exposing sex trafficking in Hollywood.
According to an article in Motoring Life, a security flaw in Mini Cooper cars left the vehicles open to hacking.
Heche was pulled out of the home's rubble about an hour later.
Video footage from a Los Angeles news station shows Heche covered in a white sheet on a gurney. Firefighters apparently did not provide emergency medical treatment such as oxygen or intravenous fluids - life-saving measures that are standard for a patient suffering from smoke inhalation and burns.
Videos show Heche sitting up on the gurney and appearing to struggle with the firefighters.
2) The Anne Heche Crash Heard Around the World
What we know, what we don't. Why it's worth questioning what we are being told.
3) Security Flaw In MINI Connected Leaves MINIs Open To Hacking
1) Paper Magazine Partied With Madonna
2) Madonna Is the Wildest Party Favor
3) Open Post: Hosted By Madonna French Kissing Two Women On Her Italian Birthday Vacation
Will a new Thatcherite era come to Britain if Liz Truss wins her party vote?