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Have "Swanderful" Day



Godzilla said…
Good morning!
Nobody died arround Harrys and Keanus circle yet. And no Putin bombing in Europe either. Why make people feel anxious CD? Bad vibes and lies or true psychic gift?
Anonymous said…
Hello! Everybody,

Keanu Reeves attended a wedding in UK 2 days ago and appeared to be HAPPY! that is the Happy Keanu we want to see. I love the people in UK, the Britons, Scottish, Irish, Wales ! I love UK fashion, Scotch and Irish whisky. and of course, I love Psychic Dion predictions. Keanu you enjoy your time in UK, stay away from sad, negative and crazy parasites who carry VICTIM cards 24/7. Allow yourself to be happy with NO guilt!
Teetee said…
Do you see the actors Channing Tatum and Zoe Kravitz lasting? Weird pairing.
Anonymous said…
Christian Dion: can you do a quick reading for KR's future love, whether she is ok now and will be fine; apparently AG and AG's people have been trying to make her life hard.
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, megain( Meghan markle) finally released her podcast, I didn’t think she would tbh… Serena Williams was her first guest… she said she and Serena were good friends and have been for a long time, is it true? Does Serena like her or see her as a friend or acquaintance? If so, why? Does Hollywood like her? I.e directors, producers, casting agents etc… does she have any real genuine celebrity friend? If so, why? How her and prince fool oh sorry Harry relationship doing? How are lilbet and Archie doing? What’s in store for their futures?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: 7:35
Don’t be ridiculous 😁
how this MF-ers can make her life hard🤭?

What medication you all eating?

Are you all living in some kind of kindergarten?

Believe me
This what I see ,AG doesn’t want hell her shoulder 😉
Anonymous said…
Boy, some people forgot their NICE vitamins this morning! Meow


Well, he might be or he might not be happy. When people go out into the world, they wear their external mask. We all do it. You can't expect someone to attend a wedding and be in a grumpy mood or wear a sad face especially if you are a famous person. Besides, a happy event can be like a drug and rub off on you in a good way.

I also do not think Keanu has met HER yet, and if he had, they have not yet engaged. The guy has John Wick and Matrix moves, I would not worry too much about AG or her friends. I really think Keanu is a big boy (literally and figuretively) and can handle things and AG and company, if needed.


Holy crap! While I did know that Serena and Meghan were once good friends, I thought they might have parted company. I am a huge admirer of Miss Serena but not Meghan. That is quite shocking that Serena agreed to do the podcast but she is her own woman. Meghan wears a mask too. Just ask Harry. Meow
Anonymous said…
Ahhh Godzilla, have you been getting your regular dose of nuclear radiation? I think you've had too much. Here, let me give you a hug before I kick your ass out back to sea!
Lovely Libra said…
CD — a million and 2 sincere thanks for this picture; I needed the laugh so much today!!!

Thank you - 💛💙🌻💛💙🌻
Anonymous said…
we don't know about Keanu Reeves and his real story.

the 13 fans were sued and one died, that is the only thing we know so far.

I think everybody should be careful, considering how Amber Heard and the media and their people have treated Johnny Depp, nobody should be victim of Alexandra Grant.

Grant has control over Keanu Reeves.

time to enjoy a normal life, glad that Johnny Depp is free. Keanu is different from Depp, he has been fighting against his own fans for many years.

Everybody take care of yourself.
Anonymous said…
9:31 PM

Keanu Reeves got money from her, but her chose to be with AG.
AG and their people control Keanu.
Keanu Reeves should give her money back to her.
the whole world knows it except you.

MMJ said…
To my dear online friends here

You have meant a lot to me in the past almost three years of communication here. If I hurt someone here with my words, know that I went through a spiritually difficult phase with you. Sorry about that.

What I was going through, spiritual awakening, signs, synchronicities and dreams I had, everything was true. Only I didn't understand some things. At that point, it was unfamiliar territory for me.

My soul has found its way and it's time to say goodbye.

To those who think that I am a third person or a person with multiple profiles, I can say - keep thinking that. I don't want to convince anyone otherwise.

I need to say goodbye because some people have meant a lot to me here on this blog. Lessons have been learned and it's time to move on.

This time I will say goodbye with my name.

I love you all.


Psychic Gossip said…
Godzilla Summer is over September 22nd CDX
teacher wendy said…
The teenager in me says Happy Birthday Rick Springfield! I got to meet him just before the pandemic.
MILICA if you are leaving we will miss you.
Its been a Long day. Sis has a tiny broken bone in her wrist( brace), and they called me crazy because they sent me the wrong nebulizer mask, for 2 hours, plus they have to pull one of her teeth before it gets infected and then make an impression for a fake tooth. What a day!!!!
LB said…
Hi CD & Community 😊🫶💗

First, the pic! LOL, thank you! 😀
Second, a lot of verbal activity today, interesting 🤔
Third, on the subject of KR & AG & her people harassing
“The One” I’m sure she is aware of it!!! 😁🤭

Most important
Please pray for my cousin Ricky, 69 years old has hospice
at home. Lives up the street from us. Hospice has taking
He has been through so much!
He knows he is dying and tells every
“I’ll see you guys again in Heaven, I’ll be with my mother soon “
The words of a dying and courageous man…😔😢

Please, prayers for my cousin Ricky, it’s a matter of days…

Thank you to those that will pray for him

LB said…
@MMJ Milica 😊🫶 8/24/22 1:13am

I remember seeing your posts from time to time!
I hope all is well with you & I’m sorry you are leaving
CD’s blog.
I hope you consider staying?
From what I can remember your comments
We’re always supportive of any subject we
we’re taking about!

Please stay 😊🫶🙏

If you are going , may God always bless your journey
and keep you safe! Amen

LB said…
@Keanu’s One 8/24/22 6:52pm

Thank you for sharing the UK 🇬🇧 pic with us! 😀👏👏Congratulations 🍾🎉 to the happy couple! 👰‍♀️ 🤵‍♂️🥂 💐
May their life be blessed with happiness & good heath!!

Thank you for the update on Keanu Reeves and his adventures!
As a fan, it’s always nice to see him traveling and being happy in the moment!
He deserves that private space for himself! 😊

It’s hard to find any true verifiable fan clubs on Keanu Reeves! 🤷🏻‍♀️
Us fans are experiencing the effects of all the scammers that attack his fan bases!
It’s a nightmare!

So, I hope his management team can put together a “blue check mark ✅ “fan club
on YouTube, Facebook, twitter, etc!
I hope not instagram 😳 can’t never seem to get an account with them! Hmm 🤔
Oh well
I said my peace ✌️

Thanks again @ Keanu’s One 🫶😊💗

Anonymous said…
It’s funny how one ( AG )
Can bring up funny emotions..
I am already fighting mode ..
If anyone needs this mood
I eat first my allergies med…
I am allergic to dusty
I m not tall enough but I have stool.😉

We all learning every day..
Sometimes you eat your own what you had given out.
Take care

Anonymous said…

The past couple of years has been very difficult for millions of souls (including myself), and has also been a spiritual awakening for the lucky few. I think I understand what you are saying.

I wish you good things. Hope your new path will lead you to peace and joy.


Anonymous said…

I've been thinking that this new podcast of hers is really a way of talking about herself. Period.

Don't get me wrong, I do think Meghan is a very good communicator. I also think she is very bright and well read. She is also cunning, narcisstic and manipulative. I think a podcast is right up her alley but only for a short interim.

Rumor has it that Mariah Carey will soon guest.

Aside from making big bucks (millions), this is truly a way for Meghan to tell the world what she thinks, how she feels, and what she knows. No matter who is the guest on her podcast, all roads lead back to Meghan.
Anonymous said…
life is a journey and
we all learn from hard lessons

friends support us
but we grow up from dealing with those who have a intention to harm me though they pretend to be our friends

in the end,
we are our own enemies

I came to this site in September 2020
I thought it was a trap or a big lie or a bad curse when I read some predictions
so I chose to not to believe anything

but things happened
and again I chose not to believe CD in 2021
and gain things happened

and now
I choose to not believe nor disbelieve

MMJ said…
Anon August 24, 7:04am

I don't eat anything that I produce, but you are probably speaking from experience.😘

Good luck to everyone else🤞

Anonymous said…

Forgive me for butting into your business.

I don't know whose idea it was to go through the process of creating a fake tooth to replace the one that was just pulled, but I am going to tell you that it will be a complete waste of time and money.

The whole 2-hour plus ordeal was very stressful for your sister.

First of all, the fake tooth will serve no purpose. It's not like she is chewing her food. Forget about the adjacent teeth moving because there is now a space where the tooth was pulled.

Secondly, one size fits all, fitting perfect the first time, won't happen! You will subject your sister to further stress.

You also risk your sister getting COVID.

These partial dentures are very very tricky especially for folks like your sister and for most older people who get them. I am going to assume she has no way of telling you things, so the chances of this fake tooth being a good fit and a comfortable fit the first, second, third time are ZERO.

Another thing I might mention is the MAJORITY of people that get these partial dentures HATE THEM and do not wear them. This is a FACT. Also, it is imperative to clean the denture at least once a day.

I am appalled at so-called professional idiots who will do things for people well-knowing it's bullshit.

If you are paying this person, or if this person is going to get paid via insurance, etc., it's a scam.

You do not need to explain to me WHY. I know WHY you are doing this and God bless you Wendy. Your love and care for your sister is deeply touching. You can also tell me to mind my own business, and I will respect that. However, I KNOW things and that is why I am telling you this. 🙏
Anonymous said…
yes, I am a chef by profession..
Anonymous said…

AG is as important as AH
both are the products of their own people, culture and history
both are supported by the media and their people

both JD and KR have been surrounded by AG/AH's people
AG/AH's people have a control over both JD and KR in the past

JD fought and won
KR is hahaha

AG is important
AG is being sent to defraud the world outside the USA
if you follow the media in other languages

so it is important to send AG to jail
before it commits more crimes in Russia, Japan, Korea and China using KR's name

KR will fail JW4
just like M4

God is in charge
and we just do our parts helping the innocents

Anonymous said…
And MMJ you have mils to go to really be awakened ..
But I’m sure you find yourself right direction
Take care .
Anonymous said…

I am so sorry about your cousin Ricky.

You have to admit, he's got a wonderful attitude about departing, that will get him far on the other side!

I'm really very sorry and I hope that you and other family members are able to lean on each other during this difficult time.

LB said…
Hi 👋 CD

This was a shocker today!!!😳
LB said…
@anonymous 8/24/22 11/15om

Thank you so much!
Yes ! I know about his courageous spirit! He was very close to his
mother! He is happy about meeting up with her again!!

Thank you again for condolences 💐
Anonymous said…
No, no, Amber Heard's "people" (whatever that means) did not control Johnny Depp. Don't forget, Johnny was a mega huge box office Hollywood star LONG BEFORE Miss Social Climber Amber Heard came along.

Johnny wasn't controlled by her people. What does that mean?

If anything, Johnny might have been "controlled" by his addictions, but not by Heard or her so-called people.


Johnny took the lying psycho bitch back to the courtroom to prove and show it was her antics and lies all along.

He had no choice but to defend himself, his reputation and career was at stake.

Women like Amber Heard are the worst kind of women. They use men to further their career and use them for their money.

Thank God Johnny's team of lawyers did not have to work that hard because Amber Heard showed her true colors effortlessly on the stand.

As far as Keanu and Alexandra goes, it's ridiculous to think that his girlfriend and her "people" control Keanu. I doubt that.

This thought process is not logical. I do not understand why some people continue to post and make it seem like a big man like Keanu is overcome by his girlfriend. That he has been "raped" by her. Get real. It's so ridiculous, I can't even begin to understand.

He will leave her on his own time and not before. To constantly wish or want him to leave Alexandra --- Why? Why does it matter so much to you? Why do some of you have such a hate-on for his mate?

It's really none of our business. I do not understand why people are SO INVOLVED in his love life and his other business.

Some of you people need to get OUT because there is a big world out there waiting to be discovered. Stop wasting precious time on Keanu's love life and start living your own.

This is just utter madness. I'm really trying to be kind in my delivery!

P.S. By the way, when you say you are leaving this site, don't pretend you are and then continue to post anonymously. It's ridiculous!

I've wasted 7 minutes of my life writing this post! I need to go take a shower!
Psychic Gossip said…
I predicted in 2017 on this blog. They would DIVORCE CDx
teacher wendy said…
LB I hope Ricky is good. Hospice is suppose to be wonderful. I will pray for him as he transitions. With all my love. Keep us informed.

The fake tooth for my sister goes on the upper plate she already has, its a front tooth. It has nothing new involved with her doing anything,just she will be without her existing upper partial plate for 3 to 4 days while they add the new tooth to it.( I take her tops and bottoms out and put them in cleaner and put them back in everyday...and may I say I HATE IT...WORKING WITH HER DENTURES! yuck plus she likes to bite me). I dont take her to just any dentist but to my trusted dentist of 40 years, and she says if the tooth she has a hole/cavity in, gets infected she could get very sick. Its too far gone for a root canal or filling. It has to be removed. She is going to MY oral surgeon/maxi facial surgeon....not just any old dentist. I have instructions from her geriatric doctor and her pulmonologist to follow during tooth removal. What else can I do? I try so hard. Adding a tooth to her existing plate is the EASY PART!

There is always a chance we will not make it to any appointment because out time is limited but I plan like we are ....AND GO ON....its the only way we can tomorrow will come.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CARING. WE do not get to much of that lately. It means SO much!
Anonymous said…
I'm asking because I'm curious after seeing the anonymous post. I'm Korean, and I don't know exactly how Keanu's condition works. Keanu's bot is many on Korean Instagram. That's why I became interested in Keanu's private life, and I happened to know the AG's control. But Keanu is a big guy and how is he controlled by the AG? And how do you guys know who keanu got the money from her? Koreans have no idea about the state of Keanu. How does AG control KR? Is it related to the production company, Warner or Lana?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…

I know it's hard. Of course you had to get the infected tooth removed. An infected tooth can create havoc and serious problems not just in the mouth, jaw but also within the body. It's a very serious matter.

The reason she bites you is because she might be trying to tell you that she doesn't want the dentures. They are probably ALL giving her some discomfort, which is quite normal because after a time, the jaw ridge shrinks and the denture will not fit well.

Caregiving is one of the most challenging, emotional and exhausting experiences one could ever have. It is also one of the most rewarding experiences and it is life changing. There are days, moments, when you are brought to your knees.

When you care for a person who is chronically ill in your home, it means constant change. Constant care. Constant upkeep. Constant cleaning. Constant concern and worry. Just when you get a nice routine down, something new happens and then you have to adjust your routine. Then every now and again, a serious thing happens and you have to involve the professionals and again adjust the routine. It is constant change, constant monitoring, and constant mult-tasking 24 hours a day.

Besides mothering, caregiving is THE hardest job in the world.

God bless you Wendy. You are such a unselfish, caring soul.

I'm glad you post here. I'm glad this is a safe place for you to come and share your experiences. Some days you just need to vent. It's all good.
teacher wendy said…
Annoymous - thank you...for your kind words. Yes a routine and then all hell breaks loose and you find a new routine. My greatest regret will be NOT putting in the stairlift. One day at a time. Luvs.
LB said…
@teacher Wendy

You are so kind! That means so much to me when people come together
and pray for others …thank you 😊🫶💗🙏
I’m praying for your sister also ..
Praying that her tooth 🦷 situation can be resolved!
Sounds like an implant? That could be a complicated decision
If your system is immune compromised?
With implants they drill a hole in your gums (sounds scary yes) they place a steel
rod in gum and then screw in the artificial tooth!
The results if successful are amazing!
But, some people can’t handle the implant and hv to have it removed

I hope this is the topic @teacher Wendy , I didn’t read your post throughly !
Anyway, thank you again for prayers for ricky!
We sent him flowers with a scriptural saying
He loved it, mom talked to him today was heavenly sedated but could understand 😊🙏✝️💗💗💗

Praying for you Teacher Wendy & beautiful sister , always 🙏✝️

Love LB
Anonymous said…
Love this pic! Lol any news on the Rob Pattinson front? He is working in London, but bought a place in nyc? Any updates on a new girl, if he leaves LA and if the next Psyfi film will be a hit? Thanks!
LB said…
@8/2522 6:44am

@Teacher Wendy
Update on my cousin, my cousin is now in a coma, at home
now with hospice,
We are just waiting for updates also thank you for your prayers
On his transition 😊🫶🙏✝️💗💗💗

T. W. said…

Please do not leave us. I love you and other people here love you too. Maybe take a break? I take breaks too.

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