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Indeed Good Morning...



Beth said…
Nice to see this on a day I'm having a wobble. Clicked on my fb too and first post on there was:
"Never be afraid of change 🦋. What's coming is better than what has gone"

Anonymous said…
Morning CD, how are you this fine morning? Please do a prediction/reading on “rapper” Danielle bregoli aka bhad bhabie… what do you see in her future career wise? Will she keep making that ear sour she calls music or stay a only fans model? What do you see for her 2022 and beyond? Will she get married and have kids if her own some day? Was she exploited by her mom, dr Phil, and all the adults around her?
Anonymous said…
people (Mongols, Turks, Siberians, Natives, Hungarians) practice Shamanism / Tengerism believe that, people are a part of the Universe, just like dogs, plants and water ...

this consists with all other religions such as Christianity, Islam and Buddhism.
Anonymous said…
True love and happiness for Keanu💜
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, how are you and your family doing? Please do a prediction/reading on keke Palmer and zendaya… what do you see in their future career wise? What do you see for them in 2022 and beyond? Will they get married and have kids one day? If so, how many kids will they have each? Will their marriage last if they get married? Is Tom holland zendaya’s future husband? A lot of psychics I’ve been watching on YouTube say their relationship won’t last, are they right?
Anonymous said…
Thanks for that!


Megan and Harry have done it again! This time on paper! They did a lengthy interview in "The Cut" magazine (well, it was mostly Megan doing all the talking, of course). The cover of the magazine refers to Megan as "The Duchess." (But where the hell is Harry's image? In the very far distant background, of course, because Megan is the star narcissist).

In the article Megan once again discusses the royals in a negative light and how she and Harry are victims. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

It is interesting how both her and Harry are now estranged from their fathers.

Is this not a tragedy? Both Charles and Tom would be such loving grandparents.

Ironically, Megan and Harry talk about forgiveness. Of course, it's all bullshit like all the other woke shit they claim to do. If they truly practised forgiveness they would both mend the relationships with their fathers. I would think that the main reason Harry does not have a relationshiop with Charles is because Daddy cut him off. And Meghan's Dad, well, he just doesn't fit into her new ritzy Hollywood lifestyle.

Those individuals who are estranged from their fathers or mothers or both parents DO NOT MAKE GOOD MATES. How do you turn your back on a parent whose health is not the best? How do you abandon your parents and never talk to them? And when they pass away, will they show up with roses and shed a tear?

Too late.

It's laughable to read how they claimed they didn't have the money at first to buy a mansion in California, but yet they ended up purchasing an exceptionally large and very expensive mansion in Montecito, in one the most luxurious real estate areas in the U.S.

The article is all about narcisstic Megan talking all about Megan. She obviously feels the need to refute some of the allegations against her. She talked about how people don't like an ambitious woman (like her). When ambition (either by a man or a woman), is directed towards selfish ends such as greed and stoking the ego, and is achieved by lying or taking advantage of others, people see that as shady behavior.

Not sure why these two keep digging their grave by dissing Queen Grandma and the fam over and over again. Of course they (Megan) had to do another interview to counteract some of the truths of Tom Bower's explosive book.

What Megan and Harry need to do is once and for all shut up about the royals and stop acting like victims, grow up, and most of all stop following the bad advice by continuing to do these shocking interviews. Megan especially should stop using the Duchess title if the royals are so evil and have treated her so badly.

These two have been blessed beyond measure and yet they still don't seem to be grateful for a dam thing.
Anonymous said…
From The Cut on Instagram: I usually have something to say about Meghan Markle’s piffle but this has seriously left me momentarily speechless. We have individuals in the royal family who are princesses by birth who have chosen not to use the title cos they want to lead a normal life and earn their keep. And this is not by selling stories to the press about the royal family and sticking the knife in to make money. Meghan really needs to get off her high horse and appreciate that royal titles are a little meaningless on a someone who appears to think by gaining a title suddenly turns her into an ethereal Disney princess sprinkled in fairy dust while she systematically lies and trashes the Royal family. Hollywood Diva behaviour, self importance and delusions of grandeur does not wash with the Brits.
Lovely Libra said…
Love this, CD - so true…thanks for the reminder.
Anonymous said…
CD - any thoughts on this latest Meghan Markle article where she compares herself to Mandela? Barf! Also - more BTS visions please! BTS are such talented and kind men - I wish them a happy future.
LB said…
@Beth 8/30/22 6:35pm
Beautiful Beth! I’m praying better days ahead for you!

@anonymous 8/30/22 7:56 pm

I truly hope and pray with you about Keanu finding love
And happiness!!!
💜 💜💜
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, how are you? Please do a reading/prediction on TikToker Addison Rae, she’s watching her family fall apart before her eyes and it’s because of the fame she has… think Lindsey Lohan and Brittany spares fame hungry parents, now Addison is sort of in the same situation… the difference is her dad cheated on her mom with another TikToker by them name of Ava Louise who’s either the same age as Addison or a few months or years older but they’re both in their 20’s as for Addison mom Shari she’s apparently dating a 19 year old musician by the name of young gravy, they went to the Vma’s together and even kissed. I’m concerned for Addison and so are her fans, her parents are behaving selfishly and aren’t think about Addison’s best interest in my opinion. Are Shari and young gravy dating? If so, will their relationship last? Is their relationship a PR relationship? As for Ava Louise, does she feel bad for practically being a home wreacker? Talking about can’t wait to be a blinded family like what?🥴 what do you see for Shari, Ava, and Monty(Addison’s dad) future? What’s in store for Addison’s future? Will she cut of her mom and dad? As well as call out those responsible for her family breaking apart?
MH said…
Thank you Christian ♥️
T. W. said…
I needed to see this. Thank you!

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