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Morning everyone....



MBMOM said…
Good morning CD!
Beth said…
Morning, hope everyone has a nice day. I'm glad this weekend is over (working)! Having a well deserved glass of wine! Santé!
Anonymous said…
Yes, beautiful image, CD!
Anonymous said…

The other day I sat down and watched a 30-minute talk show interview with Reeves. I thought I’d see what he was like so to understand all the extreme fandom. I found him to be genuine, sincere, respectful, a gentleman. He has a quiet confidence about him. Hie is smart. When talking about his mom, Patricia Taylor, a professional costume designer, you could see his face light up. He smiled his biggest smile when talking about mom. It’s obvious that he and his mom are very close. Nice!

I liked his manner and the vocabulary he chose -- grateful, thankful, blessed. Nice!

Here’s what else I got:

• He seems comfortable in his own skin
• He seems very Zen (I think he likes his solitude)
• He seems like a very private person (not a kiss and tell kind of guy)
• He’s kind of mysterious; a deep thinker kind of guy
• He might be too nice for his own good (but I feel that’s changing)
• Anytime he had been interviewed, no host ever mentioned a girlfriend
• In fact, AG has not been on his arm on any red carpet at least not recently
• He’s in pretty good shape considering he’s a smoker
• Hie has had obvious Botox treatments
• He smiles but there’s sadness behind those eyes


• Four decades in the industry
• $5.2 Billion dollars at the box office
• Over 65 films including 2 powerhouse franchises (Matrix, John Wick)
• His favorite acting role: Thomas Anderson, Matrix
• Net Worth $385 million
• Lives in Hollywood Hills
• Lives next door to Leonardo DiCaprio
• He is 56 years old
• He’s 6’1”
• Born in Lebanon
• Moved to Toronto, Canada at the age of 7
• Parents are divorced; father is deceased
• He likes hockey
• He has no pets, but loves animals
• Started smoking at age 30
• 20 years old when he got his first car, a 1966 Volvo 122S (drove to Hollywood from Toronto)
• He has a real friendship and bond with actor Carrie Ann Moss
• He earned the title of being the nicest guy in Hollywood
• He is a philanthropist and is one of the most generous people in Hollywood
• His sister had a cancer diagnosis at the height of his Matrix success, and he funnelled millions of dollars into cancer research centres
• In 2000, he and an ex-girlfriend had an “angel baby” and apparently it was the reason they broke up. Several months later the ex-girlfriend dies in a car accident.
• Some people have wondered if Keanu is gay


• Very kind
• Most humble
• A great leader
• Most encouraging
• Child-like curiosity
• Sweet guy
• Handsome
• Generous

The death of a child and of an ex-girlfriend CHANGES people FOREVER. I’m sure he thinks about them all the time.

Perhaps this is why he got into drugs heavily when he was younger.

I too, have wondered if he was gay. Because he’s never married and because he hooked up with someone like AG, his karmic soulmate.

I think this is a spot-on definition of a karmic soulmate:

“Karmic relationships teach you about the world and others, whereas your soulmates help you learn your self-worth,” she says. You feel good, balanced, and happy in a soulmate relationship. But in a karmic relationship, you'll always feel like something is just not right.”
LB said…
Good morning CD & community

Beautiful pic of the ocean 🌊
Thank you for sharing
Starlight said…

Dear Wendy

I hope you and your
sister are well ❣️

is she at home or
have you found a
place in a hospice

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:15 or LB
He is 57 (after 26 days ) 58
LB said…
@anonymous 8/7/22 9:15pm

Thank you for that beautiful analysis & comment on Keanu Reeves
I’m so happy he has a wonderful lifetime friendship with Carrie -Ann Moss (I love her) 😊🫶

That was a beautiful definition of a soulmate
I hope I can be that part of a relationship that builds someone up!
I’m not familiar with being built up myself except for one special
Comment made to me years ago 😉

Keanu deserves to be built up! He seems to be a very good soul & person! You can always tell the nature if a man
by the way he treats his mother!! 💗😊

We all have our issues in life but to find a partnership that loves you unconditionally
and builds you up, is priceless 🫶💗

Look at all his accomplishments you have listed! My God!
I believe he will be 58 ? 🤔next month! 9/2/22

I don’t think I hv ever seen an actor in his or her career in so many movies 🎥 has
Keanu Reeves! It’s mind boggling! He deserves an award just for that alone! 😀

I think I love Keanu Reeves!!
Thank you anonymous 😊🙏✝️💗💗💗🫶

LB said…
I hope he is not gay or bisexual, not that I’m against that at all!
I have gays on my my side of family and a transgender
Years ago, family secret , back in the 1969’s he was part
Of the original operation 🫶

Just asking 💗
Anonymous said…
the KR -AG thing is very scary, it has been like a horror movie to watch their performance, I think KR and AG should keep their relationship private, one fan died in July 2021 as one of 13, I think all of us should stay away from this giant couple.
Anonymous said…
hi Keanu,

I wish you happiness and success.

Anonymous said…
Morning CD, how are you? Apparently prince William is addressing the UN and coming to the u.s, if it’s true… how will the Sussex’s react? How will the public react? Is megain still mad she got the spare instead of the heir? Will either of them remarry after they divorce? Will either of them have more kids after they divorce?
teacher wendy said…
I read that many people may be exposed to the Polio virus. My mother told me many stories of polio hitting their little town. My sister lost her best friends
"the twins" to polio and her second best friend...the entire family succumb to the disease. Monkey pox is nothing compared to Polio. Please go back to wearing your masks. This is not a disease to even triffle with.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous and LB,

Yes, you are quite right, he is currently 57 and soon will have another birthday in September. Thank you both for the correction.

However, the reason I wrote he was 56 is because in the interview that's how old he said he was. That means the interview was done over a year ago even thought it had not aired on TV until last week.

LB, I so agree with you about how a man treats his mom is very telling. Ditto siblings. As CD has told us, "He's a good guy."

I don't think he is gay. He has publically refuted any allegations that he might be gay. I believe him.

I really liked him and now understand WHY he has so many fans. I look forward to the day when he is without AG and the many opportunities (personal and professional) that will then come forward.

I am a Keanu fan! He is a very unique and special man!
Anonymous said…
I agree with TEACHER WENDY, we need to mask up people.

Not just because of the Monkeypox but especially because of the mutating variants that are coming our way this fall and winter.

I hate masks too. Oh, how I hate them.

But they help to keep me safe. I also haven't had a flu or cold since the Pandemic.

All because of the mask! Please wear your masks!
Anonymous said…
I once asked KR whether he was raped by AG,
KR paused for quite a while then said no,
I guess it could be a yes.
AG is about 6'5, 300 pounds

13 fans work with C Parker, reverse the RO
then sue AG for compensation
you each could get half a million or more
share 5% with CD
5% with homeless
take 90% in your own pocket
that would be super!

you will win.
LB said…
@Teacher Wendy

Thank you so much! I started wearing my mask again
Where I live, I can’t believe so many people stopped weeding them!
My moms family just got over a terrible bout of Covid-19
they are better now, they all got their boosters but are now
Wearing their masks again! Sigh 😞
It’s better to be safe then sorry!

Love LB
Anonymous said…
LB & turtleclub
The Turtle's Brain
Turtles are reptiles, so their brains are different from those of mammals.
Their brains are smaller .
They generally have smaller cerebral hemispheres than mammals.
This is the area of the brain that controls reasoning and learning.

"Every form of addiction is bad, no
matter whether the narcotic be alcohol
or morp hine or idealiegoism or idiotism”

You didn't understand the sayings?
Or meaning of affirmation ,don’t you ?
KR's ONE said…
KR admitted to me he is BI and AG is a MALE not a trans
that may explain why AG could have a control over KR
because AG is 6'5" and 300 pounds, a man!
while KR is only '61 and 200 pounds, an actor.

but KR,
I still love you
and we still love you

you take care of yourself
and stay away from AG when your 13 fans may go to court reversing the RO as victims

LB said…
@anonymous 8/8/22 7:36am

No, I didn’t sadly, I’m dyslexic so you would have to be more clearer
with me when talking directly to ME! Thank you
I assume part of that affirmation could be someone else’s
food addiction? Addiction is addiction in any aspect!
Hope I got that right? 🤔😁

@Keani’s One
First I would have to hear it myself from him to believe it!
second, it certainly wouldn’t be in print that is for sure because a conversation between
two people should never go beyond that trust!
If it is true, nothing surprises me! Hollywood is an evil environment and I have a feeling
It was against HIS will!
So AG blackmailing him with that WILL NOT WORK!
If he is BI that would be heartbreaking ❤️‍🩹 for us heterosexual woman! 😢
But, we still love him for who he is and his accomplishments in life including
his fabulous life guotes! 😀😘
With that being said!
I still love KR and will support him! 👊💪
T. W. said…
Monkey Pox can still be contracted when one comes into contact with fabrics, skin, etc. that have the virus on it.
LB said…
@anonymous 8/8/22 7:36am
Thank you for your educational knowledge of what a pea brain is! 😁
What I actually meant by turtle 🐢 club was “slow at weight loss” 😂
Aka turtle 🐢 Club! That phrase is used alot in many weight loss clubs , groups, chats etc!!
Hope that explanation helps with the affirmation? 😜🤘
T. W. said…
Anonymous August 8, 2022 at 7:36 AM

LB is correct.

Weight Watchers gives clients a toy turtle if their weight loss progress is slow.

Clients who gain weight are given a toy pig.
teacher wendy said…
I have all the doctors straightened out and the main one changed. This last 3 weeks she needed her specialists: pulmonologist, cardiologist, geriatic specialist. We will continue to do what we need. At the moment she is at home but she still has awareness during the afternoon evenings. I have now gotten orders for home hospice and they can evaluate for residential hospice. When they put her on short doses of prednisone to help her breathing, it messes everything else up. One step at a time. Thank you for asking. The one thing about hospice...there is no hurry really. I do have a hospice for home and residential chosen in my plan. If plans work. Maybe I should ask Christian next week if my plan is a good one.

I hope you are all well!
Anonymous said…
Such bloody nonsense I should not even waste my time responding to it but here goes...

1. Alexandra Grant did NOT rape Keanu Reeves.

2. Alexandra Grant is NOT 6 feet, 5 inches tall.

3. Alexandra Grant does NOT weigh 300 lbs.

4. Suing Alexandra Grant for compensation is absolute fuckery.
Anonymous said…
Dam. We have a cockroach problem, people.

Forget turtles, let's talk about our cockroach.

"Cockroaches act smart. But it is a complete illusion. Roaches have no intelligence at all."

P.S. Turtles ain't that dumb.
Anonymous said…
hi you are right:

1. Alexandra Grant may be raping Keanu Reeves when he was on drug?

2. Alexandra Grant is NOT 6 feet, 5 inches tall, but 6 feet, 6 inches tall;

3. Alexandra Grant does NOT weigh 300 lbs, but 301 pounds;

4. Suing Alexandra Grant for compensation is absolute fuckery, better suing her mother who has all her money and property.
LB said…
@anonymous 8/9/22 11:40am

Hmmm 🤔 from what I read cockroaches are the only
Species that can survive a nuclear attack! 😳

@anonymous 8/9/22 10:47pm
We know AG is not 6ft 5 nor 300 pounds!
The mystery is the initials AG could mean any
Definition for example “a guy”?? 😳🤷🏻‍♀️
Just my thought. And I’m usually wrong!
LB said…
@Teacher Wendy
That is so much what you are going through! 😔
You & your sister are always in my prayers!
LB said…
@ TW
I have never heard of WW giving out turtles 🐢 or cute lil 🐷!!
That is ridiculous!!
I don’t know how other countries handle their WW classes
but in my country that would be insulting!
I hope you are playing around because that would go
against WW conduct policies! btw the are an international corporation
Started in the 1960’s by Jean Nate, I think 🤔
Hugs 🤗
T. W. said…

Thank you for the hugs and right back at you!

I got the information from Richard Simmons's autobiography. It's a good read if you can find it.
LB said…
@ TW
🤗 😀 your so welcome about the hugs 🫂 teddy bear 🧸 emoji’s are cute! lol
I hope you are doing well TW? Heath wise, I know it’s ruff 🙁 but CD’s blog here has a great support system!

Richard Simmons? Really? Wow, I’ll have to get his book 📕 Loved him! I purchased his card slot(wallet)
It was fun, but like 1200 calories 😖
It was hard to adjust when your really over weight that low of calories
which is healthy calories but strict!!!
Todays diet plans are so different! When you exercise you can eat
more to keep your metabolism burning!

Thank you for that information about Weight Watchers! I hope we are talking
about the same weight list group? 😳
It’s now renamed WW
Which means Wellness Wins! Oprah Winfrey bought 20% of stock of WW
so the whole program changed into a “Point System”
A lot of nice changes when she came on board!
Ugh! Never ending battle with “weight” 😖 lol
Our society is obsessed with body image etc

Thanks for the chit chat 💬 😀
Gets lonely here sometimes 😊
Take care
Your in my daily prayers TW, Teacher Wendy & her beautiful sister! 🙏💗
Starlight said…


Thank you for your answer

I wish you both a lot of
beautiful moments every day

as much as possible ❤️

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