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Morning from Notting Hill Carnival...



Anonymous said…
amid Europe's mindblowing gas and electricity prices, Deutsche Bank predicted that a growing number of German households will be using firewood for heating, a forecast which appears to have become self-fulfilling as German google searches for firewood ("brennholz") had since exploded.
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, do you think getting a tattoo of a spouse or bf/gf name or initials is a good idea? A lot of people don’t think so… why or why not? I think it’s a bad idea because it’s bad luck 🍀 for their relationship especially if the couple have kids, it usually a sign that the relationship is going downhill in my opinion, Am I right? What are your thoughts?
LB said…
@anonymous 8/28/22 @7:40pm
In my opinion, NO tattoos!! Sorry, I just don’t believe marking
up the body! But, then you have Johnny Depp explanation saying
It’s “His Story” I love JD!! & KR lol 💗🫶
So who am I to judge? 😊

Beth said…
Must admit I never went when I lived in London. Lots of synchronicity around this at the moment. Did you ever go Christian?
T. W. said…
Anonymous 🍀

It is very bad mojo. I have also seen people tattoo names, faces, & birthdays and death date of dearly departed loved ones. They are opening a portal.
T. W. said…
Enjoy the carnival!
Anonymous said…

People are using their skin as tattoo wallpaper. Have you seen these crazy (both famous and otherwise) with tattoos all over their body, neck and now even the face.

Not my thing.

God forbid if these peple who are heavily tattooed ever need an MRI. They risk being burned due to the iron oxide in the ink. The MRI machine changes magnetic fields and causes an electric current and the metal in the ink will heat up the skin. Ouch!

As far as getting your current honey's name tattooed on your body, unfortunately today, very few relationships endure, so I think it's best to not go that route.
LB said…
Hi CD & community again!! 😊🫶

What carnival is this? In the US? England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿?
Beautiful colors !
Hope you had a great time everyone that went!
teacher wendy said…
I really miss going to public fairs, evens, out in crowds. I don't feel safe even with my mask on. I dont care if people look at me funny but I just dont feel safe in crowds knowing my immunity is nothing. I do so miss it!
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, how are you? So I googled actor Aaron Tyler Johnson and his wife because I’ve seen TikToks of people talking about their large af age gap and yikes she’s old enough to be his grandma 👵 😂, my question is was he groomed? So people(fans) think so. Will their marriage last? I’m surprised they’re still married… I don’t know if they have kids I didn’t look that deep 😂 if they don’t have any kids, will they? If so, how many? Probably one considering her age and it’ll probably be via IVF or surrogate
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, please do a reading on actor Aaron Tyler Johnson’s marriage and career… what do you see in his future 2022 and beyond
Beth said…
It's ok I'm used to be ignored lol
Psychic Gossip said…
Beth No never too mmany people for me CDx
Starlight said…

Beth ❤️

no one ignores you

you are so lovely,
unique and impressive

the people around you

must be very stupid
not to see you -

don’t think so small
from you

then others also
cannot do it

don’t allow others

to project their own
trash on you

Your light is so bright ⭐️

no wonder that people with
lower vibration come to you

without knowing it they
want to learn from you

you give them lessons

and they teach you

self-respect and
setting boundaries

words from Dee 🌷

Consciousness Evolution
Journey - YouTube

Beth said…
That's London for you
Beth said…

Thanks for your kind words xx
LB said…
Hi Beth!!
I see your comments time to time!
Enjoy reading them & you make me laugh 😀🫶

teacher wendy said…
Beth Did you like living in London?
Beth said…

I just tell it as it is 🙂

teacher wendy

London has its pros and cons like any city. You have access to everything you could possibly need (and more) right at your fingertips. You can be whoever you are and nobody bats an eyelid. However it's very expensive, polluted, crowded and whilst it's easy to be anonymous, the flip side is nobody cares about anyone else. There are ultra rich, ultra poor, well knowns and not knowns. I lived there 3 years, went for studying. Learnt much more than my degree course taught me. My Dad worked in London when I was a kid and that is how I came to be connected with Christian. So not all bad Christian eh (for me anyway) 😉
Psychic Gossip said… cdx
T. W. said…
Starlight --- Thank you for sharing your light!

Beth --- I do not do well in the big city.

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