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T. W. said…
Good morning! The mystery has been solved!

Christian, thank you for answering an important question!
Jules said…
HRH TW - There are those that believe sound frequency was used to move rocks and build all the ancient structures we see today, including pyarmids and most likely Stonehenge. It resonates as truth to me.

Did you manage to watch the video link I posted? If you haven't it's well worth a look .. here is the link again .. its in black and white ..someone goes to help someone who is on the ground .. and whatever it is .. some say its a reptilian being .. its breaks cover and pushes the man away.

Have you heard that google has become sentiment?

T. W. said…

Thank you for the pun!

I have not watched the videos yet & hope to do so this weekend.

I posted today’s episode of “Jules Tried to Tell Us” here:

You told us the Ukraine situation is not what it appears to be & the good guys may or may not be who we think they are.

I thank you for continuing to share truth and love with us here. May God bless you and help you share more truth and love.

With gratitude,

Anonymous said…
Hi CD, Please do a prediction on Nicole Williams @justnic on ig and her husband, will their marriage last? Will they have more kids? If so, how many more?
Anonymous said…
Hey CD, how are you? Hope you’re doing well? Please do a reading on scarlet joannson… will her marriage last? Will she have more kids? What’s does the future have in store for her career?
Anonymous said…
The cockroach infestation has been fixed temporarily.
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, how are you and your family doing? Please do a reading on priyanka chopra and nick Jonas marriage and career as well as family life… will their marriage last? If not, when will they divorce and how will they handle child custody? Will they have more kids? If so, how many more? Did priyanka marry nick for the right reasons? If not, what was her intentions? Will either of them get remarried to other people after their divorce? How will their families and fans react?
Anonymous said…
Selena Gomez Wondermind

Check out the website and sign up for the newsletter!
Jules said…
HRH TW - Honestly, you don't need to thank me, we are all just leading each other home and that includes exposing the lies in the western media and sharing what we find that resonates within us as being truth.

For those who are interested in what is really happening and has happened in Ukraine, you can check out the following Youtube channels ..

The Duran
Alex Christoforou

The conversations the two gentlemen who run the above channels have are extremely informative and will give you an entirely different perspective on things and they are well worth listening to. They go over newspaper articles, government press releases etc.

For combat analysis of what is actually taking place on the ground search anything by Scott Ritter. here is one of the conversations Scott had with the two Alex's.

The first casualty of War is Truth (Live w/Scott Ritter)

Another good channel is Patrick Lancaster, an American journalist on the ground in Ukraine.

Honestly, it saddens me that everyone fell for the utter nonsense that Russian soldiers were phoning their mothers up and crying. Or that bombed a maternity hospital, Russia did not bomb the maternity hospital mothers who were in the hospital have stepped forward and debunked that story. Patrick Lancaster made a video about another bombing of a maternity hospital by Ukraine, but this was not covered in the western media.

Maternity Hospital Hit By Rockets In Donetsk. Mothers, Nurses & Doctors Blame Ukraine

there is also Graham Phillips a British vlogger who has covered Ukraine war crimes extensively.his videos are worth a look.

Anonymous said…
Persone vere, che portano la verità e che capiscano

Jules, un corpo umano (vittima) che ospita una entità predatore.
Un essere umano, da sobrio non può non accorgersi: il consenso va negato (!)
Jules said…
I am not sure if the Italian Anonymous is stating that I am a victim with a predatory entity inside my human body .. or ... they are 'warning' me that I have a predatory entity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T. W. said…

I admit Google translate is not foolproof. However a lot of the person’s comments are not nice & tend to ramble about nonsense when Google translate is used. The person made a comment to me & the translation was mean. I did reply in English & Italian via Google Translate, explaining there was miscommunication due to some culture differences & Google Translate. The person responded & was still mean. I no longer read that person’s comments.

I do not know if there are other Italian Friends here who can translate.

This is the Google Translation:

Real people, who carry the truth and who understand

Jules, a human body (victim) that houses a predatory entity.
A human being, when sober, cannot fail to notice: consent must be denied (!)
Jules said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Persone vere, che portano la verità e che capiscano

UDITE: più volte ho scritto che browser ‘google chrome’ permette impostazione di traduzione automatica tramite: Impostazioni – Lingue – Lingue dei contenuti (da aggiungere la vostra lingua) – Impostazioni di traduzione (da mettere ON) – etc.

Io vi leggo qui in questo modo – mi si traduce in automatico.
Così leggo da tutte le lingue e voi leggete solo quello che è scritto in vostra lingua?

Jules, scusami, NON mi pare di aver scritto: Jules IS … (= Jules E’ …) – No, non ho scritto così.
Anche tu sei un Leone? - Chissà se tutti Leoni qui sono la stessa persona con personalità multipla.
Allora, nel post di C.D. con la immagine delle suore, nel mio commento – 4 – delle ore 5:28, c’è la frase:

“In riferimento al video su FB, link del quale Jules ha riportato già 2 volte: un corpo umano (vittima) che ospita una entità predatore.
Un essere umano, da sobrio non può non accorgersi: il consenso va negato (!)”

Poi, qui alle ore 16:35 ho riportato la stessa cosa in un modo abbreviato.

Si tratta del link di Jules (video sul FB)
altro link era diverso, ma il video è lo stesso.

TW, non solo tu puoi criticare - ti posso criticare anche io. E quando mi stai sul ca**o (scusami la parola), ti critico.
Ma non sei obbligato a leggere i miei commenti.
In riferimento alla tua insinuazione sul “c’era un problema di comunicazione” ti invito a trovare quel tuo commento e non divagare a vuoto.
Continua a parlare tra te-TW e te-Anonimo e altre etichette… – non solo io vedo quando scrivi tu. E quando tu scrivi come Anonimo, scrivi le cattiverie e provochi! E si, lo vedono anche gli altri!

Jules said…
Italian Anonymous - Ahhhhhh! I understand what you mean now!!! No .. I am not a Leo. The video is incredible isn't it.. some think it's a reptilian .. certainly appears like one ... the veil is coming down.
Anonymous said…

Anonymous 10:05

One second ☝🏻
Did you mentioned that I have many personalities?😁

If you like explaining that ?
I don’t think I never write anything different
And I have always always my own style!!!

(If it’s sounds like monkey English or not.)

I never use translation and I don’t care what you understand..

I know things about angels and and Kabbalah..
Yes I am lion ,
but how all this is mixed with your answer ..
I don’t own FB I don’t know what this is about ..and I didn’t check this yet ..
First I like understand your pointing.

I don’t say anything bad at the moment but , I saying after if I need to..
I like understand first what you mean when you are saying (many personalities )
And about who you talking about?

Also I don’t understand everything you writing about but if I answer then, I 👂 answer!
Anonymous said…
Anon 10:05
If you have little bit respect for other people who reads you writing here in original language,so that everyone understands no matter what .
And not saying what someone need to do..I don’t read 🇮🇹 anymore and you don’t need answer my 1 question’s not necessary I don’t care about your answers..
But I telling you one thing ..
You giving lot of wrong advice and lot of wrong information..

I said what I said..

Do you have check point in your mind ?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 10:05
Use your own writings not what someone is said times ago ..find own uniqueness and respect first to owner of blog..
Also I understand what I see , don’t make yourself something you are not ..
If you speak speak your own experience and do not specific what your understanding fitting everything/everyone..
If you speak about angel’s and Kabbalah
( I undeserved maybe something wrong from translation,this may be)
But if you speaking about Kabbalah and symbols be sure what you talking about.
Writing in other language same what already written ,doesn’t make you smarter.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 10:05

About response and respect specifically…

Maybe it’s time use translation your own writings and post here after translation & not give advice how to use anything…
You have time speak some kind own made spiritualism with km then find time translating before posting.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 10:05
About response and respect specifically…

You writing so much BS ,that’s already funny ..
Do you want more numbers
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 10:05 translator 🇮🇹

6 and last one
You are nothing what you trying paint about yourself inside your mind .
Forget illusions about that one thing and use your logic “ if you have any “

Who you trying make fool ?
Anonymous said…
I love you blog CD ,so so so much huhuh ❤️

Especially because all my frustration what I don’t have ,
I write out of control in my vibes .

I was drinking today after my training Coca Cola ,

extra because I needed slowing down my vibration to understand this low and higher level vibrations in Italy and all this KR last (in)carnations s*it and Karma explanations..

Italy 🇮🇹 needs understand own vibration code first and then speak about KR vibration..

Only little direction for 🇮🇹, speak with G@D she may have some help for you and ( read a book “GoD wears lipstick “) it my help you also.

But I need eat today maybe some fast food to getting out Leo season and lose extra pounds for someones mind anorexia…

Like really like really 🧐👽

If someone explain spirituality like this all sounds in Italy,
then I can say only one thing you need find new hobby ..
and new victim to blaming and leave KR already alone .

Now you can call (of course if it was pointed for) me ,multiple personalities..

And I call you out with all your BS.

Hopefully you understand , I was drinking Coca Cola ,if you need blame something and think I am disrespectful..

KR vibration is higher than yours ,🇮🇹
And he understands more about spirituality than you ever can understand..

So amica now relax!!!
Anonymous said…
The bzrkr comic is the greatest spiritual work of the world. about torn hearts. or his "spiritual girlfriend" with tombstones!tell me who your friend is!

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