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TOLD YA Khole delighted with new baby.. & sole custody..

Kardashian Babies to come Count Near Future…

Kardashian Babies to come Count
Near Future…

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker Boy
Kim Kardashian Twins with Pete Davidson…
Khole Kardashian & Tristan Thompson Boy…
Kendall Jenner I do see children…
Too far away to see…
Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott Girl…

Kris Jenner 5 new grandchildren…

Kris Jenner & Cory Gamble.


This relationship will work.
However, only if they don’t marry…


Cory Is good for Kris Jenner…
Even though her family have mis-givings.

Kourtney Kardashian & Travis Barker


This marriage is forever…
They really are “Soul Mates”…
They do bicker a lot…
Both very stubborn…
But, great for each other…
I see a baby boy for them…

Kim Kardashian & Pete Davidson

As crazy as this relationship, appears to be.
It will work out…

(Big improvement from Kim/Kanye’s)


That Kim is a good settling influence on Pete Davidson…
Pete is good for Kim…
He lightens her up.
Brings balance to her personality.

Marriage ahead…
Plus children…
I Feel twins …


Khole Kardashian & Tristan Thompson.

I predicted from the beginning that
Tristan Thompson was/is a CHEATER


Khole Kardashian is very excited about the new baby boy…
She thinks she’s going to co-parent.
Her children with Tristan Thompson.
While he has been a good parent to their daughter.


That changing…
Khole Kardashian, will soon tire of his lack of commitment
To his children…

She’ll get sole custody…

His attention will be on more babies…
With other woman…


Her children will be fine.
Khole is a good mum…


Kendall Jenner


That Kendall Jenners life isn’t as it appears to be…
She feels very sad & alone…
Kendall does have a  beau now.
He’s just a brief fling…



2023 Is going to be very different for Kendall Jenner…

The “One” arrives in 2023…
Sweeping her off her feet…
This man isn’t personally known to her at this time…
But I see he’s a public figure…

He is good, honest, faithful man..
About ten years her senior…
This will lead to marriage…
Within the next couple of years…


Kylie Jenner & Travis Scott


Even though these two.
Have had more than their fair share.
Of drama…

This time it will work…
It will be interesting…

Marriage ahead…
Plus another Baby , a girl…





LB said…
Congratulations to Chloe! At least True will have a sibling!
But this surrogate corporation is getting crazy! 😳Just my opinion
So many children in this world would love to be adopted, without
Science getting involved with conception.
Anonymous said…
why someone wrote at CD's site said "Alexandra Grant did not rape Keanu Reeves" yesterday?

I guess Keanu Reeves has been drugged and raped by Alexandra Grant for many years, otherwise Keanu would not be like in that shape and state of mind; and this may explain Keanu Reeves did not have the courage / energy to hire lawyers to sue Alexandra Grant - it is too humiliating and shameful for him to even think of it.

Just like Johnny Depp, who was abused by Amber Heard, her family, friends, her community and her people for many years but he chose to marry Amber Heard, then offered her 7 millions dollars to end the marriage; I am sure Keanu Reeves has been in the very same situation for over a decade.

I believe many other Hollywood actors and actresses are just like Johnny Depp and Keanu Reeves considering the "silence culture" created by Harvey Epstein, Weinstein / Maxwell, Woody Allen and their community with the media as one part.

It is time to cease to give pressure to Keanu Reeves by ignoring him now, we need to focus on Alexandra Grant and her conducts, and we support 13 fans of Keanu Reeves taking legal actions.

Keanu Reeves, you are still being loved, it is your choice to to get rid of these parasites including Alexandra Grant and her community.

it is such a fun to see parasites getting what they truly deserve.

CD said Keanu is a good soul, and we all love CD so we believe in CD.


T. W. said…
Lots of gossip & Told Ya’s:

1. Serena Williams announces she will retire after 2022 US Open

2. Rita Ora and Taika Waititi Are Married

3. The Future Of “The Peltz Beckham Empire” Is Uncertain As The Beckham And Peltz Families Continue To Feud

4. Tom Cruise Is Preparing To Work On A Movie Musical

5. Pete Davidson Has Been In Trauma Therapy To Deal With Kanye West’s Online Attacks

6. More Details Come Out About Fred Savage’s Alleged Sexual Misconduct On The Set Of “The Wonder Years”

T. W. said…
Beyonce, Jay Z pose in front of same elevator where Solange nearly split his wig
Anonymous said…
persone vere (che portano la verità) ॐ

@ Keanu’s 1st psycho (keanu’s one) = C.A.M., quale su Lipstik sta insinuando che Keanu’s One sia A.Grant.

Sei come un pappagallo a ripetere dei 13 fan del RO che devono prendere gli avvocati… Non sei stanca?

Ci dici cortesemente:
1) CHI sono i 13 “fan”?
2) CHI sono dietro gli accounts elencati nel RO? - Si tratta dei 10 accounts rimasti, gestiti da poche persone (C.A.M., Cath…1967, Aug. M… - chi altro?)

C.A.M. è hacker.
Penso che IG di stalker clown è di C.A.M.
Penso che A. Grant si approfittò e Lana intervenne per non far scoppiare lo scandalo sul Matrix4

Invidia è manifestazione di Ego.
Ego è molto stupido.
C.A.M. è Leone + Capra nel mezzo del anno 1967 (vera Capra del calendario cinese) => Enorme Ego di Leo + testardaggine di Capra.
C.A.M. dice di essere stanca di “questo matrix”.

Parlo a te C.A.M.:

Si dice che i coniugi e figli biologici è il destino (= sono gli accordi animici, fatti prima di incarnazione) = non potevi evitare di sposare il tuo marito, non potevi evitare di partorire 3 figli (= NON avresti dovuto odiare J.S. e la bambina che poi morì – hai creato Karma). Ora stai distruggendo la tua famiglia (!)
K.R. non è un oggetto da usare per la tua carriera e per la tua comodità.
K.R. non è un oggetto di stalking, non è un oggetto di ricatto (se lui fu violentato, deve fare la causa) – Tu sei un testimone? - Stai chiedendo A.G. di farti un R.O.?
NESSUNO tranne te può TRASCENDERE il TUO Ego e il TUO enorme problema karmico: DEVI CHIEDERE PERDONO ALLA LUCE DIVINA e poi chiedere COSA FARE.
Se Cath…1967 manda un avvocato in tribunale, può risolvere il SUO problema, ma NON risolve il TUO problema karmico.
Chi è elencato nel RO (come accounts) deve NON SOLO assumere un avvocato, ma anche e soprattutto CAMBIARE la CONDOTTA, perché:
- NON è accettabile per le vittime (=> azioni legali);
- crea karma e malattie per chi commette.

@ Anon che dice che A.Grant e K.Reeves sono anime gemelle karmiche:

Se K.R. diventerà la trans (da uomo a donna) e sposa A.G. in coppia di lesbo, allora parleremo che siano le anime gemelle.
Per ora aspetta le cause giudiziarie e dai a te un riposo mentale.

@ Christian, tu in realtà non avevi detto nulla sul genere sessuale di “one” di K.R. e neanche sul genere sessuale di stesso K.R.
Lui in realtà è circondato dai trans da tanto tempo e sembra che si trova meglio con i trans.


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