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TOLD YA More & more households rely food banks...

Article Review.. . No Reading, Just RECOGNITION...

I want to recognize
Who donated $1 million to food banks
This not a reading about the people.
It is a recognition of their Act.
 Character is often in the act.

This is one of those times.

This act of character

will help many people,

in many ways.

Something nice in the World for a change.

Please we need more of these


More & more households will  have to use food banks...

Stay Tuned…


Tea said…
Well psychic dion> if I win lottery + move house as predicted by psychic melinda Lee in Blackpool and move house as you predicted then I would be buying lots for the food bank in 2022 and lottery has rolled over again 📺🏘️🌲🌟🎸🎵
Lovely Libra said…
Yes …. there is enough money in the world to go round - all it takes is one act like this after another - whether you can donate a dollar or your time to lend a hand in helping to organize, distribute, etc. Thank-you, Blake & Ryan, for giving a damn and taking action.
T. W. said…
I shared here yesterday that I was shopping for food and supplies and that the prices DOUBLED. Some prices more than doubled.

I will say it. I want Donald Trump back in office. NOW.
Beth said…
Nice to hear there are still kind people around.
More are relying on food banks in the UK too.
Anonymous said…
that is something Keanu Reeves should do,
to improve his karma.
Anonymous said…
Biden doing nothing for normal americans. Why is Pelosi flying to taiwan when people in the USA are struggling. She is a disgrace!
Anonymous said…
These two are a match made in heaven, truly. What they give will come back a hundred fold. God bless them.
Anonymous said…
Always amazed at people who think Trump cares at all about the 'little people' stupid enough to elect him. All he'd do is remove more worker protections, eliminate health insurance, and make sure his cronies make even more money off making you poor. How stupid can you get?
Lovely Libra said…
HRH TW - I tried really hard to keep my mouth shut at your statement re: wanting Trump back — I just can’t. While I respect your right to have a different opinion, I’m shocked at your high regard for Trump - he’s racist, hates women, thinks the military are suckers (his words, not mine), is a thief, a liar, a rapist, a traitor — and has sold our country to Russia.

You’re well-read, so I feel like you know this: the high price of food is a GLOBAL issue; not just the US. Multiple food processing plants have been destroyed this year, natural disasters from one end of the country to another have destroyed crops and interrupted supply chain logistics - and I believe we’re being fleeced by the mfg’s who’ve chosen to use this all as an opportunity to gauge us.

I would rather pay 5 times more for food than have Trump in office another nanosecond.

Yes - I’m one of the people who volunteers at Feeding America, donates my time and money - and works at food banks 3X per week for my company — it’s sad what I see — but I’m doing what I can. Maybe Trump could get his rump off the golf course and lend a helping hand — but really, I don’t want a “President” - elected by Russia so he could be Putin’s puppet — who doesn’t even understand the US Constitution - to have another opportunity to plan, stage and execute a coup.
T. W. said…
Hi Lovely Libra & Anonymous!

Biden is the same. But at least Trump never hid who he was. The man trolled America.

Trump wanted Congress to pass legislation that would help “the little people.”

He never got the chance to sign many of those bills into law because Congress made sure to oppose legislation Trump said he would support. The Democrats stated this numerous times on live television.

That is why I can say what I did.

Back later!


T. W. said…
Biden went to Saudi Arabia begging a murderer (Crown Prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s death) to produce more oil.

Biden & his crack addict son have been taking & giving bribes in Ukraine for several years.

Biden is in China’s pocket. It is well documented that Hillary Clinton & Joe Biden are in China’s pocket.

Nancy Pelosi is in Taiwan right now. China is pissed & says we are meddling in their affairs.

Do you know the official Biden Administration stance on this?

That’s right.

They said at a press conference that they do not condone what Pelosi is doing. Even Trump called her a trouble maker.

So what does this have to do with Trump & Russia?


Left wing. Right wing. Same bird.

Hopefully people will understand now.
Anonymous said…
Un messaggio da consegnare

@ Keanu’s 1st psycho

Il vecchio post del 16 febbraio 2021 – abbiamo parlato e riparlato.
Si, la coppia aveva fatto quella donazione a febbraio del 2021… per non pagare le tasse.
Chissà se ai poveri era arrivato almeno 30%.

Mi chiedo se Carrie Anne Moss abbia mai fatto una tale donazione.

Invece credo che ella pretende soldi da Keanu da diversi anni.

Credo che C.A.M. stia abusando di vecchia amicizia con Keanu,
considera se stessa come “i fan che garantiscono una carriera a K.R.”,
sta commettendo violenza psicologica,
sembra che sia una razzista verso ebrei, cinesi, russi, ecc.

Mi chiedo se C.A.M. paga a Christian per ri-postare qui la vecchia roba, mettendo la gente in dubbio su credibilità del blog.


@ TW:

Russia fa amicizia con TUTTI, come si legge, perché:
1) deve vendere Gas, Petrolio, Energia, Grano, Olio, Materie prime;
2) deve comprare quello che non sa ancora produrre;
3) non ha bisogno di allargare gli spazzi (ha a sufficienza);
4) non ha bisogno di rubare le materie prime di altrui.

Gli USA fa guerre con TUTTI, perché:
1) vuole vendere armi
2) non vuole comprare - vuole rubare i beni di altrui
3) vuole allargare gli spazi

Riesci a capire? visto che avevi detto di avere una laurea in Economia (che non sembra).

In riferimento al tuo post sul oro di Sudan:
-di che nazione è la bandiera rossa? – Studia.

Anonymous said…
Biden is a joke - I agree 100 per cent with TW - Biden will have to retire after the midterms. TW you have my full support.
Libra - you are talking nonsense - neither blithering Biden or Orangeman care about the people.
Nancy Pelosi making millions from dodgy share deals - career politicians should go.
It is the real people dem or rep that make America not the false politicians. Wake up people.
Lovely Libra said…
TW - just because I abhor Trump doesn’t mean I support Biden - I dont. I find it hilarious how every single person I’ve spoken to who wishes Trump were in office — every single one - can’t (or won’t) acknowledge Trump’s misdeeds on their own - always need to compare to Biden.

Meanwhile, soaring food cost IS a global issue; so for reals — I’m headed to a food bank right now to help out. I don’t expect everyone to be like me or do as I do — and I try really hard NOT to judge anyone — but I can’t stand whining and complaining by anyone who isn’t actively doing something - anything - to help.

Peace out people.
Lucy said…
It really aggravates me that, certainly here in Australia, people have endured years of closed borders, mask mandates, restricted freedom etc etc - all to help others. Yet the government won't step in to prevent price gouging by supermarkets and shortfalls in gas supply. Australia exports 75% of the food it produces and is a major world supplier of natural gas - there is no reason for Australians to be doing it so tough.
Well done to Ryan and Blake, but it shouldn't be up to celebrities to fix this.
God knows we all pay enough tax.
Lucy said…
To American posters - why does feeling as though Biden is not up to the mark equate with wanting the return of Trump? Genuine question - why could it not be someone better? There are 400 million people in the US, surely there are some moral, strong, competent leaders among that number?
Beth said…
I think you're right Lovely Libra and I think that if any of us aren't already doing something to help then we need to ask ourselves why.

In the UK most of the supermarkets have a crate at the exit where you can leave something for a food bank. If you're fortunate enough to have enough money to afford it, it's no big deal to pick up an extra pack of pasta or something and drop it in on your way out.

Lovely Libra you're doing much more than that already and appreciation should go to all those who set up and work in food banks and shelters, though it would of course be better if we didn't need them in the first place. We can't rely on the politicians (though we still should vote for the best one) - we have to look after each other.
Anonymous said…
We have soaring food prices in Australia, that’s because our food producing regions have been severely flooded twice and crops washed out. Transportation and processing have been an big contributor due to people being so sick with Covid and the massive disruptions to the work force.
Trump was a climate change denier as was our former prime minister here and a Covid denier as was our former pm. We were told about these impacts were going to happen and they did. So we are now paying the price of poor leadership. Trump, Morrison and Johnson are the worst I have seen for a long time ( as is Putin, ping, Egrom….) can u see the pattern? All very right wing males - Girl from Oz.
Cordelia said…
A bit of help is worth more than pity.
Anonymous said…
Trump who made millions/billions off laundering money through real estate through shady Saudis and Russians? Trump who held hands with the murderous leader of North Korea and called him a good leader? Trump who handed weapons over to the Saudis in exchange for personal money into his bank account through his hotels? Trump who was willing to kidnap the former US Ambassador to Russia, put him on a plane, and hand him over to murdering Putin? Jesus Fuck you trumpers are imbeciles, not even idiots, you're lower on the intelligence scale.
T. W. said…
To the anonymous Italian language:

I don't have a degree in finance and I've never said I have one. my degree is in accounting.

Alla lingua italiana anonima:

Non ho una laurea in finanza e non ho mai detto di averne una. la mia laurea è in ragioneria.
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra,

You have nothing to be sorry about! You are fair and balanced.

Same as you, I do not support either person. I would rather have Trump in office. I think we both want whomever is in office to do their d*** jobs!

I also thank you for seeing that my initial comment was an opinion.

God bless you always! 😘
T. W. said…

You make an excellent point.

There is someone more qualified than both Trump & Biden to be our president.

I have no idea who that person is.

I do wish Hillary Clinton had not stepped aside so that Obama could become President. Had she not done so she would have become President. She is most certainly qualified but people are tired of the Clinton’s.
T. W. said…
The food crisis would come no matter who was in office. I warned people of this years ago & posted links to other psychics who predicted this as far back as 2017! Even Christian warned us years ago. I also posted advice & links on how one could weather this storm. Expect worse to come. It’s all going according to plan.
teacher wendy said…
I could have handled Trump up until January 6 when he committed Treason. But really any politician is just....Yuck. Do you think in a country that is pretty young compared to other countries we can find a president NOT over 75? As a caretaker of a geriatric patient, things can change SO fast.
So my sister has been in one of her fluid, potassium, breathing cycles. You think doctors woukd make these cycles easier now, knowing she has them right? WRONG! I hope you are well. LUVS
Starlight said…

the behavior
of one person

don’t justify

the behavior
of another person

Starlight said…

Lovely Libra

thank you for all
time and strength

you give to others ❤️

Lovely Libra said…
Blessings back at ya, HRH TW! Serious question: have YOU ever thought of running for a political office? This country (all countries) need young, in-touch, intelligent, well-spoken leadership to move us forward — ever thought of this???
Jules said…
HRH TW - You shouldnt feel the need to explain to anyone your thoughts or you reasoning for mentioning Trump. Its just utter madness. It is sad to see that you are still unable to express an opinion or mention Trump in a positive way without something being said to you, and your intelligence being questioned.

I will admit to being surprised to read that some still believe the Trump-Russian story to be true in spite of HR Clinton's 2016 campaign manager admitting it was a lie and that Clinton approved the idea to plant a false Russian claim with a reporter in an FBI court hearing.

This is a prime example of the power of media manipulation and propaganda, in spite of the truth coming out and being established the lie is still believed to be true. The Russia-Trump collusion narrative of 2016 was a very 'dirty' political weapon to sabotage Trump's campaign.

here are a few links should anyone wish to read up on the lie being exposed.

Hillary Clinton Did It

Lawyer charged with lying to FBI in Russia probe faces trial

American Pravda: CNN Producer Says Russia Narrative “bullsh*t"

CNN deletes false story on Trump ally's links to Russia: 'It was a massive f*** up'

Beyond BuzzFeed: The 10 Worst, Most Embarrassing U.S. Media Failures on the Trump-Russia Story
The most challenging task is choosing the 10 worst embarrassments. The most notable aspect is that they all go toward promoting the same narrative.
Anonymous said…
C.D. e persone vere ॐ

Ragazza di Oz che ora scrive da Australia,
Anon – August 4, 2022 at 1:16 AM,

non vedete un schema principale: tutti, chi state elencando e chi non state elencando, sono subordinati (dipendenti) e NON sono LORO a “scrivere i discorsi”.

TW, non hai studiato ‘economia politica’? – Strano - si studia anche in scuola superiore di ragioneria.

NAMAS ॐ ॐ ॐ
Anonymous said…
C.D. e persone vere ॐ

La Cina detiene i titoli di spesa pubblica degli USA – Conoscete le cifre? – Sono spaventosi!
Se / Quando Cina chiede la paga, gli USA non esisteranno più.

E ora pensate un attimo:
1) Se agli USA conviene continuare a fare le guerre e le esercitazioni militari qua e la, investire nelle rivoluzioni colorate in giro per il mondo, buttare via i miliardi in Ucraina – continuando ad aumentare il debito pubblico COLOSSALE degli USA?
2) Se agli USA conviene fare la guerra con Cina?
3) Se agli USA conviene fare la guerra con Russia, Siria, Iran, ecc?
4) Se agli USA serve il odio verso il “drago cinese” (come incita TW)?
5) Quale governo tra quello di Tramp (compreso gli ambasciatori) e quello di Biden (compreso gli ambasciatori) ha lavorato per distruzione economica degli USA? – qui TW non sta sbagliando, perché risente quando entra in supermercato.

A CHI negli USA conviene fare le guerre e continuare ad odiare?
Perché il popolo degli USA lo acconsente?
Perché negli USA è stata permessa questa ignoranza?

Dopo aver scritto ciò… ho visto il video
Ringrazio un Essere Prezioso.

E’ dato di fatto che TUTTO ciò che viene inviato in Ucraina dal Ovest, viene inviato PER ESSERE DEVIATO (denaro) e RIVENDUTO sul mercato nero (le armi).

Su questo blog ci stanno chi difende la Verità (= la Luce Divina) e ci stanno chi lavora per la bestia (questi ultimi sono pagati e poi saranno mangiati dalla bestia).

La Verità sta uscendo fuori come Niagara – da tutti buchi - perché è il turno della Verità (Era di Acquario).

Tutti gli errori karmici (la Verità e la Cronologia dei fatti) vengono memorizzati nelle Anime (nei Registri Akashici) e nel DNA (genetica karmica).

NAMAS ॐ ॐ ॐ
Anonymous said…
HRH TW, don't ever forget you are a QUEEN! A lion! xo
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

I have thought about it. I wish I had run for local or state office after high school. We can be state representatives here in NC at age 18. It costs money to run & I do not have family support.

One of my sisters is a Libra and she would be perfect for public office!
T. W. said…
Teacher Wendy

I am baffled just as you are.

I am glad you are doing better and I have said a prayer & commanded healing, recovery & wholeness for your sister.

God bless you both!
T. W. said…
Jules, I thank you so much for being a great Friend! I explained myself because I knew Lovely Libra was not malicious. She really wanted to understand. I cannot speak for anyone else. I know sometimes we forget things, so I kept my answer short. Anyone wanting or needing more details is welcome to read the blog archives. Lots of fun…

I also thank you for posting those links. I had forgotten that part of the story as well.

Friends, we are stronger together!

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