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T. W. said…
Who is going to tell him Godot never arrives?
T. W. said…
Lots of gossip today. Prepare yourselves for links!

As the 'irritated King Charles' video goes viral, here is a look at the weirdest things he has done
T. W. said…
Prince Andrew unlikely to resume royal duties under King Charles
T. W. said…
Leonardo DiCaprio and Gigi Hadid Are 'Getting to Know Each Other,' Says Source
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Great Britain Doesn’t Play”

Man charged after Prince Andrew heckled during royal procession
It happened while King Charles led senior members of the Royal Family to St Giles' Cathedral in Edinburgh - following behind a hearse carrying the Queen's coffin.
T. W. said…

According to a recent Johns Hopkins study, how you swallow pills can impact how quickly your body absorbs the medicine.

—> Stand upright or lay on your right side.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Is the Prince of Wales the AntiChrist?”


And I saw that one of his heads was, as it were, wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed. And all the world wondered after the beast.

And I saw one of his heads as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death-stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast;

I saw one of his heads which seemed to have a fatal wound, but his fatal wound was healed; and the entire earth followed after the beast in amazement.

Read more translations here:

William's Emergency Surgery

Back in 1991, William was hospitalized while away at boarding school after he'd gotten into an accident that included a golf club to the head. The injuries were significant enough to require surgery, and though Diana stayed by his bedside, Charles returned to his royal duties to attend the opera, which didn't exactly earn him any applause.

Cordelia said…
They also serve who only stand and wait.
T. W. said…
Anyone else remember when Christian begged Prince William via his blog not to go to the Middle East? Anyone else remember that Christian said Prince William would be changed in a bad way if he survived the trip?

Anyone else remember the connection between the symbols on the Prince of Wales coat of arms & what the Bible says about the AntiChrist?

This is why I wanted William to become King instead of Prince of Wales.

We will not know who AntiChrist is until he brokers a specific peace treaty.

I read my Bible in translation but I still trust it.
Anonymous said…

Aye, verily.

At five every morning, after breaking his fast upon the juice of the orange and the rude Swiss grain repast yclept ‘muesli’, the Prince rode forth from the Castle of Caernarfon on his iron steed Rhuls-Rhys, accompanied by the fearsomely well-armed knights of the Royaltie Protectyiuonne Groupe, and straight rides His Royal Highness to the factors and mechanicals of the Duchy Originals.

There walks he up and down inspecting the quality of the Organic Broccoli and Lamb Mince and All-Butter Shortbread, and woe to those who have let any industrial pesticide creep into their manufacture, for they shall feel the edge of his iron sword, Carbuncle.

After nuncheon (the Prince doth relish a fried-egg sandwich with pesto and salad) shall the Prince engage in ‘Meetynges’, warring head-to-head with nobles and commoners alike in the green baize fields of battle and boardroom. Then shall he visit a primary school or two, and the little children cower from his steely eye and harsh words. Then might he indulge in a spot of his mysterious pastime of ‘watercolourynge’.

In the evening, the Prince and his lady wife feast upon mushroom rysottoe and listen to CDs of the Showe of the Goones before ordering the heads of some modern architects to be put upon spikes; or not so much ordering as hoping that one day, etc. Then goes to bed the fierce and tyrannical Charles of Wales, the Fist of Clarence House.

Alex Johnston
Irish, but born in England, history nerd

LOL!! This guy is brilliant!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
JOHN OLIVER, British-American Comedian
HBO's Last Week Tonight

"But the Queen's death is not the only traumatic event Britain's had to deal with this week.

Because on Tuesday, Liz Truss, basically Margaret Thatcher if she were high on glue -- became it's new Prime Minister."
Anonymous said…
Former Royal Protection Officer

Dick told this story on British television about a time he accompanied the Queen on a walk in the Scottish countryside (Balmoral) with no one around until two American tourists approached.

DICK: ... And from the moment we spoke he obviously hadn't recognized the Queen, and they told the Queen where they had come from and where they were going to next.

AMERICAN MAN (talking to the Queen): Where do you live?

QUEEN: I have a holiday home just on the other side of the hills.

AMERICAN MAN: How often do you come up here?

QUEEN: 80 years, ever since I was a little girl.

AMERICAN MAN: Oh, 80 years, you must have met the queen.

QUEEN: Well, I haven't but Dick here meets with her regularly.

DICK: The American puts his arm around my shoulder, gives his camera to the Queen, and asks her to take a picture of the two of us.

T. W. said…

So true. Please post more. I love your wise words!
T. W. said…

So true! I love your words of wisdom.
Anonymous said…
As a woman of color who worked in hollywood along with my husband and my father before that, I can tell you without hesitation that Megan Markle was NEVER respected as an "actress", she was nothing more than an overlooked low grade actress on a set of a show that nobody in the U.S. ever cared about or invested time in watching. MM enlisted and carefully TARGETED rich and very well connected WHITE men ONLY, who could help advance her status and career as an actress. She is known to be extremely cunning and ambitious, willing to sell out and step over any and all in the way of her strategic goals for her self promotions.
Jules said…
SOMETHING is happening .. concerts, theatre performances etc are all suddenly being cancelled.


Something BIG is Happening!! [AIex Jones Plays Clip of DoeNut]

Something STRANGE is Happening in the Music Industry… [w/ Black Pegasus]

And .... what is going on in Denver?
T. W. said…

There is a polio outbreak! Teacher Wendy shared it first.
Jules said…
HRH TW - I know about that ... apparently that was put in some batches of the vaccine, as well as aids. On the subject of pharmaceuticals, everyone is warning against Fentanyl and stating there are a lot of sudden deaths linked to it.

Everyone is mentioning dates such as the 19th and the 24th September.

CEOs are dumping stock and shares again. The Vatican is moving all its funds. These are not my words but we need to also consider this Global Banking Crash/Vatican
This is the definition of a Bail-in which is the opposite of a bail-out which is the use of external funds to prop up a collapsing business" a bail-in is the use of internal funds to prop up the business" so when the Vatican say that they want all holdings brought to the Vatican bank Volt's by the 30th of September they are talking about ALL the money's held in ALL Rothschild banks ie YOUR BANK ACCOUNTS as this is in the contacts that you signed when you opened up your account
T. W. said…

Is this part of the Great Reset?

Things are worse than I thought.
Jules said…

According to many it signifies the collapse of the beasts banking system. There is so many people stating the light has won.

Whatever it is .. fear nothing .. we need to keep our vibration high. We need to be extremely vigilant of what we are thinking .. our thoughts .. literally create our own reality.

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