The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I had good dreams this morning:
a lot of male Europeans are swimming in a river (seems like in my hometown, a traditional Christian seaport)
I went back home and spoke to my late grandmother (I love her).
also I spoke to KR today (not dream)
we both have changed
I have learned so much about the real world
knowledge that one can not be acquired at school
God bless you and your family.
Do you still stand by bombs falling all over Europe (Munich, London…) due to Mr. Putin? Do you dare to comment on an update here too sir?
Now I am waiting to see what happens with Mr Depp and the European girlfriend you mentioned in a previous reading. You said they'd find each other at the end of this year, but do you think time is still stretching due to COVID? Maybe into the Summer 2023?
you need to be polite and have a civilized manner
even if you do not believe CD's predictions,
do NOT insult CD,
you have NO rights to do it
you did NOT pay CD to do the predictions
keep your thoughts to yourself
when you are angry or depressed
AG is the only one who its happy and the winner.
stay calm and positive
or AG will get your energy and make you suffer.
do NOT be a man child
1. fans of KR do not support Parker, they mock Parker;
2. Parker spent more time online talking about the lawsuit than working on the lawsuit;
3. Parker has been able to serve legal paper on AG since July 15, she will lose her case like in 2020;
4. fans are more interested in talking about what AG wears than her crime;
5. fans believe in Karma but do not want to take actions except posting online.
6 and now fans attack CD for his predictions.
I don't see how Karma will help your cause if you continue to do this. anyway, I spent much of my time helping fans, and I can not do anything more (ironically, fans claimed I was AG or Parker, no, I am not)
good luck everybody.
Alexandra Grant has been stalking Keanu Reeves for many years,
and most photos were result of her stalking.
Keanu Reeves does not like AG but he could not say no.
the reason is that, there are many stalkers in Keanu's life,
and most are Keanu's women fans.
so Keanu get used to his stalkers.
the difference between Stalker AG and other women Stalkers is that
other women stalkers only wanted to have sex or photos with Keanu,
they are fans who love Keanu Reeves;
but Stalker Alexandra Grant pretends to love Keanu Reeves,
she has been working with others to manipulate Keanu Reeves
forcing Keanu to do things that damaged his reputation and business.
and Stalker AG wants to marry Keanu FOR his money.
as Christian Dion said
Keanu Reeves is waking up and will leave this situation soon.
one would get mental just like Keanu Reeves who has to see that thing on a daily basis
no wonder fans would run away
I see arch will file a bankruptcy in the coming year or so
as the demon has brought ill luck to arch
I feel sick whenever I look at that thing.
I had a nightmare last night
I saw a ghost face and I woke up
we have to keep fighting for Keanu Reeves
never give up
Keanu Reeves you need to wake up
and get rid of that creature yourself
hire a lawyer to do it for you
if you don't
you will lose everything
worth than Johnny Depp
do it.