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Happy 90th Birthday Mum.. The first in Heaven...

My Mum Christine.



Mother of an Angel said…
CD, the firsts are the worst-first holidays, first birthdays, etc. I'm sure you know this, having lost your father. My passed daughter's birthday was on the 28th. She's been sweet 16 for decades now. Each of her birthday's is different. Some are intolerable, some I feel her near egging me on to be happy. Sending hugs to you on this day.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, the firsts are the worst-first holidays, first birthdays, etc. I'm sure you know this, having lost your father. My passed daughter's birthday was on the 28th. She's been sweet 16 for decades now. Each of her birthday's is different. Some are intolerable, some I feel her near egging me on to be happy. Sending hugs to you on this day.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, the firsts are the worst-first holidays, first birthdays, etc. I'm sure you know this, having lost your father. My passed daughter's birthday was on the 28th. She's been sweet 16 for decades now. Each of her birthday's is different. Some are intolerable, some I feel her near egging me on to be happy. Sending hugs to you on this day.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, the firsts are the worst-first holidays, first birthdays, etc. I'm sure you know this, having lost your father. My passed daughter's birthday was on the 28th. She's been sweet 16 for decades now. Each of her birthday's is different. Some are intolerable, some I feel her near egging me on to be happy. Sending hugs to you on this day.
Cordelia said…
God bless all mothers near or far.There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.
Starlight said…

your lovely Mum

I will never forget
your short film

when you’ve visited her and
have given her healing

there I could feel ❤️

all your Love you have
for her and your father

I’m sure they are with you
and your family here today

Anonymous said…
Hi Christian, what a beautiful photo of your mum. Happy Birthday to her and may she party up a storm in Heaven. Big hugs to you on this day 💖💖💖
Anonymous said…
Europeans are different from Americans or Canadians.

last year I thought you were working for the Satanists (they hate me for exposing truth), but I changed my perception after you posed photos of your parents.

your parents appear to be good people that can not be bought.
Tony said…
Happy birthday to your dear mum Christian. She is with your Dad in Heaven. God bless them both X❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Mrs Dion, she looks so regal in that photo. The firsts are so hard. Sending love to you CD xx Girl from Oz xx
Anonymous said…

Bible says: you are the company you keep.

Christian Dion's companies are his beautiful parents,
so we love him (it is hard to trust anyone in Hollywood)

Keanu Reeves's company is Alexandra Grant
so we have to deem Keanu Reeves as our enemy to avoid getting harmed, think of the 13 fans, NFT victims, people who bought AG's books, Koreans, AG's fans, and more.
Anonymous said…
Posso de disser que sempre será uma data de pensamento pois a dois anos meu pai faleceu no natal e sinto muito sua partida mais tento o meu melhor.

T. W. said…
Happy Birthday Christine!

Happy Birthday Mother of an Angel’s daughter.

I send love to Christian, to Mother of an Angel, & everyone who lost loved ones. You are not alone.
Anonymous said…
🦋🤍 H-Birthday
Kitt Med said…
Happy birthday!
Much love, Kitt Med
MH said…
Happy Birthday to your beautiful lovely mum Christian! ♥️Angel!

Letty said…
Happy bday to your beautiful mom who is in heaven.
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD for this space to remember our beloved departed Mothers. I miss my Mum - Rosie by name, Rosie by nature. Sending my Mum my prayers to help me become more at peace with living without her physical presence. My friend’s beloved Mother passed away on her birthday in Oct 2022, whom I called Aunty, I also send my thanks to her for the great light she shared with us. I miss them, it’s like a security blankets have been taken away & I’m not doing that great walking this world without their physical presence. I ask Upstairs (especially my Mum & guardian Angels) to help light my path with courage, strength, confidence as I’ve become bereft of these during 2022. I’ll keep me anonymous this time, my depression & sadness too great. I am told they’d want to see us strong, to remember them with joy , to remember their light & good teachings. I can’t express the loneliness of life without them. I want to get better from this depression, my Mum was the mainstay of my life, Aunty a precious strong lady similar to my Mum. I am lucky to have loving Father & siblings trying to help , even as they struggle with their sadness missing Mum.

Thank you CD, for all the good work, healing circles & sharing you do.
Anonymous said…
No doubt your Mum was a good un! It's so nice to see her photo again, and yes I am in agreement with all the nice comments about her.

A lovely thing for a son to do. Happy Birthday to your Mum!
Starlight said…


you are so deeply loved

she is still with you
and protects you

from the higher realm

you will feel it
I’m sure ❤️

T. W. said…
Anonymous December 31, 2022 at 9:26 PM

I’m sorry you are going through a rough patch. Grief counseling helps.
teacher wendy said…
Happy Heavenly birthday to your mom. If it sister and I being left behind on Earth in 1995, decided we would celebrate these hard special days by going out, having a special dinner or dessert at home, doing a small celebration...and being Thankful that the person we are celebrating was put in OUR life. For the better and the worse they made us who were are right now. And because their graves were far away and we could not go there, we made a special place in our garden for them. A memorial space. ( my angel garden) I hope this helps Christian.

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