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Healing Circle...

 This time of year which is full of celebrations.
Is also a tough time for many.
So I thought I would put up a "Healing Circle" 
For anyone that would like to join, or add freinds & loved ones.
Just add names to the camment section.
Let's try to lift every ones Spirits...


Anonymous said…
For all my family and friends.
Unknown said…
Kelly Troy Lee
Virginia Kelso
Susan Grigsby
Anonymous said…
For JM, DM, RM, RM, TM, MM, JW, KV, CV, JV, BV, RV. And all our family and friends.
Frank Loman said…
Carmen Crowe and her daughter Stefanie. Thank you Christian! Happy Holiday Season.
T. W. said…
Kitt Med

Mother Earth

TW - anxiety, weight, exhaustion & other

Sisters DD & BW

Mom EW

Nephews BW, MW, DH, JH

Thank you all and God bless you.
Lovely Libra said…
Pat Lee
All beings - in all galaxies - across all space & time
valerie_323 said…
Hello everyone, please pray for me, Alejandra Enriquez for better health in 2023.
Kitt Med said…
Thank you TW, my stomach is still healing and can use some healing vibes!
Merry Christmas all!
Healing to everyone!
Kitt Med
Ry Ry said…
For myself (Ryan),Janine,Ray,Ebony,Raven, Jordan, Doris, Amari, Sanaya, Yasiel, Jacci,Reggie,Bryan, Ann Marie, Sidney, Ashley, Keisha,John, Nicole, Isaiah, Naomi and Crystal. These are all family and friends. Heal us all, make 2023 a wonderful year!
Maddix said…
I asked for healing:

Maddix said…
I pray for health during this month and for the new years'
Anonymous said…
Thank you CD for this opportunity. Today is my child’s birthday. I love him with all my heart but I have had no contact from him for some time. He ran off overseas a few months ago to see his father who ignored his existence for 14 years. His father is a criminal. I am devastated and worried for my son. I ask for my sons mind to be healed and to see clearly the danger in his actions and hope that he can clearly see the truth and get the hell away from him. I also pray for healing for all of those in need. Amen 🙏
HBurgess said…
Gillian Munday- living with dementia 😔
Sally said…
My family and friends. 🙏
Anonymous said…
I ask the dieties of the universe to send light love and peace to people of this planet, our blog community and their loved ones. Also blessings to CD and his loved ones and to Mother Earth. Amen Girl from Oz xx
jan said…
MathiBalan Rajaretnam

Jayasri Nahappan

Periadashini MathiBalan

Revinash MathiBalan
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Santanu Acharya
Beth said…
A very good thought Christian.

Thoughts for those for whom this time of year is difficult or lonely and for those suffering illness or adversity, to please include:

Mum, Steve, Geoff, Richard, Sara, Lottie, Sylvia.

For all those added to this list and all the lists around the world and for those not on a list who are in need of healing.

People do need practical help as well, even if just a phonecall, email, text, a card or making sure they have food and heating.

jele6 said…
For my cousin Carlos who lost both of his parents to cancer within the last 3 months.
jele6 said…
To my cousin Carlos who lost both of his parents to cancer within the last 3 months.
Talkgirl12 said…
Thanks Christian for this it is very much appreciated.

I ask healing for all of us who live on this beautiful plant called earth and may next year be better for us all. Please take care of yourselves in these trouble times and know you are heard, seen and most all acknowledge of your existence here on earth. Healing to all.
Errin said…
Going through A LOT right now, facing eviction, broke, on food stamps, having trouble with gainful employment, my right knee is always aching. The holidays are always hard on me…seems like every year. I hope things will get better. Thank you, Christian ❤️
Tricklem said…
For my sons Kyle & Reed.
teacher wendy said…
I pray for all my friends family and animals in heaven and on earth!
Anonymous said…
Starlight said…

🙏 for all who need it

T. W. said…
Kitt Med

You are welcome!
T. W. said…
teacher wendy and sister

Celine Dion - stiff person syndrome
MH said…
Thank you very much for this Christian! Please, I ask for healing for my mother & father SM, IH, my brothers, FH, IH, ZsH, my godfather BH, cousins EH, GH, my friends GH, NM, EK, LW, WL, LM-T, Marie, my partner ZCs, all the hurt animals, Mother Earth, souls on the other side, you Christian and myself MH (mental, emotional, physical & spiritual healing please). Thank you all. Thank you Spirit!
Anonymous said…
Please do not use last names as there are predators everywhere. You name vulnerable persons, you never know who is watching OUT THERE. I wish everyone here peace and good health. Because that's pretty much everything!
MH said…
Please, I’d also would like to ask for healing for my best friend ECs and her husband CsCs. Thank you Christian! Thank you all! Thank you Spirit!
Anonymous said…
Oh yes TW, that is a good one! Prayers for the incomparable Celine Dion. Why God? Why? Why her? Of all the people on the planet, why someone who has an extraordinary gift, someone who has been extremely disciplined her whole life because of her gift and wanting to sound the best at her concerts, and someone who is generous, good and kind. Why? Why not the asshole who rapes, steals, maims, destroys, kills, etc., etc. Why her? Why is it always the good ones to suffer so much? The assholes of this world just seem to carry on.
Anonymous said…
My mom is 87, she's the last of my family. She is in a home because she has dementia, I could no longer care for her. I'm infinitely sad, lonely and desperate, not only how I'm supposed to spend Christmas all alone for the first time, but how I'm supposed to cope with it once - when she's gone. We were always very close, like twins. I would like your support and a little prayer that my mom will stay for a few more years...Thank you so much!
Beth said…
For Sylvia who I mentioned above, who has now passed, and for her family including her estranged son. May they make their peace.
Starlight said…


all my compassion
for this family

now she is on a place
full of Love and peace

and it remains the confidence
that they‘ll see each other again


Anonymous said…
Why her???

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