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Starlight said…

so true

and then you’ll notice

that you’re not alone

Cordelia said…
Those who fly solo have the strongest wings.
Anonymous said…
Eric Leigh-Pink, psychic medium said:

5 Jan 2023

This is my conclusion from Spirit: The world will have another wave right now. China, will have a wave that will last 3 months.

But at the end of the 2022, according to Spirit, something new is popping up. A new medication, A simple way of fixing the problem.

Something we haven’t seen yet. Or perhaps its the “Pill” but something smashes Covid like a death blow. Science is the one that prevails in this moment.

I'm wondering if this is a typo? Did he mean to type 2023 or as shown, 2022?

TW, he seems to be legit. I find his responses to people's comments and questions to be really good.
Anonymous said…
Another VERY INTERESTING CONVERSATION from Psychic medium Eric Leigh-Pink's website on PM Rishi Sunak. What the hell....

3 Jan 2023

Hi Tom,

The time to discuss the pros and cons of the Covid vaccine was 2 years ago. Every one had access to the same information and made their own choices. It dosen’t matter now what information or wisdom you have those that took them can never reverse their decision.

Time to move on, I said on here a long while back Fauci and Birx will be arrested, Trending on Twitter is arrest Fauci, the files will be dropped this week.

My own country's imposter PM Rishi Sunak should be removed soon for his connection to hedge fund Theleme and insider trading.

“Thelema” is a Western esoteric and occult social or spiritual philosophy and new religious movement founded in the early 1900s by Aleister Crowley”.
“Do what thou wilt” is known as the Law of Thelema”.

“Theleme is reported to have invested in Moderna before the company was listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange in 2018, when it was valued at more than $7bn.

Its share price rocketed this year on the hopes of a vaccine for coronavirus, and its stock market value now stands at $39bn.”


3 Jan 2023

MK, that was one massive truth bomb
thanks for the info and words of advice
I hope all the evil crooks behind this global crime on humanity
will be exposed and locked up for life


Eric Leigh-Pink
3 Jan 2023

I am with MK.

Anonymous said…
Words of truth🙏 and words that encourage the heart when the heart guides you.🙏❤️
You only have clarity when you are alone.
Anonymous said…
Oh CD how I love this quote today. I have always tried to live my life by this as I know God sees all! I have face enormous personal challenges and unbearable heartbreak by following this statement even when it would have been much easier to be a sheep and follow the crowd and turn a kind eye.

Stand firm for God sees all!

Many blessings to all 💖💖💖
teacher wendy said…
I learned a new do not need to be a member of "the house" to be the Head of the House of Representatives. Isnt that unique?
T. W. said…
Anon, I’m glad you like the other site.

Teacher Wendy

I didn’t know that either!
Anonymous said…
Jules said…
I respectfully disagree with Eric Leigh Pinks comment that everyone had access to the exact same information regarding the vaccines.

No, everyone did not have access to the same information as everyone else did. A large section of the general public only listened to the Mainstream media and looked no further than the tv news outlets and national newspapers for information. They had absolutely no idea that a tremendous amount of information from world-renowned and well-respected Scientists, virologists, consultants and doctors etc from around the world contradicted the narrative that Fauci was pushing and was showing scientific evidence to back up what they were saying, yet their voices, and what they were saying. especially regarding cures were heavily censored.

Funny how the cures the brave Drs mentioned, are now being used today.

Much of the general public was beyond fearful and was being bombarded with propaganda on a daily basis. People faced losing their jobs and businesses were being destroyed. Friends & family turned on each other. People would have reacted differently if they were given all the facts and were fully aware of all the information that was out there, especially the scientific information that questioned the narrative and the drugs that were curing covid.
T. W. said…
If I remember correctly he took the vax and still caught COVID. He also had a heart attack. Dude is lucky to be alive.

Jules is correct. News media is censored.

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