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Today my little brother, who suffers badly with asthma.
Had two Dr appointments.

A telephone consultation, for an ear infection.
I hear you say…

Yay, that’s right.

Bit like going to the optician to have a pedicure.
He had an ear infection last Autumn.

It took three rounds of antibiotics to clear that.
This time he was told wait & see…

An in person visit for his Asthma review.
He was expecting to see the Dr.
He got an “Asthma Nurse”

She took his blood pressure.
Checked his weight
(He’d lost 14lbs)

He asked he if she was going to listen to his chest, as you would expect.

She replied.
“I’m not allowed to do that”


He explained that he is coughing up green phlegm.
As well as not being able to sleep.

So he asked if he could have some antibiotics.
She replied “ Not allowed to give those to you”

In her defense she did suggest a spray from the chemist over the counter medicine.
Which when my brother went to get this.
Had written all over the box.

Now before you all start I am not blasting the NHS staff.
They only can do what they are told.
I have friends who are NHS Drs.
Family who are NHS nurses.
They all deserve much better pay.
They are right to strike.

Because the strikes aren’t all about the pay.
It’s about the state of the NHS.

It’s about Downing ST.
Not listening nay not caring.

It’s about Downing St trying to turn the NHS PRIVATE.

I have TOLD YA before.
The NHS is on the verge of collapse.

Well, here’s what…






Sally said…
Hi Christian,

I’m so sorry to hear about your brother 🙏. The NHS here is in a bad state I’m praying it won't go private will
this happen?
Hopefully your brother will get to see a consultant and get the help he needs 🙏

I was due a knee replacement 17th January it has been cancelled I’m wondering if I’ll ever get my
operation. The nurses definitely deserve a rise they are our little angels 👼 and are working under
dreadful circumstances. I hope the Government listen 🙏

How long before Labour get in and hopefully sort out our awful dilemmas in this Country.

Thank you X

Starlight said…


has he the possibility
to get antibiotics

at another day
or not

he needs it

T. W. said…
Christian & British Friends

I am sorry you are experiencing poor healthcare. America feels your pain. Literally.

I pray for the sick and commands healing for you in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.

I love you.

T. W. said…
Two hospitals in New York City have nurses on strike.
Anonymous said…
majority medical doctors in UK are ethnic Indians with surnames such as Singh, Khan
India was ruled by Mongols and Turks
like China
Anonymous said…
NHS is not a good system. Germany has compulsory health insurance based on income. It works well. Brexit Britain seems to think the nhs devised in the 1940s is still fit for purpose it isn’t. Germany has the answers!
Anonymous said…
The NHS needs demolishing and rebuilding. The waist is astronomical three letters and an email for your appointment. Two more letters for your canceled appointment. Astronomical Salaries for nonsensical roles. letters for results sent to GPS in this computer age the waist.
Tea said…
Toward the light book on sale in 1920!where the mediums made contact with jesus and his fallen angel brother the devil and the book it's all about God etc and all the lies in the Bible, the devil did repent and went back to heaven in 1913 and the devil did create humans so I win the case
Anonymous said…
I went to see a doctor who asked me to see a psychologist,
I refused,
he admitted that he needed to get referral fees from them,
he was new.
Anonymous said…
In Germany, important operations are also being canceled for the small children there is not even antibiotic juice, you have to take care of it yourself. The pharmacies are empty. the health insurance system does not work well. An employee counts 14.7 percent of his wages but has no claims to expect. in an emergency one can be helped. Doctors are being asked to close their practices for one day a week because everyone is overwhelmed
God protect US 🙏❤️
Anonymous said…
Whatever happened to health care?

Major cities in first world countries and they have at times, third world country care.

In Canada, you have to wait a year plus for an MRI. If you pay for it yourself, it costs around $1,000 dollars or more.

Necessary surgeries are delayed by weeks, months, sometimes years.

I realize the pandemic had overloaded the health care industry and their staff.

And private health care costs hundreds of dollars (and more) per hour.

The ONE good thing about today is that if you are required to have surgery and have been approved to have surgery, that is a positive thing because it means that the surgeon believes the patient will survive the surgery, and the surgery will likely be a successful outcome. Surgeons can no longer can waste time or take chances.
Honey badger said…
Going through the exact same thing trying to get treatment under the NHS for asthma right now. I don't blame the good folks who work there under great pressure. I do believe that people will die if something is not done PRONTO.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, so sorry for your brother and all those facing health issues while NHS is struggling so. Hoping for all involved that there is a bright outcome ahead.
Anonymous said…
I send love and a benevolent prayer to any and all angels, guides, and beings for your brother.


The Original Sarah
Anonymous said…
Horrible and sad.

CD, who is Ben Barnes' future forever love? Is he dating Julianne Hough or Jessie Li Mei (his Shadow and Bone leading actress partner)? Or is he single? Is he ever going to marry? Can you see anything about his future wife? What's up with Johnny Depp? Why isn't he moving towards his future forever love? Can you see more details about his future wife? When do you see them meeting each other?

CD, dearest CD, have a heart for all us romantics on this blog of yours and update your future forever loves, so we can have at least a little bit of romance and love pushing up our own wishes for our own future loves higher and higher, so we too might someday be happy and not single anymore! Because if all these hunks and beautiful people inside and out can't find their happily ever after, then how can we, the normal people?!
T. W. said…
Speaking of healthcare:

Prince Harry says he was bred to offer spare organs to heir William
T. W. said…
Christian, is it true Prince Harry abuses animals & women? Is Meghan in danger? Did he break Meghan’s dog’s legs? Thank you.
Mariposa said…
Sorry to hear about your little brother CD. Bless him. x

Not great living in the UK at the moment - I'm trying to remain positive! :-)
T. W. said…
Honey Badger, I’m so sorry.
T. W. said…
Psychiatrist who practiced for over 20 years accused of faking medical degree


A “bogus” psychiatrist spent two decades working for the UK’s National Health Service — earning more than $1 million — after forging her qualifications, a court heard.
Jules said…
HRH TW .. Regarding Meghan’s dog .. the reports that have circulated around are that the dog ran off when it was being walked by a third party … and that’s how the injuries occurred. If Harry would have done something, it would have leaked out by now. However, Harry was and is reportedly known to treat his polo ponies abhorrently .. with one pony losing her life either during the match or shortly after the match. There are countless images on file of Harry's Polo ponies with lacerations on their sides from spurs. Links to articless regarding the death of the polo pony and has mistreatment of polo ponies.

I am glad you have asked the question is Prince Harry dangerous to women.

Rumours of Harry’s alleged sexual mistreatment of women have been floating around for years, for example, there was alleged abuse of prostitutes whilst serving in Afghanistan, rumour has it these women required medical treatment after his ‘treatment’ of them. He is apparently into s and m, with him being the sadist. There are also rumours of him being bisexual. However, the rumours doing the rounds today are much darker and sinister, it is alleged that Harry raped and battered a woman with Buckingham palace paying her for her silence, this story blew up on Twitter the other day.

It is alleged that Harry took things too far with someone between the Jubilee and the Queen's funeral resulting in that person requiring hospitalisation. It is alleged that Buckingham palace suppressed and covered up several stories of abuse to women by Harry. Its now stated that one of these women will go public with her story and will provide photographic evidence etc. A tarot reader did a reading on the rumours, link down below.

Use and abuse of prostitutes!? Psychic Tarot Reading

Twitter tweets regarding the rumours

Extremely bitter is an apt way to describe Harry, as well as volatile with a bad temper. He is vengeful, delusional, paranoid, a liar, a manipulator damaged. As well as a drug addict, alcoholic, riddled with vindictive jealousy, petty-minded, vile, grifter, mean-spirited, and man-child.

The way he talks about some women in his book namely Caroline Flack – she was his bit of rough .. and his matron .. are honestly despicable. If these rumours of rape and battery are indeed true then he is done for. That will also give MM a get-out-of-jail card and will be a reason for divorce.

There are very real geopolitical ramifications from the blatant lies Harry has told towards our country, not to mention the real tangible threats to the lives of those serving in the British army because of the ramifications of his alleged kill count whilst on tours in Afghanistan.

Incidentally, the reason Diana's mother left her father was because of his volatile nature and his violence towards her.
Anonymous said…
Is Harry a possible abuser of animals and women?

Let's see...

In the past (and I predict he will again) this entitled rich kid prince was a voracious drug user, a drunk, who has serious grief and mental health issues, and a TEMPER.

Some drunks are lovey dovey and fun. Wouldn't hurt a fly.

Some drunks are beligerant, argumentive, and mean. They'll give you the death stare over nothing and could potentially do other really stupid, reprehensible things to people and animals.

I think Harry was a little of both depending on his mood and how much he had to drink and what he was drinking (and or smoking and or snorting).

The more I hear him speak and the more I hear what's in his memoir, and learning about WHO he married, I'm beginning to feel real bad things about the prince.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Harry was and is reportedly known to treat his polo ponies abhorrently .. with one pony losing her life either during the match or shortly after the match. There are countless images of Harry's Polo ponies with lacerations on their sides from spurs.

Rumours of Harry’s alleged sexual mistreatment of women have been floating around for years, for example, there was alleged abuse of prostitutes whilst serving in Afghanistan, rumour has it these women required medical treatment after his ‘treatment’ of them. He is apparently into s and m, with him being the sadist. There are also rumours of him being bisexual. However, the rumours doing the rounds today are much darker and sinister, it is alleged that Harry raped and battered a woman with Buckingham palace paying her for her silence, this story blew up on Twitter the other day.

It is alleged that Harry took things too far with someone between the Jubilee and the Queen's funeral resulting in that person requiring hospitalisation. It is alleged that Buckingham palace has suppressed and covered up several stories of abuse to women by Harry. Its now stated that one of these women will go public with her story and will provide photographic evidence etc. A tarot reader did a reading on the rumours, link down below.

Use and abuse of prostitutes!? Psychic Tarot Reading

Twitter tweets regarding the rumours

Extremely bitter is an apt way to describe Harry, as well as volatile with a bad temper. He is vengeful, delusional, paranoid, a liar, a manipulator damaged. As well as a drug addict, alcoholic, riddled with vindictive jealousy, petty-minded, vile, grifter, mean-spirited, and man-child.

The way he talks about some women in his book namely Caroline Flack – she was his bit of rough .. and his matron .. are honestly despicable. If these rumours of rape and battery are true, then he is done for. That will also give MM a get-out-of-jail card and will be a reason for divorce.

There are very real geopolitical ramifications from the blatant lies Harry has told towards our country, not to mention the real tangible threats to the lives of those serving in the British army because of the ramifications of his alleged kill count whilst on tours in Afghanistan. Hate preachers are already telling people to take action.
Jules said…
HRH TW .. Regarding Meghan’s dog .. apparently, the dog ran off when it was being walked by a third party … and that’s how the injuries occurred. If the injuries were caused by Harry, someone would have got wind of it by now. However, Harry was and is reportedly known to treat his polo ponies abhorrently .. with one pony losing her life either during the match or shortly after the match. There are countless images of Harry's Polo ponies with lacerations on their sides from spurs.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Rumours of Harry’s alleged sexual mistreatment of women have been floating around for years, for example, there was alleged abuse of prostitutes whilst serving in Afghanistan, and rumour has it these women required medical treatment after his ‘treatment’ of them. He is apparently into s and m, with him being the sadist. There are also rumours of him being bisexual. However, the rumours doing the rounds today are much darker and sinister, it is alleged that Harry raped and battered a woman with Buckingham palace paying her for her silence, this story blew up on Twitter the other day.

It is alleged that Harry took things too far with someone between the Jubilee and the Queen's funeral resulting in that person requiring hospitalisation. It is alleged that Buckingham palace has suppressed and covered up several stories of abuse to women by Harry. Its now stated that one of these women will go public with her story and will provide photographic evidence etc. A tarot reader did a reading on the rumours, link down below.

Use and abuse of prostitutes!? Psychic Tarot Reading

Twitter tweets regarding the rumours

Extremely bitter is an apt way to describe Harry, as well as highly volatile. Vengeful, delusional, paranoid, a liar, a manipulator and damaged. You could also use drug addict, alcoholic, riddled with vindictive jealousy, petty-minded, vile, grifter, mean-spirited, and man-child.

The way he talks about some women in his book namely Caroline Flack – she was his bit of rough .. and his matron .. are honestly despicable. If these rumours of rape and battery are true and given that Lady C has dropped hints that Buckingham Palace is indeed covering up a huge story about Harry, then he is done for.

There are very real geopolitical ramifications for our country due to the blatant lies Harry has told, not to mention the real tangible threats to the lives of those serving in the British army because of the ramifications of his alleged kill count whilst on tours in Afghanistan. Hate preachers are already telling people to take action.
T. W. said…
Jules & Anonymous

Thank you!
Jules said…
Regarding HRH TW’s question is Harry dangerous to women.
Twitter was ablaze the other day with an alleged horrific incident involving Harry, if true, will answer the question that HRH TW asked with a resounding yes.

Everyone has been discussing this alleged truly horrific incident and tarot readers have, of course, read about this incident, and they all come back with the incident did take place. The incident, of course, has even been mentioned by channels that spung up to bring to the public attention the lies, and the manipulation of Meghan Markle.

I highly recommend you watch Celt News' latest video entitled Harry’s bizarre book, new disturbing revelations and my answers to some of your questions.

Here are links to some of those tweets that broke the story … Twitter tweets regarding the rumours

Here are links to some of the readings on the alleged rumours

Reading by famous fortune … read the comment section. ,

Reading by through the Griffenscope .. read the comment sections

Regarding Harrys continued drug use, there is no need to speculate, not only does he mention it himself in his book, that he smokes cannabis frequently and takes hallucinogenics Tom Bower, the author of the book on Harry and Meghan entitled revenge has stated that Harry has had a drug problem for 25 years. In case you missed it Tom Bower also mentioned, and it's in his book, that Doria was a drug dealer when Thomas met her, that their relationship ended due to her dealing and heavy drug use and that she disappeared out of Meghan's life for 10 years.

Readings on drug taking and Doria..
Famous Fortune
Beth said…
T. W. said…
I heard Doris is still dealing drugs.

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