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Closer & Closer Putin threatens to use NUKES



Putin is planning to send missiles to the following cities.


Now, granted they won’t be carrying NUKES.
God, knows what they will have on board.

So while you all “DITHER”…..
Whether or not to put up a “NO FLY ZONE”

When these missiles start arriving.

Please don’t go on TV saying..

“We didn’t now”



T. W. said…
I dreamt rasPutin used nukes.
Athena🏛 said…
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Athena🏛 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said…
If it's not too much to ask, I'd like Putin to be stopped please 🙏🏻
Starlight said…

I hope there are light energies

who can help 🙏

Jules said…
Many believe that the person playing Putin today is most certainly not the original/real Putin. They truly believe that the real Putin was switched out/assassinated in 2008. Even his ex-wife claimed that her husband was certainly not the man she married.

Researching the original Putin he was definitely a cabal puppet and from what his wife confesses an absolutely horrible and violent man. The substituted Putin has sooo many doubles it's ridiculous.

You only have to look at the photos of the real Putin side by side with the many different men who have been masquerading as him to know they are not the same person. Things are most certainly not what they seem, and keep in mind that the truth is stranger than fiction.

Links down below for visual photo evidence.

In all fairness, it is only the Western mainstream media and those who live in the West that have a problem with whoever the character Putin is. It is only the Western media who are extremely negative towards him and run negative media campaigns. The rest of the world honestly doesn't see him in the same light.

The differences between how Western media described and reported on the Ukraine conflict compared to the rest of the world is like chalk and cheese. Western media are feeding you negative propaganda.

Moscow by the way has very recently forgiven the $23 Billion Debts Owed By African Countries –Russian President, Putin recently announced the Russian government has written off over $20 billion of debt historically owed by African nations. If only other countries would do the same .. because after all fiat currency doesn't exist.

Links ..

Putin Has Several Doubles: Which One is the Real One?

T. W. said…
rasPutin allegedly has cancer.

Africa & Asia don’t have a problem with him. Why is that?

Rumor has it he is taking out bioweapon facilities.

Only God knows at this point.
Jules said…
HRH TW - The rumours regarding the bioweapon facilities in Ukraine aren't rumours, they are absolute facts. Russia tried to present this information and call an emergency meeting with the UN, but the Cabal UN obviously denied them, however Russia presented the rest of the entire world with the information.

There are countless links to runble and bitechute of russian officials revealing the information they discovered regarding biolaps along with whistleblowers and documentaries on Ukraines USA bioweapons facilities, I have given links to some of these documentaries previously here on CD's blog.

They also rescued thousands of Children held underground, in fact, they came across horrific scenarios. Such as the one described by this soldier when they uncovered a Ukrainian Child Organ operation. It is horrific to listen to.

Ukraine is/was a den of iniquity with a vast amount of the population following Nazi ideology.Ukraine is the historic home of the KM it is a Money laundering, child and child organ harvesting capital of the world. There are countless disturbing documentaries some created by the BBC on the neo Nazi side of Ukraine, and countless video footage and documentaries on the Ukrainian armies astrociities inflicted on the Donbass region.

One wonders which of the many doubles there are of Putin that has cancer .. or are the western media again lying and feeding everyone misinformation.

Putin rejected the Rothchild bank .. and is amongst may nations to stop trading in the USA dollar/fiat money corrupt system and has gone back to gold backed currency. That information alone should tell those who know why there is so much negative press in the western media concerning Putin.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi Jules It appears that you are a Putin fan and all the problems we are having in this world of ours is because of what the west is doing etc.

But me I see different to you I acknowledge that both sides are wrong and we the people are in the middle of their wars. So as one we should tell both sides its enough as it has gone on for too long and what we the people want is peace. Plus let all of us in this world of ours to accept each other and stop trying to be top dog and show how many balls we have.
T. W. said…
Jules, I did not know this. I am behind on the real news.

Yes, I notice the countries that aren’t part of the central banking system have bad press, sanctions, wars, etc.

I remember what THEY did to Qaddafi…
Jules said…
Talkgirl21 - Slightly flummoxed by the comment you wrote to me. Your assumptions are wrong by the way.

Although it is absolutely fair to state the world would be a completely different world if the powers that be behind all the governments of the world, especially the Western governments didn't exist.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Yes, I know and in doing so destabilised the middle east, so many innocent people died.

Lets not forget all the needless endless wars what THEY have put the world through.

Came across a post on twitter regarding D-DAY so I thought I would share it with you.

There's also a man called Derek Johnson, he is ex-military and is very informative I think you might like him .. here's his twitter
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules.

TalkGirl12, I think Jules is trying to show us that what we see is not all it appears to be. I agree with you in that all sides are wrong and it is We the People who suffer.
Jules said…
HRH TW - I AM trying to warn/show everyone that we are constantly being manipulated/controlled and lied to by our mainstream media.

This is why I was slightly flummoxed and perplexed not only by the comment but the assumptions also, especially considering that I had not given a single personal opinion on Putin or my opinion on the conflict in Ukraine and I most certainly did not say that I wished it to continue.

Of course, I wish world peace .. who doesn't?

I will admit to being surprised how anyone reading my comments discussing that the real Putin was a violent man etc and has long since gone and that there are doubles etc playing him would 'assume' that I 'appear' to be a fan of Putin.

I cannot reiterate this enough, the western cabal-owned and run media have blatantly lied regarding the situation in Ukraine, what has taken place there and why it happened. This should honestly be alarming.

Are you aware for instance that the people of the Donbas region in Ukraine, who were being routinely bombed and killed, their schools and homes were being destroyed whilst members of the public were being harassed and attacked on the streets by the Nazi units of the Ukrainian army, campaigned relentlessly and begged Russia to help them for years before Russia finally stepped in?

Are you aware that Russia continually warned Ukraine it would step in and help if the bombing and persecution of the Russian-speaking people didn't stop?

It is well documented that Ukraine became unstable following interference from the powers that be behind the United States government, which had a vested interest in the region and had over 36 underground bioweapon facilities. One is under Chernobyl. I would read the reports on the discoveries in the bio weapon facilities.

It is well known that the Bidens, Pelosi's and others in the US Government have invested interests in Ukraine. It is also well known that Joe Biden interfered hugely in the judicial system and politics of Ukraine.

Everything is certainly not what we have been told it is ..

T. W. said…

I knew some of this. Although we weren’t fighting wars when Trump was in office, we had domestic violence here. The race wars continue. Very sad.

Mexican immigrants are being given hostel rooms to sleep in while black and Muslim immigrants are bypassed. They are sleeping in the streets!
Jules said…
HRH TW - Yes I know .. from what I've seen, esp in certain states/cities in the states it has been absolute bedlam.

I am sure you know if you follow the money trail that Anfita was a government-controlled organisation where people were paid to cause mayhem etc and has been proven to be funded by George Soros, they used the false flag Floyd Pysop as a propaganda springboard.

I am sure you are also aware that Black and Muslim immigrants are causing absolute bedlam across Europe and Scandinavia. It's all controlled by them.

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