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I know "NAUGHTY" but I couldn't resist anyway it's Beth's FAULT...



Beth said…
T. W. said…
I love it. Thanks Beth & Christian!
T. W. said…
Christian, you have a Closer & Closer:

Twitter replaces the bird logo with the letter ‘X’
Jules said…
It will be a dark day indeed if x goes down as the exposure of the truth on that platform is currently of the scale.
Jules said…
HRH TW - A chef on a tv show prepared a dish using human flesh.

Here is the video when the judges find out what they have just eaten

This is also a very interesting thread on 'dead chefs' that cooked for the elites ....
MH said…
Oh my God! Is this true!?? I need a bucket too! Wish I wasn’t watching it before bed..
T. W. said…

I pray to God this is performance art.

I also find it odd that the Obama’s chef drowned while paddle boarding in a POND.
Jules said…
Unfortunately, cannibalism, the unholy abhorrent consumption of feasting on human flesh happens frequently. Especially amongst the elite families of the world. There are underground speciality cannibal restaurants.

It's not just the elite families that consume human flesh either.
Jules said…
HRH TW- No, it's not performance art, you know their agendas to legalise and normalise paedophilia and the consumption of human flesh.

There are a lot of suspicious circumstances surrounding the death of the chef .. dont forget he was also reported to be wearing a life vest.

Here are a few taken from the twitter/x account CBK NEWS

RESCUE PERSONNEL RETRIEVING TAFARI CAMPBELL'S BODY SAY THEY OBSERVED BLUNT FORCE INJURIES TO HIS HEAD "His face was all messed up like he was in a brawl with someone," said a member of the Edgartown fire department under condition their name not be used.

Anonymous sources within the Dukes County Sheriff's Department claim Obama was the second paddle boarder. Authorities are still refusing to issue a public announcement.

Publishing sources say Campbell was working on a recipe book 'with a twist' when he suddenly drowned. "He was going to dish some dirt out on the clients he worked for as well as disclose their eating habits. Tafari was ready to expose some embarrassing details about the Obamas."

It is being alleged that both Barack & Michelle were present when their chef drowned. Tafari Campbell had blunt force trauma. Medical Examiner called off the autopsy. Barack whereabouts still unknown. Tafari was found in 8 feet of water with life vest. Obama begged to call off autopsy. They are trying to get the death to be ruled accidental. Barrack Obama is looking to make a claim on their insurer. The wife seems to be cooperating with B. Obama. They are trying to pressure the family to cremate Tafari remains.

Link to an official news source Gateway Pundit
WOW – Story Changes: Barack and Michelle Obama WERE on Martha’s Vineyard When Their Private Chef Mysteriously Drowned

A story of a warehouse filled with human body remains made the news, they have estimated the body parts came from a thousand different bodies, they were not embaled they were just kept on ice, so the disclosure of canniblism begins ..


The highly suspicious murders of the chefs, who worked for the rich and famous and elite families who would have prepared dishes with human flesh, now make sense.

Here is a thread on Boudain .. its not for the faint hearted ..

For those that are interested here is a link to information surrounding the deaths connected to the Obama White House.

T. W. said…
Jules, this is all so sad. Let’s not forget people are consuming human flesh in North Korea due to famine.

People complain about Epstein but they hate on the film The Sound of Freedom, which exposes child s3x trafficking.

I thank God all of this is being exposed.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Are (normal) people hating on the sound of freedom? I know the MSM are being their normal selves but as previously explained considering who controls and owns the media, it should not be surprising to anyone that they are denigrating the film because of it subject matter. .

However, there are MANY red flags surrounding the film that simply cannot be overlooked or ignored. These red flags are easily discovered with a little research such as who funded the production and distribution of the film?

Carlos slim, a drug lord funded this film, his son (Patricio Slim Domit) is a producer for Sound Of Freedom, is associated with the Rothschilds, Clintons and Bidens. He was also close with a known pedo "Marcial Maciel", and funded his organization "Legionaries of christ", which had MANY scandals surrounding them involving sexually abusing minors. Carlos' OTHER son; Carlos Slim Domit, is a part of the World Economic Forum, he was ALSO accused of murdering ppl and eating flesh, by Gabriela Rico Jimenez.

Tim called these guys "a great group of people", and again...they (The Carlos Slim family), funded this movie

There are many who are questioning Tim Ballard and digging into his past and they are claiming that he is a freemason in fact Jessie C has claimed that he is a paedophile. However, the biggest red flag from the entire film is the campaign to microchip your child.


Links to tweets etc …


From my own point of view. it’s a soft exposure to the abhorrent atrocities that have been happening to our children. Hopefully, it will wake people up ... and people will take action .. and then God will take care of the rest.

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