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Showing posts from August, 2023

Morning everyone..


Blue Moon August 31st..... Last one till 2037   Blue Supermoon August 2023: Rare Lunar Event Is Last One Until 2037 (   STAY TUNED 

Happy Hump Day All...


Closer & Closer Alien life proof... "UPDATE"... UFO's & ALIENS... February 26, 2021   So many of you have been asking about. Aliens & UFO’s. Do I believe in them? YES. Do I believe we are being visited ? YES. Are Aliens amongst us? YES. “They “ have been with us, before we were even here. They visit us all the time. But, now we have all the cc cameras all over the place. We are catching sight of them more. The governments of the World are ALL hiding the truth. They are doing this.  Because if they told us the truth. That would be the end of all Religions for starters. What would people believe in? I feel that these beings, seen all throughout History. Are what we know as Angels. (Well most of them) Some of them are what we kno...

Kanye West & Bianca Censori in Venice HMMMMMM!!!! BANNED UPDATE... UPDATE #3




Closer & Closer Prince Albert & Princess Charlene of Monaco.. Sometimes it just takes longer than you think...  Is it just me or ???????? July 02, 2011 So Friday 1st July Prince Albert of Monaco II. Married Charlene Witstock  some South Africa swimmer. So now she's  Princess Charlene. But the other day she tried to flee. But was stopped a the border..... Then brought back to her fate. Is it just me or does that picture  look just a little uncomfortable ? This is not going to last,  The cracks will start within the month. that's for sure. Personally I thought it would have been, a pink wedding.   STAY TUNED

LAST FEW DAYS Labor Day Email Reading Special..

Labor Day Email Reading Special August 15, 2023        Email Reading         Labour Day Offer.    3 Questions Normally $50 usd Special offer till  Midnight 4th September 2023. 3 Questions $25 usd. (payable in advance) Send your 3 Questions & recent pic to Payment via payable to  



Morning everyone....


TOLD YA More UFO exposure according to Neil Armstrong...    CHRISTIAN DION The Seer's 2014 Predictions  Were written while staying  by  Cayuga Lake  Upstate New York,  just down the road from the entrance to  The Twilight Zone.   (Completed Dec 19th 2013)   55    Aliens They are watching us and can't believe how badly behave towards each other we are.   126 Will Aliens live among people on earth? Yes & Do…… STAY TUNED 



TOLD YA Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann file for DIVORCE X 2... Atlanta Tart............ December 01, 2010    Housewives of Atlanta Star/Tart. Kim Zolciak who is pregnant.... Is at least engaged to the father  of the child. He's a footballer. called  Kroy Biermann. This has to be all PR.......... Cause it ain't for real...... Well the Wedding may happen. But it will end in divorce for sure.   STAY TUNED...

Morning he he..


Closer & Closer Elon Musk Twitter/X FLOP... Elon Musk... This Twitter" thing won't go well... April 27, 2022  As we all now know.  Elon Musk has bought "Twitter"... I SEE... This is going to prove to be a big mistake for Mr Musk. Not to start with... In the end...   Just wait till he starts to  "ADVISE". With those in charge...   STAY TUNED



TOLD YA Putin "Knocks Off Another Cronie" Yevgeny Prigozhin Wagner Chief... UKRAINE…. February 24, 2022 UKRAINE Watching the Invasion of the Ukraine by Putin. That I predicted on February 13th 2015 Sends shivers down my spine. As there is much worse to come. Watching Bumbling Boris, Blithering Biden. Along with the other out of touch NATO leaders. Just Stating this & Stating that. Meanwhile, The Hitler of our time Putin. Is laughing his head off… Planning more and more of this wickedness. Including knocking off those at home, that cross him... By the way he’s not going to stop with Ukraine… He’s got his sights on great swathes of Europe. No amount of SANCTIONS or RESTRICTIONS...

TOLD YA More UFO's revealed???...   December 22, 2020 CHRISTIAN DION's 2021 PREDICTIONS Sorry they aren't Happier   20 UFO Even more exposure of UFOs. Made by the Air forces of the World...    STAY TUNED...

Happy "HUMP" Day One & All..


Closer & Closer More Banks close more branches.. with many more to come... Just the beginning... May 02, 2023   I SEE... More of these troubles ahead... Both in the USA & UK... In 2023/24…   STAY TUNED  

My friends Nick & Nikki's new project....

Morning SuperGran...


Closer & Closer Prince Andrew more troubles ahead... STAY TUNED... Dear Randy Andy  NOT BUYING IT... August 20, 2019 As HRH Prince Andrew is feigning shock... At the sex abuse claims of his "Friend" Jeffrey Epstein. Saying he knows nothing!!! Doesn't he remember the camera person... Whilst he was splashing  about with the blonde!!! No?.................   Maybe it was the "Devils Dandruff"... That erased his memories but never mind...   There's always the videos, oh well...  STAY TUNED...

Happy Monday all


TOLD YA Harry Styles creating a Scent with Gwyneth Paltrow's scent creators ... "ODOROUS" !!! Harry Styles & Yan Yan Chan... Dating ??? March 15, 2023  Twitter is a buzz. WHY??? Well it appear that  Harry Styles & fashionista  Yan Yan Chan. Are dating. Well, maybe... But it won't last anywhere near as long as his last "Romance"...   Speaking of "Fashion" themes. Wait till Harry gets into the  Make Up/ Scent deals...   STAY TUNED 

Morning from Hermosa Beach


TOLD YA Covid about to rampage in the UK.. "UPDATE" Now the USA too.. UPDATE MASKS BACK & Another UPDATE Closer & Closer COVID returns.. New Strain found in the UK. UPDATE... August 17, 2023 Please WEAR YOUR MASK.. COVID IS NOT OVER March 14, 2021



Something I don't normally post.

  Last night I had a "Dream" . About the Hawaii Maui fires.  I sensed a misplaced child.  Too young to communicate who they are. They are safe...   I sense this child is connected to the name Micheal/Micheals. The childs' Father had/has  a career in sports. Which was brought  to an end by leg injuries.   When this child is found and identified. They will become the "FACE".  Of the the enormous effort to rebuild. In the right & proper manner.    STAY TUNED 

Morning " PIP- PIP"


TOLD YA... Sam Asgahri just wanted MONEY from Britney Spears.... Plus UPDATE + UPDATE 2.0 Asghari.. You mean you want payments for life... March 07, 2021   So Sam Asghari wants to have a baby with Britney Spears. Oh Sam, it’s so clear what you are up to.   I SEE… Sam you want a monthly payment for life…  Britney don’t all for it.   (Not that she'll listen)   Sam, I feel that you already have a child…  UPDATE   I SEE I know when said that Britney should stay under Conservatorship. It wasn't very popular. But Britney, has mental health issues. She needs to still be under a Conservatorship.