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We must not forget...



T. W. said…
Thank you Christian.

We need to remember Palestinians rejoiced when this happened to us.
I was teaching a second grade class that morning. Won't ever forget. Already having been part of a public tragedy myself, I knew how the families felt, and that my classroom kids' lives were forever changed. Continued blessings for them all.
Sana said…
Can you elaborate about the whole "Palestinians rejoiced when this happened to us" part? Since when. Palestinians have been through their own holocaust since 1948. Sounds like you've been brainwashed.
Sana said…
NEver forget the true evil of Zionism. They cause the 1st and the 2nd WW. They caused 9/11 to accelerate more supervision, control and power over America. And now causing the genocide in Palestine. Wake the F up people. I will never forget 9/11 and all the poor souls that lost their lives that day.
T. W. said…
Touch a nerve?

In my hometown many Palestinians rejoiced.

Here’s video of reaction from people living in the West Bank:
T. W. said…
Sana said…
How do you know they were palestinians? Is it bc someone said so? Google Europes Last Battle and watch. Learning the truth is hard. Would not b surprised if those ppl turned out to be zionist-israel settlers. Only they would rejoice when something tragic in the world would happen. The worst terror is that people like you believe what they say.

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