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Morning If you would like to help for the hurricane victims

Christian, can we please have a separate post for disaster relief? Thank you.

If you want to donate to help victims of Hurricane Helene:

Baptists on Mission


Starlight said…

Please God and all Angels

help them in time of need 🙏

T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!

Florida is about to get slammed with another hurricane today! It’s supposed to be the worst to hit Florida in 100 years. Dear God, please dissipate the hurricane and let it fizzle out at sea. Thank you. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Special ops vets form ‘Redneck Air Force’ to ferry aid into NC mountains after feds come up short: ‘Who’s FEMA?’
Jules said…
In an ideal world, donations to help the victims of this man-made hurricane disaster and it IS a weather-manipulated disaster and a land grab, I have seen some horrendous videos from witnesses and families who were caught up in this ... would be a Godsend and an actual charitable act.. but this is not an ideal world, far from it .. be very careful where you send your hard-earned money and to whom you trust it to as it more than often does not reach the destination or the people you gave it to help. I would never, for instance, send money to the Red Cross or anything associated with Billy Graham .. the best thing to do right now as they are not allowing anyone to help at all. They are not even allowing people to return to their homes or to retrieve and bury ther dead is to pray to God .. pray day and night . .
Moon said…
Dear God🙏, spread your hands over the area in Florida

help all the people in this need

T. W. said…
Thank you Jules.

People in western North Carolina are reporting the government is doing more harm than good. Why are they passing out pamphlets about transgendering children? What does that have to do with the hurricane aftermath? Why are they confiscating property from private citizens & denying their right to bear arms?
T. W. said…
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