The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Plus on other little interesting fact.
NONE of the major gossip/tabloids have picked up on this
But E! published there was pda, Stew dad works for E! and it looks all very set and PR as usual. Why change the truth if the source said the opposite, that she saw nothing, no pda. The Seer is right, it's all fake to stay famous. Lets hope it will finish soon. My question is, how many months? And do you see someone in Rob life?
March 21, 2013 at 2:08 AM
Christian's predictions are spot on! I am officially off bedrest and have an appointment to speak with someone concerning my eating habits and nutrition. I am glad my call got thtough last month and I support Christian! T. W.
Since your are a SEER and you SEE things- haven't you really figured out that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Your idea of this great giant PR plot with all these players and time, yada, yada, yada is so exhausting. Someone would crumble. And if the relationship is PR Kristen Stewart should just start suing everyone for calling her a cheater because she didn't cheat on anyone- this is just so wrong and you might just want to move on to another subject you can be vague on. This one- too many people have been following things for too long and have too many details for you to SEE something. Sorry.
it isn't about rob and kristen. it's about how much money Hollywood and whoever in those high places can milk out of them as a double act.
Read it, suck it and GTFO.
p.s. We support you, Christian!
As for the Lainey thing yeah I have heard that rumor true about her supposley being on Kristen's payroll I heard that rumor a few months ago on that I Luv Mormon Vampires site (by the way do not visit that site I find it toxic and it leaves you angry and a bit messed up because sometimes I finds myself thinking like them and I already have Intrusive thoughts on a daily basis the last thing i need to is thinking like them and being even more effed up in the head.But yeahI knida doub't that rumor is true I mean if it was than wouldn't Lainey being loving Kristen like Jennifer Lawerence and costantly praising Kristen and acting like she can do no wrong just like she does with Jennifer instead when it comes to kristen she's very all over the place one minute she Girl Crushes on her the next she doesn't like the direction she's going in and is a bit bitchy towards her so yeah that right there makes me think that rumor is most likly not true. not only that but I don't if there was actually a firm person to where that rumor came form same with the one where that Taryn Ryder is supposly kristen's cousin even though Taryn has seemed to be turned off by Kristen ever since the affair and no longer loves like she once did. And that's another rumor that I heard from that website but I have never heard those rumors from legit gossip sites with good sorces so unless someone post something substantial on it I kida doub't it's true.
As for celeb psychic Sanje, she has no credibility. She flip flops and makes psychic predictions after the event has happened. She is also filtering her comments which are few.
As for Kristen gossip, CDaN blind items claim Jodie Foster has the hots for her and bought her a car. CDaN is not buying Kristen and Rob's relationship either. The man that runs the site is an attorney who handles wills, estates, etc. for the wealthy and he has Hollywood connections.
I love blind items and if you want another site that reveals them too Google ACG Main Pages. Everyone be blessed and stay blessed. T. W.
Question for Christian. Could Rob actually be gay? thanks.