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So back together?.they never were together!!!

So here's the pic from March 16th,
 that people are saying proves that 
Robert & Kristen are a couple again.
Dear sweet confused people.
They never were a couple.
This is a fan pic taken at the airport.
Just look at the body language of Robert.
It tells all.


Anonymous said…
The girl who tweeted it say is from when they went to a karoke bar,but yet funny no one but her saw them,and she also so happen to be a phototagrapher who now getting free publcity from taking this photo. I smell a set up and bullshit.Such a set up
Anonymous said…
How do you know it was taking at the airport the girl said it was taken at a bar
Anonymous said…
a fan pic taken at teh airport? how you know that? and why at the airport? and will we have more pics like this? please give me an answer
Psychic Gossip said…
Either I am Psychic.or I know the carpark at lax........

Plus on other little interesting fact.
NONE of the major gossip/tabloids have picked up on this
Unknown said…
The fan sold it to all the gossip sites and they have reported it. This was taken at Ye Rustic Inn on the 29th.
Anonymous said…
The girl said it was from last night
Psychic Gossip said…
Well if this was taken on the 29th I assume you mean Feb, as we haven't got to March 29th yet. Theres a big problem.......He Robert didn't get back to the USA till last Saturday 16th March...ops!
Anonymous said…
CD this is not the airport! I love you but it's the kareoke bar they went to last night. Other people who were there tweeted...I love you and believe you but it's not the airport and there are other pictures on their friends instagrams of this night. They went to this bar. This was taken outside the kareoke place. Even the girl who took the pic tweeted about it...when is this robsten bs going to end though?
Unknown said…
That was a typo, I meant the 19th, which was last night. That's the Ye Rustic car park.
Anonymous said…
Christian this is not LAX though...
Anonymous said…
will we have pics of them together again? and how this will end?
Psychic Gossip said…
OK so I boobed this isn't the airport, SORRY.but that doesn't alter the fact that they are not a real couple and that the PR machine is out in force....CD
Anonymous said…
The girl and source on twitter said this: RT @LAustin_: Haha… I wasn't paying too much attention sorry. RT @HereforKristen: @LAustin_ they were holding hands or kissing?

But E! published there was pda, Stew dad works for E! and it looks all very set and PR as usual. Why change the truth if the source said the opposite, that she saw nothing, no pda. The Seer is right, it's all fake to stay famous. Lets hope it will finish soon. My question is, how many months? And do you see someone in Rob life?
Psychic Gossip said…
as long as the PR machine for them and the Twilight Gods turn out this tripe, there will be pics of one sort or another. But as I have said before it'll will have exploded or fizzled by summers end, But remember that the whole thing is make believe...Just like many other so called Hollywood romances.Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes. etc etc
Psychic Gossip said…
As mentioned before by summers end GONE. Re him romantic future, yeah it's there but not for a while. Her it'll be the same old mess....
Anonymous said…
Oh, so we will see him dating a girl in the near future? Who?
Anonymous said…
Rob was 2 days ago in Oz celebrating a party with the cast of The Rover. There are pics with the fans.
Anonymous said…
not for a while? What will cause him to be single for so long?
Anonymous said…
Will it be a fling or long-term?
Anonymous said…
why do you love her and believe her? why? this is a fiasco. to say its from lax???? she is a fraud. period.
Anonymous said…
The pic is from the 19th. Rob was still in Australia on the 17th & didn't fly bsck until the 18th.
Anonymous said…
I dont think this pic is from march 16 that was the last day of filming so he was still in Oz filming.But I do think this pic is staged. The girl who took it just so happen to be a photographer and seem to love the attention she getting from this she even put the link the facebook that has all her other photo she took on it she got free publicity from this,this is such set up.He look so beyond awrked and not at ease.Also E making it seem like there was pda when the girl who took it said there was nothing like that what so ever.All bullshit
Anonymous said…
WHAT pr machine? who is paying for this PR? who? who pays all the people off who say they are together? the friends, the directors, the co workers - who know they are together - who PAYS these people? it must cost this secret anonymous PR machine are fortune pay off all these people. the list is endless of people who have said they are together. WHO PAID THEM? What PR firm is it. Who does the PR firm work for? let's have FACTS. NOW. FACTS. Who is the PR firm? Who is funding it? WHat is their address? FACTS, NAMES< ADDRESSES. Since you are a seer you should know who this or pr firm is. let's have the name. NOW. And don't say Summit. Summit is no longer a company.

March 21, 2013 at 2:08 AM
Psychic Gossip said…
I have no idea which PR machine is behind them, the one behind the twilight films will be named in the flims credit so that one you can google. You have to understand that PR is VERY BIG business in LA....they make or break is the way it is. I didn't invent it, nor do I care....
Anonymous said…
Who are you coming on to his site attacking him,like geez this fake couple shouldnt not cause this much agner out somene.They arent the first fake couple in hollywood and they wont be the last
Anonymous said…
Summint is a company it now Liongate but still a company
Anonymous said…
Rob looks so miserable. I bet he wishes he didnt make the deal with the devel now. Money never buys happiness and I think he knows this now.
Anonymous said…
I still love you Christian and I am patiently waiting the end of the PR. In case people are wondering, it would make sense for the fake romance to "end" at the end of August or early September. The celebrity news cycle is slow in August so if they broke up then, it would be major news for a long time.

Christian's predictions are spot on! I am officially off bedrest and have an appointment to speak with someone concerning my eating habits and nutrition. I am glad my call got thtough last month and I support Christian! T. W.
Anonymous said…
it looks real CD and its been 6 months, your wrong. Sanders/Ross marriage broke-up or the affair, but Robert is there awaiting Kristen in his arms because they are truly in love. I really wish you would stop lying to these crazy desperate women. They are together and will be forever. You can't keep pushing the timeline for the break-up, because it will not come. Nothing will break-up these soulmates, they have proven it.
Anonymous said…
Christian who do you see rob dating next? Is he currently involved with someone else right now?
Anonymous said…
Christian: if you truly knew Hollywood or LA then you'd know the little bar is in RK's neighborhood...that area is home to many entertainment professionals including photographers. It's no stretch for a photographer, director, actor, or writer, etc to be there. It's also very easy for fans to drop by. It's definitely NOT LAX. Also, if you truly think a studio would have a PR campaign that would last for years and involve 100's of people to promote a fake relationship then you clearly have no knowledge of how studios work especially when it involves spending their money. I can assure you no studio is going to pay to fake a relationship for years in the interest of PR. You're certainly entitled to think or say whatever you like but the truth is: Rob and Kristen are together, in love and happy, rich and amount of rumors or lies will change that.
Psychic Gossip said…
I know.of where you speak. If you knew the movie business. Then you would know that what you think they don't do. Thats exactly what they do.
Anonymous said…
Christian, Alot of Twilight fans 1-don't care whether Kristen and Rob are a couple, 2-didn't believe it when they got back together, and still BD2 made alot of money- they don't need to fake anything. And if they are faking it, why does Taylor get paid the same thing and he gets to live his life without faking anything.
Since your are a SEER and you SEE things- haven't you really figured out that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. Your idea of this great giant PR plot with all these players and time, yada, yada, yada is so exhausting. Someone would crumble. And if the relationship is PR Kristen Stewart should just start suing everyone for calling her a cheater because she didn't cheat on anyone- this is just so wrong and you might just want to move on to another subject you can be vague on. This one- too many people have been following things for too long and have too many details for you to SEE something. Sorry.
Anonymous said…
Any person who truly believes that these two are in love are the crazy and psychotic desperate ones with no love life or any life at all. Couples in love don't spend two months apart, with no kisses, no sex, specially being as young as they are. These crazy bitches need to get a life from themselves and GTFO of CD blog because he's awesome. You infest all internet with your mental illness, you won't infest here too.
Psychic Gossip said…
Don't you see that's the point everything is crumbling. Re Taylor, it's only a matter of time...
Anonymous said…
you do realize that what you're doing right now is all a bonus for PR in terms of interest... you're buying into something that is make-believe, you probably own all the dvd's/went to all the movies/buy all those glossy mags, etc. whatever they are, it's working. they have complete strangers fighting for they're 'love' and other's burning for it to be over.

it isn't about rob and kristen. it's about how much money Hollywood and whoever in those high places can milk out of them as a double act.
Anonymous said…
@AnonymousMarch 21, 2013 at 7:02 AM -He is awesome because he is telling you what you want to hear. He still cannot say anything about when this relationship will end,every time its all "Oh the PR Gods will decide it" Ummm I thought he could SEE things before they happened LOL. First he said that these pics were taken at airport now he says that they are not from airport when he was corrected by Rob fans on twitter.Try harder,Christian.Tell me something specific & then I'll believe you
Anonymous said…
They stay together for the money/publicity, they are not good actors and this so-called on/off "romance" is how they market themselves. Christian is right this fauxmance will go on until it no longer makes money for anyone.
Anonymous said…
Go home to mama little girl. Leave Christian alone. He is doing a great job showing us all what a crappy world we live in. Sheeps, sheeps, you are going in for a rude awakening. Good luck with that.
Anonymous said…
First off I seen and watch mist twilight fans when she cheated on him they took it to heart. I seen how they act they they made twitter for robsten future child nick name it TGC mean the golden child,have already name this child,some cry threating to kill themselves cause she cheated,some think the pics of her with rupert are really rob and the taploid were trying to set her up and ruin robsten on purpose,These fans take everything to heart.Before they got back to togother some were threathing not to go see the movie cause it hurt to bad. So YES it does matter it really does mattter. You speak of PR like you know the end of hollywoood ,You dont though you know nothinhg there are shemes ,game tricks alot of things that us outside people know and will know nothing about,You rant and go on and on and preach like you know and you know the deal but you dont SORRY. You think it insane notion that this stuff about contracts and money go on but you dont live in the world that actors live in you dont know the biz you cant say nothing. Havent you stop and figure out that this is SHOWBIZ and this is HOLLYWOOD and the simplest explanation is never the case are you really that navie for that stupid crap that just came out of youre mouth. You wanna know what exhausting you robsten and kristen fans coming up with any excuse in the book to prove other wise that thier not edward and bella or the flawless being that you put them out to be. You fight anyone who doesnt buy into them.I sorry to break it to you but FAKE couple PR stunt etc do happen in hollywood been happen for years.You all get so defensive .Also why would she sue someone for calling her a cheater DUH genius the relationship is PR ,it a front that they put on she was just dumb enough to get caught doing her married man in public,she broke the contract so how can she sue?If she admit to saying she didnt cheat on anyone then doesnt that blow the whole PR Stunt and make everyone know that it a scam then DUH. Like come on how does that even make sense so stupid.I think youre just bitter cause he been right about them all along and youre scared that this fairytale that you live trough is about to be shatter. That it not everything you wanted it to be and now youre mad and now youre bitter and dont even make sense so you come to this site and get mad so youre scared. YOURE SCARED HON AND IT SHOWING. While dont you take youre onw advice and move on and fap over something better than wanting be upset cause these two arent everything you thought they would be boo fucking who.SORRRY YOURE FAIRY TALE COMEING TO AN END. Oh and next time do your reseach cause it showed you are fucking clueless when it come to hollywood you dont know shit.It the biz babe it the sweet bitter truth it dark and shady and not black and white but keep thinking it is
Anonymous said…
Youre obviously a robsten fan ince you show the stalkish behavior of knowing where they live and etc cause that so not creepy. Youre there ones that stay going on and on about Hollywood like you worked there or know but see the point of the matter and it the simplest is that you dont knw. He clear himself up that it not LAX he just thought that cause of the park lot, PR has been going on for ages since before the dawn of time .There in love and together bullshit is what you so want to belieave,it this fanasty of these two that you sick robsten fans have build up in your mind and you get so defensive over anything that come close to shatter that, You all are so beyond stupid and have no common sesne, You go on preach there not this,and the studio would never do that.How do you know your go on preaching like it a fact like you can prove it.I sorry baby this is not twilight this is the real world.Please please go back do youre reseach check your fact cause everything you just said is BULLSHIT. You have no idea what youre talking about .Cant assure no one on nothing cause guest what you know nothing nothing at all. Also guest what the girl who took this photo was a photographer it said it in her twitter bio WOW what are the chances she just happen to be a photographera t the right place at the right time,Sorry but try again and come back with some real facts .This is hollywood welcome to the bitter truth but go run away from it like you sad little lossers always do
Anonymous said…
I'm speachless you are to dumb for words just so dumb
Anonymous said…
Nothing you just said made any sesne another dumb robsten fan scare of the truth
Anonymous said…
So it means this pic was photoshoped?
Anonymous said…
Christian,it seems even you have fallen in Robsten hole.
Anonymous said…
E! is not a reliable source. They're like People mag.
Anonymous said…
I would love to see him dating a man.
Anonymous said…
Good Lord. These Twihards. Don't let them irritate you too much, Christian. <3
Anonymous said…
As you said, Taylor is already involved since he was seeing hanging out with Stew many times this last month. With paps called to testify, as always, of course.
Anonymous said…
LMAO, are you one of these "internet insiders"? Nobody has "too many details", nobody knows ANYTHING REAL related to these two, what you see is what they want you to see and they show you via gossip sites that are making money for every hit you give to them.
Anonymous said…
He has said dates you idiot you just dont pay attention. Their contract is over in August and Christian has said that it would end in end of summer- uh hello that is August. They could have ended now but KRisten is forcing him to stay so unless the pr machine can convince her to let it go then it will remain until she cant bind him to her anymore which is when the contract will be over.
Anonymous said…
So I bet if he said they gonna get married and there gonna have children and live happliy eveer after like edward and bella you would take that with out no question. So call him a false physic he predicted she would cheat ,not only that he predicted the exact year,he predicted she would reveal who really in her life then here come rupert sander,he always been right about these two and that what make so so mad. Your scare of the truth you cause you cant face it.When he said they were taking at the airport he was just guessing that wasnt a prediction.So no you try harder robsten fan cause you are on the edge that your fake couple about to come to an end.Goodbye
Anonymous said…
NO this is the only place I thought I could come without having to deal with dumb robsten fans go go away,go back to E or gossip cop the sites that tell you everything you want to hear
Anonymous said…
Pathetic robstens, read CD prediction about the Pope:

Read it, suck it and GTFO.
Anonymous said…
CD dont post about robsten anymore these fans are nuts they try and find you and burn your house down I seen there ugly there a bunch of crazy that need help
Anonymous said…
If I dont like something I avoid it at all cost if you dont like Christian why come on to his blog then? Go get a life
Anonymous said…
Funny how as soon as rob come back taylor go away. So not a set up lol
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi thanks for the kind thoughts, but if I am to tell the truth, then I have to post every comment good or bad. If I didn't I would be as bad as the other sites that pick and choose. I am not afraid of these fans
Anonymous said…
Oh, CD, I think people will start to realize that robsten was/is fake only when/if they see Rob or Kristen with another partners officially.
p.s. We support you, Christian!
Anonymous said…
Look I am a big Robsten fan although I am not as crazy as some of them are but to be fair some of you nonsten fans can be just as crazy and as hardcore and some of the robsten fans. But anyways look i will admit that sadly it seems that all Psychics were right when it came to the affair since I remember that Celeb Physic you know that black women well I remember some of the fans finding a perdiction of hers that was back in novemember 2011 and how even she said that kristen was going to cheat and even looking at her Horoscope they all said that something big was going to go down come july so yes sadly in the end it seem that the afair was enviable. But with that being said when it comes to the after math will it seems to be all over the place with the Celeb Physic first perdicting back in July that he would take her back and they will eventually get married than in December she said that they would break up for a couple of months but they would eventually working things out and that there would be an engagement by the end of the year. Even looking at both of their Horoscopes it was all over the place with some perdicting a breakup before the end of last year some predicting marriage and a baby this year and some even perdicting that there relationship would never really go away and even between 2015 and 2017 they would drift apart for awhile but they would eventually still find themselves back together it was actually quite fascinating stuff I read it on that Navamsa wensite. So look at the end of the day you know how people always say that Gossip is like a buffet and you can pick and choose what you want to believe well when you look at it closely internet Physics and Horoscopes are not that far off. But yes at the end of the day I do perefer to listen to the more happier perdictions but will those happen who knows just like who know if all of Christians perdtions will come true yes most have but i'm sure there has also been times that he has screwed up and who knows maybe this will be one of theose times again. At the end of the day though as fun as it is to visit these types of things and even go to Blind Items sites(though I do tend to believe Lainey's blinds cause she usually has legitimate sources) In the end though you have to roll your eyes a bit even at some of the good stuff because alto of thimes it truns out to BS
Anonymous said…
Dont put too much stock in that Celeb Psychic site, she got one prediction somewhat right--after the cheating she changed her original prediction that had said that she blaimed Rob for it then said she was right it was Kristen. Everything else she has predicted has been wrong. Hello Blake Lively and Leo never lasted or got married.
Anonymous said…
The both of you stop coming onto a site you hate goodbye and get a life
Anonymous said…
Christion been right from the start ,he peidict right things about the pope etc please stop coming on here to start trouble and hate
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry I made a mistake to both anonymous above the one robsten fan and the girl replying to her,ingore me,sorry
Anonymous said…
I can settle this once and for all. See that hand gesture Kristen is making? That is not the peace sign. That is the "carpet muncher" sign. T. W.
Fiona said…
Oh my gosh, that old winning lottery joke about psychics is stupid and ignorant. That is not how it works you do not get to control the information that comes to you, often times it comes in flashes or dreams other times when you concentrate you get clear info or just shadows of things and feelings. If you do not understand anything to do with the sight you need to just go away. Its not something you choose to be, it is something that you are and when the knowledge to get comes to pass then you realize over time the gift you have...I cannot stand ignorance.
Anonymous said…
I read somewhere that this Lainey co-operates with Kristen PR people,so for me it is clear that they leaked stuff to her,so in hers opinion Robsten is unbroken,because this''Rob took Kristen back''cleans KS image.I also read this black woman predictions,she said that Rob and Kristen were in real relationship and he wanted to marry
Fiona said…
I appreciate the sanity of this post, but I would like to make a point in reference to the term that Christian "Screwed up" in his predictions. Nothing is set in stone, people still have the choice to change their course. If the prediction does not come to fruitation it is because a pivotal piece of the puzzle (one of the major people involved) has changed the path they were on,either for the positive or the negative. So one should keep in mind that the reason why there is an 'error' ratio is because those people chose a different path which changed the outcome, freewill is real but so is Seer's.
Anonymous said…
Didnt Lainey outted them and admitted to the staged pics of them in kristen backyard being staged. It still there on her site you can google it.She admit to the pool pics being staged.When Lainey wants she let the truth slip out every once and awhile
Anonymous said…
I wasn't trying to be rude or anything I mean I totally believe in free will and yeah the Seer could totaly be right and like you said Rob or Kristen could totally change the corse ( which I hope will happen)and the whole use of the word screwed up that probley wasn't the right word to use but yeah what I meant was that I know he seems to always be accuarte about things and good for but like pople say There Is A Frist Time For Everything, but we'll see if they do breakup I hope that kristen will still come out on top both Personally and Professionally because even though I realy do love rob let's be honest we all know he's going to ok in the end it's Kristen right now that we have to worry about that's if your kristen fan like me along with being a Rob fan like me.
As for the Lainey thing yeah I have heard that rumor true about her supposley being on Kristen's payroll I heard that rumor a few months ago on that I Luv Mormon Vampires site (by the way do not visit that site I find it toxic and it leaves you angry and a bit messed up because sometimes I finds myself thinking like them and I already have Intrusive thoughts on a daily basis the last thing i need to is thinking like them and being even more effed up in the head.But yeahI knida doub't that rumor is true I mean if it was than wouldn't Lainey being loving Kristen like Jennifer Lawerence and costantly praising Kristen and acting like she can do no wrong just like she does with Jennifer instead when it comes to kristen she's very all over the place one minute she Girl Crushes on her the next she doesn't like the direction she's going in and is a bit bitchy towards her so yeah that right there makes me think that rumor is most likly not true. not only that but I don't if there was actually a firm person to where that rumor came form same with the one where that Taryn Ryder is supposly kristen's cousin even though Taryn has seemed to be turned off by Kristen ever since the affair and no longer loves like she once did. And that's another rumor that I heard from that website but I have never heard those rumors from legit gossip sites with good sorces so unless someone post something substantial on it I kida doub't it's true.
Anonymous said…
I remember celebrityPsychic, the one who predicted K's cheating 2 years ago, shortly after the cheating she said that if Rupert and Liberty got a divorce, Rob could never trust Kristen again and would break up with her sooner than later. Then at the beginning of this year the Psychic mentioned nothing of this but said RK would go through hard times (she even asked people to pray for them...) but they would get engaged by the end of the year. ..If she's been able to make these so dramatically different predictions in a few months, I wonder what will she predict in the upcoming months till the end of the year.
Anonymous said…
In the begaining this lady said she didnt even buy thier relationship and that rob would hurt her.She flip flop changes her answer,She wrong. The diffences with Christion is that eveything he said about these two have come true. She said rob would break off the relaionship sooner than later well wrong again. Please this lady is a fake.She the type of physic who only tell someone what they want to hear cause it bring a bunch of happy robsten fans on her sight
Anonymous said…
The pydhic who only tell people what they want to hear and never right in the end or the physic who tell things like it is and has the proof to back it up
Anonymous said…
Lainy on k payroll so when Lainey doesnt get her checks she start getting bitchy and throwing shades at kristen then she does a complete 180 and is nice again.But she did admit the pool pics were staged it still on her sites a few posts back right at the bottom of the article
Anonymous said…
Lainey was one of the first to come out with the blind about Rob and Kristen being a fake couple. Then I think she got in trouble legal wise with releasing some pics or something I'll have to look it up I cant remember exactly. But anyways after that she was totally team Kristen or Robsten so I'm guessing part of her deal was to be a pr mouth piece for them.
Anonymous said…
Your right! the back of her hand is facing out, everyone knows making a peace sign goes other way. This is just Kristen F'ing with everyone. The girl in the picture also said that kristen was way enthusiastic and told Rob not to be dick and take a picture with the poor girl. That goes against years of Kristen's sour attitude. She has almost always refused to take pictures with fans unless Rob or someone else was with her. Which just confirms that this was deffinately a set up to make sure everyone saw they were together
Anonymous said…
On this Katy Perry assiant tamra birthday,tamara is the one that rumor to have something going on with k. Here the thing there a video it on 5 seconds it make sure to get a shot of kristen standing next to rob while he not even paying anttention to her talking to a guy friend but anyway the video make sure to get her standing near rob then after that it cut off. Why dont these fans ask themselves 1 why is the video shot like that to only capture her standing near him then cut off after that,and how can a personal video always somehow be leaked to the media,I remeber in 2011 they were at a another friends party and a pic from that party was somewhow realsease what again to the public,This is own purporse.There no logic reason why a so called private couple always have there stuff leaked all the time.It all staged.I think truely the only thing that they two have in common is that they share mutual friends,I really dont even think there cool like that. So far all this week we have a staged pic of rob looking like he in pain and a video of them at tarama party,the tamara that kristen rumored to be with,katy perry assiant,and kristen publcits also happen to be there and her publicts just so happen to be katy as well,and katy friends with rob.See it all one big circle.They have alot of mautal friends
Anonymous said…
So CD does this mean when rob go off to film again Taylor will come back out and take his place like he did when rob was down under?
Anonymous said…
I can barely read some of these comments - they're like, lemon juice in my f'ing eyes. Please atleast try and make sense.
Psychic Gossip said…
I never said Taylor was dating KS......just was told to hang out with by PR people to help her image C
Anonymous said…
Some of these comments are difficult to read. People, if you don't like Christian or what he has to say please be civil. Christian is accurate and he understands free will. He has said he hopes these celebs and their people read his blog so they can avoid the problems he has seen for them.

As for celeb psychic Sanje, she has no credibility. She flip flops and makes psychic predictions after the event has happened. She is also filtering her comments which are few.

As for Kristen gossip, CDaN blind items claim Jodie Foster has the hots for her and bought her a car. CDaN is not buying Kristen and Rob's relationship either. The man that runs the site is an attorney who handles wills, estates, etc. for the wealthy and he has Hollywood connections.

I love blind items and if you want another site that reveals them too Google ACG Main Pages. Everyone be blessed and stay blessed. T. W.
Anonymous said…
CD is kristen still continuing her affair with rupert? was or is she ever in love with rupert?
Psychic Gossip said…
It's all FAKE always was just a PR job......
Anonymous said…
I'm wondering is it even possible for Robert to find another woman while the majority of people associate him with Kristen?
Anonymous said…
Christian, do you mean that even Kristen's affair with Rupert Sunders was fake? Do they still see each other?
Psychic Gossip said…
No that was something that the PR team didn't plan, hence all the fall out and crap
Anonymous said…
Lol I think you thought that person said was she ever in love with robert and she said rupert.Simple mistake
Anonymous said…
That what I ment ,I know she not dating Taylor
Anonymous said…
Funny how rob was fine with taking fan pics while he was in Oz he was happy and free but he ashame to take fan pic with her.The chick he even ask her to take a pic of the back of his head instead of a pic with kristen. OUCH
Anonymous said…
How will Rob come out of this fauxmance?
Anonymous said…
CD, sorry I don't understand, what was something that the PR team didn't plan? the affair?
Psychic Gossip said…
I never said that the Rupert affair was fake, they got caught. So the PR team had to try to clear up the mess, as the affair she had with Rupert spoiled the PR peoples plans. Mind you it does make you wonder that if she did sleep with Rupert the director which she did who did she sleep with to get the part.....
Anonymous said…
Taylor needs the pr just as much as Kristen does. I mean you do remember one of his previous relationships.....Taylor Swift worlds number one beard. That should say it
Anonymous said…
I always know that kristen is a casting couch actress. She can't act at all and ruins all the characters she portrays. Do she and rupert still see each other? was she ever in love with him? thank you Christian.
Anonymous said…
I understand now after read your answers above that the affair wasn't fake. Do the affair still continue?
Psychic Gossip said…
The only person she loves is herself and her growing ego. Once a tart always a tart
Psychic Gossip said…
she would like it to have but no it didn't . Remember he Rupert lost his wife over this.....
Anonymous said…
Christian has said Rob Pattinson will be fine and will find true love down the road. He said Rob would be better off as a director. He said Kristin is in need of therapy NOW. He made that prediction earlier this week in the comments section. Check the old predictions and the comments. Have a blessed week everyone! T. W.
Anonymous said…
Oooh Christian do dish you think thats how shes getting her parts?
Anonymous said…
yeah but does that mean she'll still have a big career even if she does or doesn't get therpy and I don't get with him saying that rob should direct instead does that mean that his acting career is not going to be that strong that he's going to be more like ben affleck i'm confused ?
Anonymous said…
Oh my.. kristen's so mean and selfish. CD is it true that she's also has a romantic relationship with Tamra,katy perry's assistant? Thank you CD.
Anonymous said…
Lainey has NEVER said that Rob & Kristen are fake and she has sources close to Kristen's camp.
Anonymous said…
Can you provide the link to that prediction? Because as far as I know he refuses to make individual predictions about Rob or says something really vague :/
Anonymous said…
So,it means she got her role in SWATH sleeping with producers?And what about her role in On the Road?I wonder also if Robert had to sleep with someone to get the role.
Anonymous said…
Christian,are you able to see if Robert is doing drugs?I read rumors about his possible coke addict.It could be true?
Anonymous said…
This is one of the funnier comment threads I've read in a while. There are going to be psych students writing theses about the Twilight fandom.
Anonymous said…
Think again about Taylor faking. Lots and lots of rumors about the boy being gay. err Taylor Swift, does anyone actually think she dates any straight boys.
Psychic Gossip said…
being around her he'd need to be doing drugs, but I don't feel he is
Erika said…
Poor Rob looks completely and utterly over it. He has a few highly anticipated films coming up. Kslut has a couple of sketchy ones.
Anonymous said…
Thank you.I have never gotten any connections with drugs and addicted people so I wondered why people were making comments about him being''high as a kite''.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
He did not say Rob will direct, he said Rob should direct because he can't act. Unfortunately people are still willing to pay money to see him in movies. T. W. Here is the link:
Anonymous said…
She's winning Kid Choice awards and celebrating with her boyfriend Robert right now. Everyone at the show loved her. She is not a mess, she is a winner in love with Robert. You need to stop lying to these desperate woman.
Psychic Gossip said…
What part of PR don't you understand. I never said she wouldn't win awards.....
Anonymous said…
no.. you said she'd be a mess, and she isn't. She's a star and she proved it today. you fail with your desperate vague predictions.
Psychic Gossip said…
Oh she's a wouldn't believe what the hair & make up guys can do in Hollywood
Anonymous said…
That comment scares me. I wonder how bad she looked before a whole professional team try to clean her up at the Oscars.
Psychic Gossip said…
LIKE SHIT JUST LIKE SHE DID BEFORE TONIGHTS AWARDS..........these make/hair people can cost up to $10.000 a day
Anonymous said…
@ Christian LOL oh please everyone and their mom knows that Rob smokes weed and he used hang out with Markus Molanari who is Katy Perry's BFF & a coke dealer in Hollywood. There are videos & fan encounters of them hanging out together. If that was not the case then maybe he was dating Markus cause Markus is gay and Rob is rumored to be gay
Anonymous said…
Hey,Anon,tell me,did Rupert Sanders attend KCA with his princess?
Erika said…
also, it's in the end credits of the Kid's Choice Awards that they have the right to "override" the votes. Of course her people had her win. Love speaking, everyone is saying she's with Katy Perry's assistant, Tamera. THAT I believe.
Erika said…
Oh. And Christian, thanks for actually answering people and having a report with your readers. Not many bloggers do that.
Anonymous said…
New pics of R/K coming out tomorrow. They were walking around at night, he wore a huddle, she wore the cap backwards. If this is really their way of getting money and staying relevant, SHAME ON THEM, I hope the truth comes out someday!
Question for Christian. Could Rob actually be gay? thanks.
Anonymous said…
What does that mean? All Brits are gay? Brits are feminine? Rib is gay?
Psychic Gossip said…
For God sake people a sense of humour C
Anonymous said…
Christian,you should remember that your fans are not only native english speakers,so your answers should be more clear,so people could understand them clearly,sense of humor has nothing to do with it.Please be more clear:)
Anonymous said…
Christian I have faith on your prediction about robsten being a PR stunt and their upcoming and definitive break up at the end of the summer, but whether it happens or not I have to say that Rob Pattinson is a SPINELESS DOORMAT and Kristen Stewart always wore and wear the pants in whatever it's going on between them.
Anonymous said…
Why can she look half way decent when she is papped around town with no makeup on. But come award time when she should look her best she looks worse. Do these shows stress her out so much that she has to drink and get high all day just to deal with it?
Anonymous said…
Christian, do kristen's team also often give comments on gossip sites posting news about kristen?Maybe to defend kristen or lead the comments so that the fans still support kristen? The comments in some gosip sites, especially gossip cop are scary, they are obsessed with robsten and kristen, and they often bash others opinion that are contrary with theirs. Thanks.
Psychic Gossip said…
For sure I just think they haven''t found me ha ha yet c
Anonymous said…
Christ.. tells us how you really feel. If its a PR relationship or not he will look like an idiot. Everyone practically makes fun of him. She doesn't have the same image and probably never will, but everyone also makes fun of her and I bet her own friends talk behind her back and laugh at her. They are both pathetic. Only silver lining for him will be the sympathy vote and the pity. She will not look good either she's the cheating homewrecker, until her next film, which I think will be a flop because she CAN'T act and she's not beautiful. Remember, she's no Angelina Jolie.
Anonymous said…
A Kids Choice Award, people, really? I hope you're trolling because that's the most insignifant award of all LMAO. Kristen is a mess and I will do my own predicition: no one will remember her name in five years (being generous)
Anonymous said…
She'll be remembered as a cheater and homewrecker for the rest of her life.
Anonymous said…
The problem is that gossip sites love ''Robsten is unbroken''quote than ''cheater and homewrecker Kristen Stewart''
Psychic Gossip said…
Anonymous said…
Thanks for a great blog! What exactly do you think this means? Why did you post this? :-)
Anonymous said…
Hi Christian your gifts are amazing! I'm wondering what is the dynamic between Robert and Kristen now? Does he hate being around her? Does she resent him for being more likable than her? Also, will Robert meet his true love and will he find her outside of Hollywood?
Anonymous said…
Ahh a PR company is paid by the famous people. The PR company then organise and assist events and situations for their clients to be photographed or seen at, sometimes even the famous person themselves calls the paparazzi. In this situation the could have easily run into a fan and taken a picture with her, looks good for the two of them to be seen together, keeps them in the tabloids

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