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Told Ya BAFTA & Oscar.........

Monday, November 26, 2012

Jennifer Garner BEWARE.......

Mrs Affleck 
better beware.
Home wrecker 
Kristen Stewart 
is soon to work with 
Ben Affleck 
in a movie called 
Mrs Affleck 
better tighten the leash ha ha.
ps all this gossip of 
KS & RP 
being batter together.....BS. 
In regard to Mr Affleck.
He'll be delighted with all the awards in 2013.


Anonymous said…
Some of the gossip sites are reporting Robert has banned Kristin from visiting him in Australia. I wonder if people still believe that relationship is real. Yeah, and rabbitts lay eggs. T. W.
Anonymous said…
You forgot his Golden Globes for best director and best film, Directors Guild award for best director, a SAG award and something else (Critics something award?) - You were right! But give yourself credit for all of them! - Elle
Anonymous said…
Although most these artcles may not seem to favor her much im starting to think they are all PR to make people think she is desirable. I dont think most people think that she is, they have done nothing in the past year but try to vamp up her sex appeal and its not working. and I am convinced cheating stint last year was faked, at least in part. Christian I dont recall if you addressed those speculations that it was another pr stunt or not. What could she gane from that, or was it really a distraction from the truth? Like Im convinced she is in the closet.
Psychic Gossip said…
It's all about the money her handlers /PR machine want part of it CD
Anonymous said…
She is making money from her Twilight participation, but that's over. Will she again reach stardom in her career? Will she surpass Jennifer L.? Will her fanbase continue to grow and rise her popularity? She seems like a woman on a mission to be the next Jodie Foster. I don't think she's homosexual or bisexual. I think she wants to be sympathized and be current/trendy. What so you think CD?
Anonymous said…
I dont think her sleeping with her Rupert Sander was a stunt,he got a dirvoice cause of it,if it was a stunt they would not have gotten a dirovce ,also it would have been the dumbest stunt yet beacause she and Rupert gain nothing from it what so ever.
Anonymous said…
Rupert and his wife were in trouble a long time before that. She had filed divorce or seperation papers before. Also notice how much publicity both these nobodies got after all this. She is suddenly everywhere with her modeling career back.
Anonymous said…
What happened with the World? Why do people forget about moral values, respect, class and dignity? Why is it always about money no matter what? I cannot understand people who support Kristen Stewart as it’s the same as supporting drugs, smoking, messing around etc. She has no class, no talent whatsoever. And it's sick to think that Rob had something to do with it as to play the role of a completely spineless idiot in front of everyone.
CD, why? Rob seems to be an intelligent man and yet he played these PR games.
p.s. Thank you for you work. Just thank you.
Anonymous said…
Rumors about Kristin and Jodie Foster are all over the internet. Just because I believe them does not mean it is true. T. W.
Anonymous said…
You have to play the PR game if you want to be above C list. Hollywood promotes demonic lifestyles. There are a lot of blogs and websites that say this and have the proof to back it up. Google hollywood illuminati for a start and do the same on youtube. Michael Jackson said Tommy Mattola was the devil and look what happened to him. Funny thing is Gloria Estefan said Mattola practiced Santeria yet she is still alive. Oh, that's right. She practices it too! Jennifer Lopez does as well and I find it odd that people who speak out with the proof to back it up have bizarre things happen to them. Ever wonder why Hollywood award shows have elements of occult rituals? Something to think about. T. W.
Anonymous said…
Everybody in hollywood does PR some way shape or form,everyone
Anonymous said…
I dont think the cheating was a PR stunt,what did either gain from that they both destory there image,and risk alot of money
Anonymous said…
I think she in the closet as well,but I see her become the next train wreck the way things are going everyone around her uses her inculde her mother ,and no seem to tell her NO
Anonymous said…
T.W., I see your point. Quite interesting actually! But you're telling «You have to play the PR game if you want to be above C list» - and if the actor doesn’t need it in reality? I know sounds contradictory, but in terms of Robert/Kristen PR stunt I get a felling that the only person needed the fame/PR was and still is Kristen; Robert seems to have come in acting/Hollywood just for the sake of it, he needed a job back then, any job. But let's face it – he's not an actor. I see him in a different area of business in the future, although maybe CD won't agree with me.
My point is that all this ridiculous PR romance has benefits only for Kristen, not for Rob, that’s why I don’t get why he was doing what he was doing after the *july cheating scandal*.
Anonymous said…
I agree with you. Rob seems content because his basic needs are being met and for some reason women love him. I think he is ugly and does not look quite human. Plus I don't see him trying to be in every film or tv show that comes along. Good for him and I do hope he finds another career.

As for Kristen I think she looks strung out and unwashed. She has been acting since she was a child. This is all she knows. Hollywood is no place for children. Child stars of yesteryear have spoken out about this. Alison Arngrim and Corey Feldman have repeatedly said pedophilia is an open secret and people have to keep their mouths shut in order to keep working in the industry. You might notice a lot of child stars come from shady backgrounds. It is no accident certain people make A list.

You might want to visit VigilantCitizen and Pseudoccult Media. T. W.
Anonymous said…
I think Robert really cares for Kristen as a friend. When the stunt backlashed on Kristen I think he ended up "taking her back" for sake of trying to save her reputation. He never cared what was ever said about him, and he had just signed on for 5 films- his career wasnt hurting. But Kristen lost a lot of fans and the studios depended on her fan base when they hire her. She doesnt have enough talent as an actress to make that kind of money otherwise. And Hollywood frankly doesnt care about the cheating, this stuff happens all the time. They do however, expect you to keep your mouth shut and keep things private.
Anonymous said…
Glad Ben Affleck did not work with Kristen. His life would have become tabloid mess again. Kristen Stewart is falling, falling, and falling. I can't believe how much her image and career has changed since July 2012. She went from A-list to joke. She is looking bad in all aspects. I just hope she begins to wash her hair again.
Anonymous said…
Christian you've been so right about her all along. There was recently a blind item which the consenses is Robert and Kristen its so obvious. Just thought I'd share this bit since it goes along with everything you said.
"We told you that their professional obligations have been basically fulfilled, and that the contract could be terminated early if both parties agreed(contract over in August). Well, we’ve just learned that one half of the couple is pitching an absolute fit about terminating early, and is refusing to let the other party out of the contract! Although she is the one who violated the terms of the contract and screwed up the friendship, the female half of the couple doesn’t want to let her partner off the hook any sooner than she absolutely has to. She continues to call and text and email him relentlessly, trying to get together with him, determined to keep the charade going, even though he doesn’t even want to see her! Why is she doing this? For several reasons:

One: She knows that she is the one who screwed up the friendship by screwing around with someone else. She keeps hoping that if she hangs on and hangs around long enough that he will forgive her and they can go back to being close friends. Two: She doesn’t have many other close friends in her life. When they were a “couple”, they spent all their time together and he was her closest friend. She refuses to accept the fact that since she humiliated him he doesn’t really want to be friends with her any more. Three: She knows that he is a nice guy and a true professional, and that – no matter how badly she has behaved – he won’t stoop so low as to publicly berate her, embarrass her, or disclose the terms of the contract. She is counting on that to give her the opportunity to work her way back into his life. Four: She knows that the fame that she experienced during the height of their coupledom will dissipate quickly once she is “single”. You know all that complaining she does about the fame and attention? Well, the truth is that she loves it, and she is scared that once it is gone that she will never get it back! Five: The contract runs through August. Legally, he is on the hook until then. It takes only one person to enforce the contract, but it takes two to terminate it.
So, if she wants to, she could legally tie him to her for the next few months, force him to make appearances with her, and prevent him from publicly dating anyone else!
Now, everyone in this scenario – except her – thinks that she is being incredibly immature and selfish. He just wants to move on with his life, but he can’t until she releases him. So, she is determined, he is annoyed, and the production company reps and the publicists and the attorneys are all meeting this week to try to work out a compromise."

Anonymous said…
Makes me not like her so much, she would have done the movie if Ben was still in it.

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