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A Higher power...... The Devils Dandruff...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Gucci earplugs, I believe….

So the Pope says that ,
he won’t be intimidated,
by all the criticism of his handling,
of the latest sex scandal.
(Wait till the 2012 sex scandal starts)
Well if that doesn’t tell the World,
that the Vatican never listens nothing will.
This Pope is the beginning,
of the end for the Catholic church.
Seems to me the devil is at home,
with the Holy C.


Anonymous said…
Unlike you Christian, this Pope seems to me the beginning of the end of Vatican's mafias and he doesn't look like the devil is at home, rather the opposite.
Anonymous said…
I just disagree with you on this C.D. This Pope is not evil. He is just very non-traditional and it appears to me he wants to unite people. Like he accepts gays in the church, which is something they've never done, he stood up for poor people and denounced greed, which the other popes should've done and didn't. I just don't get why you are so down with him. Sure, conservatives don't like him, but that's because he's telling them to stop being hypocrites and follow the teachings of Jesus and care for the poor, elderly, sick, etc.
Psychic Gossip said…
It's more about The Vatican than the Pope the body of the beast is bigger than the head. So matter what the head does/wants the body wins CD
Anonymous said…
and just because someone holds a cross does not mean their intentions are good in any way shape or form, eyes are windows to the soul. the day we all start feeling and thinking for ourselves can't come soon enough.
T. W. said…
This Pope said atheists go to heaven. The Bible says they do not. This Pope said Islam is a peaceful religion. This tells me he has never read the Quran. The Bible says the Antichrist system kills by beheading. Friends, which religion does that?
Anonymous said…
Just because you don't like him, doesn't mean he's the devil. I feel you are very biased.
T. W. said…
This Pope is very likable. The problems are 1. His personal views do not always line up with Catholic teaching, 2. He is pro "get to heaven anyway you can" which is against Biblical teaching regardless of denomination and 3. As Christian has said and others have proven, there are priests, bishops, archbishops and cardinals who are leading Christians astray and living a life of debauchery.
Anonymous said…
The organized religion known as Christianity is not a peaceful religion either, TW. Read the Bible.
Patworx said…
The fact that he doesn't follow the Bible exactly is a good thing. It's part of what makes him a good Pope. And there will always be some bad people working for the Catholic Church. What's important is that they are found and ex-communicated.
T. W. said…
That is bad because it proves he is not Christian yet heads a Christian organization.
T. W. said…
If you are referring to the Old Testament, those people are Jews who were under a different covenant than Christians. If you are referring to the crusades and the inquisition,God did not tell man to do those things. Violence is not advocated. Even Jesus said if we are slapped to offer the other cheek. Being peaceable is one trait of a Christian. Unfortunately we do not act like Christians all the time.

I know that not all Muslims are terrorists. However the Quran tells them to behead infidels. They are also commanded to behead Jews during "the last days". Quran says womenare inferior and can be treated like children. Bible says woman is a man's helpmate and their is neither Greek nor Jew, bond nor free, male nor female for we are one in Christ Jesus.

Forgive me for preaching. It is not my intent to take over the sight.
Anonymous said…
The fact is as corny as it sounds, the best religion is love. knowing that no one is less deserving than anyone else of arriving in ' heaven', and no one on this earth is more worthy than anyone else. If there was a so called 'God' or whatever that felt differently, well I'd be getting off that bullshit train, and running a mile. who are any of us to judge? we cant see the deeper reasons people came to be who they are (currently being)? can we?
Anonymous said…
Well I agree with that, but I would think the "body" which is corrupt may even do him in. This Pope has balls and he deserves kudos for that and trying to be realistic and address real issues and the real teachings of Christ.
Anonymous said…
I know you think you know everything about the bible, but you clearly don't. Nobody really knows the true teachings of Christ because they have been tampered with, and many books in the bible have been removed, yet the church and religious teachings pretend that this is not so and teach as if it isn't. They are wrong too. I don't think it matters if you follow the teachings to the letter, the spirit of Christ's teachings is much more important and for one religion to bash another, just shows ignorance. There are bad factions in every religion and none have been bloodier than the Christians. Any religion that kills or attacks others in the name of Christ/God/Islam/Muhammad/Budda is wrong. Period.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Patrick and no, it does not prove he is not a Christian because he doesn't follow the party line. He is following Christ's teachings more than any other Pope in recent history. Nobody knows what happens with Atheists, because the bible has had books removed and has been re-written and true meaning on certain subjects intentionally changed to control the masses. Maybe he knows something about the teachings of Christ that most of us don't.
Anonymous said…
Have you read the Quran, or just a version written by fundamentalists? Even if it does say that, it has been written by men with the intent to control women, just like every other religious book and the Christian book is no exception. That's why so many books about women were removed from the bible.
T. W. said…
Apology ahead.

What I am about to say pertains to Christians and Christianity. If you are of a different faith and do not care about these things please feel free to skip this posting. God bless you.

What is a Christian? We believe the following: 1. All men have sinned and therefore the penalty is death and hell. 2. Jesus Christ is the remedy to the sin problem. 3. Jesus is God in the flesh and the only begotten son of God. 4. Jesus was born of a Virgin named Mary ("in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh"). 5. Jesus was crucified on a cross. 6. Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. 7. Jesus defeated death, hell, and Satan. 8. Jesus rose from the grave. He is now with God serving as our high priest.

That is the Gospel. It is written that anyone preaching any different whether human or not is accursed and anti-christ. The Pope is preaching against the gospel message. You are right that I should not have said he is not Christian. I should have said his views are not Christian and he cannot back them with any Bible Scripture.

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