Monday, March 29, 2010
Gucci earplugs, I believe….
So the Pope says that ,
he won’t be intimidated,
by all the criticism of his handling,
of the latest sex scandal.
(Wait till the 2012 sex scandal starts)
Well if that doesn’t tell the World,
that the Vatican never listens nothing will.
This Pope is the beginning,
of the end for the Catholic church.
Seems to me the devil is at home,
with the Holy C.
I know that not all Muslims are terrorists. However the Quran tells them to behead infidels. They are also commanded to behead Jews during "the last days". Quran says womenare inferior and can be treated like children. Bible says woman is a man's helpmate and their is neither Greek nor Jew, bond nor free, male nor female for we are one in Christ Jesus.
Forgive me for preaching. It is not my intent to take over the sight.
What I am about to say pertains to Christians and Christianity. If you are of a different faith and do not care about these things please feel free to skip this posting. God bless you.
What is a Christian? We believe the following: 1. All men have sinned and therefore the penalty is death and hell. 2. Jesus Christ is the remedy to the sin problem. 3. Jesus is God in the flesh and the only begotten son of God. 4. Jesus was born of a Virgin named Mary ("in the beginning was the word and the word became flesh"). 5. Jesus was crucified on a cross. 6. Jesus was in the grave 3 days and 3 nights. 7. Jesus defeated death, hell, and Satan. 8. Jesus rose from the grave. He is now with God serving as our high priest.
That is the Gospel. It is written that anyone preaching any different whether human or not is accursed and anti-christ. The Pope is preaching against the gospel message. You are right that I should not have said he is not Christian. I should have said his views are not Christian and he cannot back them with any Bible Scripture.