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TOLD YA, Another direction, perhaps ?

Friday, November 27, 2015

Another PR BS promo ..

So now the PR machine in Hollywierd.
Wants you to believe that Zayn Malik & Gigi Hadid are dating.
Yeah right.
Must be a slow day in the PR World.


Anonymous said…
CD people are saying Rob and Twigs PR end in June. Is this true? Please reply to me
T. W. said…
I forgot they were "together".
Anonymous said…
You so hit the nail on the head with this one CD.
Anonymous said…
Hey CD Wlmer and Demi Lavdo broke up....another told you so
Anonymous said…
Is he heading towards being another drug casualty?
Jane Uk said…
Why pretend?
Unknown said…
Well Rob and Twigs was out together last night in NY ..... so I don't know where you have seen that RT will be over in June but hope it's true??
Anonymous said…
To Anon 2:33 AM , Rob and Twigs have been seen yesterday out and about in NY.
Anonymous said…
No he was seen at an ATM and she was in a club with some other people. The guy said she was alone
Anonymous said…
CD why can't you say when it will end? Are you not able to? Everyone else is ending in June so maybe the poster is right lol
Anonymous said…

From Nostrel Damus,

When the ROBber breaks the TWIG
And tosses it aside
Shouts of joy, then,
An empty head
With nothing to think about
T. W. said…
Thank you for my laugh today! Where is Negrodamus when you need him?
Anonymous said…
I don't get it. Why are people so rude on this blog? Makes no sense.
Anonymous said…
Rob and Twigs have been seen at the restaurant in NY on June 4th.
Unknown said…
Yes still together in NY was seen out in a jazz bar on the 8th and was seen strolling around NY yesterday and a fan pic it's sad really he's losing all his fans because of her. And I do hope CD will say Told Ya soon before it's too late for rob and where did ppl seen this PR will end in June???
Unknown said…
Where did you see this??

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