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TOLD YA, KKK awakes ...

Thursday, December 31, 2015

A Tad Earlier than stated 2016 Predictions

Christian Dions’
Psychic Predictions 2016
(Composed in Hermosa Beach CA USA).
(Completed Dec 29th 2pm PT) 
We have an election ahead in 2016 in the United States of America.
I have as you know already predicted since President Obama, 
was elected first time around,
That Hilary Clinton would win, if she ran.
Which she is, so that we know.
But, what I didn’t see that far back.
Was the hatred that is being stirred up.
It’s going to get even worse.
Those of you that read my blog.
Will also know that for a long time,
I said that Donald Trump.
Is in danger of winning
the GOP nomination.
But that he wouldn’t get to the Whitehouse.
Well there’s a couple of “bullets” 
with his name on them.
I know that “He” won’t listen to me.
Why the Hell should he.
But that’s the way it is at this moment.
The terrible attacks,
 that were carried out  in Paris.
(Predicted as you know in the 2015 predictions)
Are but the beginning of many more.
France is particularly, but not only,
the target of these monsters.
On a side note.
I see these so called “Christians” saying all kind of things about the monsters that did these things.
They need to look in the mirror of History, to remember, not long ago, Hitler.
A little further back.
The Inquisition.
Nice bunch of blokes they were.
But if you think that for one moment Donald Trump.
Is in anyway the worst of the bunch,
think again.
There are plans from within the GOP to go after Hilary Clinton,
With such hatred, you won’t believe, 
it unless you hear it.
Mind you all she has to do is to sit back.
Carry on knitting, and let them get on with it.
But the really sad part of all this trash,
Is that it is going to give rise, to the 
re-emergance of the KKK.
Not good.
There are also going to be many more mass demonstrations all across the USA.
These will grow and  grow in numbers, as the year progresses.
Even in cities that so far have been avoided.
I’m afraid that the killing of Black men by the police.
Shows no sign of slowing down,
If anything,
Speeding up.


T. W. said…
They have a door to door campaign in North Carolina.
Anonymous said…
KKK has always been apart of America it never died they just went underground. Judges, lawyers, clergymen, teachers were documented as klansmen. They have just been gathering in numbers it seems all they do is kill and control black people. Karma will soon expose the real truth behind the lies and the killings.

Anonymous said…
And kill off the natives who remind them off their past. I wonder how the Klan feel about the new category for white people. Which white elitists are creating.
Anonymous said…
TW can you explain what it is when you write in a vote? Or the candidate, it would be helpful to many.
Anonymous said…
Trump doesn't think he us but deep down he knows he is racist. A door to door campaign wow what do they hope to accomplish the plan is not working and it is not supposed to.

No one can wreck havoc and not bear any consequences at some point it catches up with you.

So what's the plan KKK? What is the real fear? If your superior then why do you need the KKK and the system.
T. W. said…
Yes. You have the option to vote for three candidates (if an independent is running). If you choose not to vote for those candidates, you cannot leave that part (or any part) of the ballot blank. You can write the name of who you want. The most popular write in for president is Mickey Mouse. While I believe Hillary is capable I do not like the Clintons. Trump is a joke. I know Hillary will win but I just cannot vote for her.
T. W. said…
KKK fliers in bags filled with rocks found in yards across Fayetteville | ...
Anonymous said…
Thanks TW! Mickey Mouse loses your vote, if we would use our power as people the government would have to change.
Anonymous said…
Sad about the KKK. In my life, I have been around racists, and experienced things as a child which have affected me to this very day. Racism must die, it's hate that becomes a religion for many people.

Different subject, but Tim Kaine looks to be an excellent VP. He's kind and a good person.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for the link, that's so crazy and so you notice it's targeted at black me. So white men can do whatever they like and ogle black women. It doesn't even make sense, guess they don't need blood transfusions from black people, since they still believe the crap that we are not human SMH.

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