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TOLD YA, Now the drama ..

So now that 
Tump/Babyfart is the leader of the GOP.
Carries on with his journey to be
(He won't get it don't worry)
But the TV rating are going to be golden.


Anonymous said…
Thanks I needed this people can't believe this fool and his followers are for real. He is crazy and dangerous and what is the orange face about. A family man who has cheated it stopped other senators but he gets a pass.
T. W. said…
Maybe people will see him for what he really is if they haven't already. I still don't support Hillary, so I will do a write-in vote.
I am proud of my city, cleveland, for keeping it peaceful and safe...many portrayals of love winning over hate and very few arrests etc! I prayed REALLY hard for peace for the RNC. I am very glad it is over and trump and the rest have left!!
Anonymous said…
Do you see this as a landslide for Hillary, or a much closer call?
Anonymous said…
I'll be happy when this finally ends with him. He brings out so much hate in people and I actually fear for Hillary's life.

Thank you, Christian, for everything.

Anonymous said…

This "blowing his top" cartoon reminds me of Monty Python! It's scary how many people take this guy seriously and think he's the answer to our country's problems. He's a megalomaniac.
Anonymous said…
Hillary's new running mate looks evil. Some one new in four years times a breath of fresh air.
T. W. said…
Didn't Cain kill his brother?
Disappointed it is not an all female ticket.
Still won't vote for her.
Anonymous said…
Neither candidate is worth it, they are both the same but they can control Hilary. Leah Michel looks like she has had a nose job, she looks better.
Anonymous said…
It is crazy how people believe in Trump but then Hillary is not going to do much either.
Common Sense said…
Ha Ha, such great photos!!
Anonymous said…
Why are so many brainwashed it's frightening, how the media play with our minds and cause brexit and the repercussions are great!
Anonymous said…
I like her running mate. He was a missionary and seems to be a good man, unlike Trump and Pence. I actually see good in him.

Anonymous said…
Frugal and fabulous, The city of Cleveland has been terrific! The Cavaliers celebrations were awesome gatherings. Now, the people have handled a volatile Republican convention with aplomb. Cleveland Rocks!

From down in Dublin,
Anonymous said…
I agree totally. Hillary is awful. Her character flaws for all to see. Trump is insane.
T. W. said…
Saw the Clinton Kaine speech today. They claim to want to help the common man. Kaine made sure to tell us about his Jesuit education and mission trip. Pope Francis is Jesuit so draw your own conclusion.
Anonymous said…
Clinton does not need anyone to court black votes. Blacks vote democrat ALL the time 90 plus percent regardless..
NicQuerica said…
Not voting for any of these horrid people.
T. W. said…
I understand that, but blacks, myself included want reassurance given the recent killings by police. What have Obama and the justice department done? Not enough if they did anything at all.
Anonymous said…
Obama's hands are tied as are most presidents they have to abide by the system. Step out of line and you may not make it out standing.
T. W. said…
The Justice Department can look into the murders, why haven't they? They also have authority to take over a police department or sheriff's office.
Anonymous said…
THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE DID look into some of the cases

1. Officer Darren Wilson was cleared by a state grand jury and the Justice Department in the killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager, in Ferguson, Mo
2. Alton B. Sterling Opened a civil rights investigation
3. Walter L. Scott YES Indicted an officer on federal charges and said it would conduct a review of the North Charleston Police Department
4. Laquan McDonald YES
Michael Brown YES Cleared an officer of civil rights violations, but issued a report on discrimination against blacks by the city police and courts
6. Eric Garner YES Opened a civil rights investigation

The Justice Department had already been investigating the Cleveland Police Department. Two weeks after Tamir Rice was killed, it said it had found a pattern of “unreasonable and unnecessary use of force” by officers. The Justice Department has said it is also reviewing the case.

Philandro Castille - Officials are demanding a Federal investigation
T. W. said…
Thank you for this.
Anonymous said…
YW TW thanks for reading it.
Anonymous said…
Hi, please take a look into the DNC WikiLeaks. Is Russia involved in any way? And Trump is he involved? Additionally you keep saying Clinton will win, but what if this happens according to Wiki's current threat....this "Assange says his next leak will virtually guarantee an indictment of"

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